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Applying for a Job. Job Interview.

2. Read the letters, notice their structure and essential components:

a) Dear Sir or Madam,

I should like to make an application for the post of an interpreter at your Agency.

You will find a full account of my career and qualifications on the attached personal record sheet, and I have also added the names of three referees.

If you feel that my qualifications meet your requirements, I shall be pleased to come to an interview.

I enclosed a stamped addressed envelope for your reply.

Yours faithfully,……………..

b) Gentlemen:

I have just read your advertisement in the magazine Time for the position of a manager, and I would like to offer my services for the post.

I am submitting a summary of my qualifications and experience, together with copies of three recent references.

The writers of my references have stated that they are prepared to speak for me in regard of my character, each having known me personally for several years.

I would be pleased to meet with you at almost any time by appointment.

Trusting for a favorable reply to my application.

Respectfully yours,………………………………….

c) Dear Professor Smith:

I am writing concerning my interest in a teaching position at your school as a professor of English for a period of one or two years.

Late this summer I was invited to be a visiting professor of English at Baylor University in Waco, the state of Texas. While I hoped for a two to four term position, the only one available was for one semester only. Not wishing to pass up the opportunity to teach in the USA, I accepted the position.

After my term ends on December 20, I will return to my position to Kazan University in Russia, to resume my regular teaching position. If I am chosen for the teaching position at your school, I could easily come back to the USA in August or September.

More than that, if necessary, I could begin to teach at your school in January. I currently have aJ-1 visa, which, as I understand, could be extended for a year or more.

At your school I could conduct courses in practical English for beginners and intermediate level students. I could also lecture on English literature.

As requested, I enclose a copy of my curriculum vitae, a list of some of my publications and three letters of reference.

Thank you for your assistance.



  1. Write your own application for a job letter.

  1. Read and act out the job interview. Do you think the lady will get the job?

Nancy Mann has applied for a job of a journalist and is being interviewed.

The successful applicant will be based in Geneva and should:

  • have at least two years’ experience in business journalism

  • be fluent in French and German, and if possible have some knowledge of Spanish

  • have a degree in politics

  • have travelled widely

I = Interviewer N = Nancy

I Who do you work for at the moment, ms Mann?

N Um, I work for the BBC World Service.

I Ah, and how long have you worked for the BBC?

N I’ve been with the BBC for five years. Yes, exactly five years.

I And how long have you been their German correspondent?

N For two years.

I And what did you do before the BBC?

N I worked for as an interpreter for the EU.

I As you know, this job is based in Geneva. Have you ever lived abroad before?

N Oh yes, yes I have.

I And when did you live abroad?

N Well, in fact, I was born in Argentina and I lived there until I was eleven. Also, I lived and worked in Brussels for two years when I was working for the EU.

I Mmm … That’s interesting. Have you travelled much?

N Oh yes, yes indeed. I’ve travelled all over western and eastern Europe, and I’ve also been to many parts of South America.

I Mmm … And why did you go to these places?

N Well, mostly for pleasure, but three years ago I went back to Argentina to cover various political stories in Buenos Aires for the BBC.

  1. Fill in the form, but first make sure you understand the terms “BLOCK CAPITALS” and “Delete where not applicable”


Surname (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms˟)_________________________________________

First name________________________________________________________

Date of birth_______________________________________________________

Place of birth______________________________________________________

Marital status______________________________________________________

Present address____________________________________________________

Permanent address__________________________________________________


Present occupation Student/employee/self-employed/other˟

if other, state present occupation_______________________________________

˟Delete where not applicable

For office use only


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