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4. Rewrite the sentences, using Present Perfect.

Note: Present Perfect is used 1) for actions which happened at an unstated time in the past (e.g. He has sold his car. – When? We don’t know.)

2) to express actions which have finished so recently that there’s evidence in the present (e.g. He has just painted the room. – The paint is wet.)

3) for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present (e.g. She has lived in this house for two years. – She still lives in this house.)

Use the following adverbs and expressions in the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense : just, ever, never, already, yet, for, since, today, this week/ month/ year, once/ twice/ several times etc.

Example: I am in Poltava now. – I have been to Poltava twice.

  1. I live in Ukraine now.

  2. I visited Ghernihiv last year.

  3. I am watching a new film, “Taras Bulba”.

  4. I study the Ukrainian Language and Literature.

  5. I finished reading this book yesterday.

  6. I am not doing my homework now.

  7. We were in the Gorky Park two days ago.

  8. They are studying the map of Ukraine now.

  9. He showed me two historical monuments yesterday.

  10. I don’t like travelling.

5. Put the following sentences in negative and interrogative forms:

Example: I have just finished my homework.

I haven’t finished my homework yet.

Have you finished your homework?

  1. I have already posted the letters.

  2. They have known Ann since September.

  3. She has gone to London.

  4. He has just passed his driving test.

  5. I have seen this film twice.

  6. We have done our work this week.

  7. He has been at school for two years already.

  8. She has recently got a new job.

  9. They have just left.

  10. We have been in Rome for three weeks now.

6. Open the brackets and put the verbs into Past Simple, Present Simple, or Present Perfect.

  1. Ukrainian scientists (to make) their contribution into the development of space explorations.

  2. Ukrainian industrial enterprises (to produce) planes, turbines, different kinds of machines and equipment.

  3. We (to go) to Chernihiv last year.

  4. The criminal situation in Ukraine (to change) for the worst recently.

  5. Ukrainian sportsmen always (to show) excellent and good results at national, international and world competitions.

  6. The first woman writer who (to appear) in Ukrainian literature was Marko Vovchok.

  7. Ivan Kotlyarevsky (to turn) ancient Greek characters into Ukrainian Cossacks.

  8. Like most European nations Ukraine (to see) the New Year in on December, 31.

  9. On Christmas mothers of the family (to cook) a traditional Ukrainian Christmas dish “Kutya”.

10) Most Ukrainian people (to enjoy) holidays both old and new because they are good breaks in everyday work.

  1. Rewrite the sentences into Past Simple. Change the adverbs if necessary (consult the table of irregular verbs using the appendix).

  1. The Cossacks defend Ukrainian people and land.

  2. Some people buy newspapers and magazines every day.

  3. The population of cities constantly grows.

  4. Many people like to go to church to listen to Christmas sermons.

  5. All the main rivers of Ukraine are full of fish but they suffer from pollution.

  6. In his work “The Kaidash Family” the novelist Ivan Netchuy-Levytsky draws the true picture of the village life.

  7. Millions of people all over the world watch the Olympic events on TV.

  8. Different literary movements quickly change each other.

  9. Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian form the East Slavic group of languages.

10) The key figure of the Ukrainian music is Mykola Lysenko.

  1. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Perfect.

Note: Past Perfect is used for a past action which happened before another past action or before a stated past time.

Example: When I got home she already (to leave).

When I got home she had already left by 8 o’clock.

  1. He said he (to be) to Kyiv several times.

  2. She said she (to buy) a new book about Sukhomlynsky.

  3. Ann was sad because she (to fail) the test.

  4. She (to live) in Odessa for 10 years before she decided to move to Kyiv.

  5. Alan explained to me why he (not to learn) the poem.

  6. He asked me where she (to go).

  7. They wanted to know where I (to stay) in Donetsk.

  8. She asked me if I (to visit) Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra.

  9. We didn’t know then who (to destroy) the ancient fortress.

  10. By the 18th century the city (to become) a trading centre.

  1. Put the articles where necessary.

Note: 1) the names of oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, mountains take the definite article the;

2) the names of countries and cities are used without any article;

3) the names of theatres, museums, picture galleries and cinemas are used with the definite article the.

  1. __ Kharkiv is the second largest city of __ Ukraine after __ Kyiv.

  2. The National Symbols of the country are __ National Flag, __ National Emblem and __ National Anthem.

  3. __ Ukraine borders on several European countries: __ Russia, __ Belarus, __ Poland, __ Slovakia, __ Hungary, __ Moldova and __ Romania.

  4. The main river in our country is __ Dnieper. Other less important rivers are __ Dniester, __ Desna, __ Southern Buh and __ Seversky Donets.

  5. There are __ Crimean Mountains in __ Crimean Peninsular and __ Carpathian Mountains in the west of the country.

  6. The water boundary of __ Ukraine is __ Black Sea and __ Azov Sea.

  7. There are four oceans: __ Arctic, __ Atlantic, __ Pacific, and __ Indian Ocean.

  8. Museum lovers will find hundreds of beautiful exhibits in __ Museum of Ukrainian Fine Arts, __ Russian Arts Museum and __ History Museum.

  9. Theatre-goers appreciate __ Taras Shevchenko National Opera and Ballet House, __ Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, __ Tchaikovsky Conservatory and __ Musical Drama Theatre.

10) During __ Great Patriotic War __ Ukraine and its citizens suffered greatly.

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

  1. (big) seaport in Ukraine is Odesa.

  2. The territory of Ukraine is (large) than Great Britain but considerably (small) than Russia.

  3. The population of our country is (little) than the population of Great Britain.

  4. The Crimean Mountains are (old) than the Alps.

  5. (thick) forests in Ukraine can be found in Volyn.

  6. The Azov Sea is (small) than the Black Sea.

  7. The Dnieper is the third (long) river in Europe.

  8. Poltava is one of (old) cities.

  9. The Seversky Donets and the Prypyat are (little) important rivers than the Dniester.

10) Lviv is one of (beautiful) cities in Ukraine.

  1. Fill in the blanks as in the example.

Example: The Black Sea is as big as the Caspian Sea.

The Azov Sea is not so big as the Black Sea.

  1. The Crimean Mountains are __ high __ the Caucasus.

  2. The territory of Ukraine is __ large __ France.

  3. Poltava is __ big __ Donetsk.

  4. Weather in Ukraine is __ wet __ in Great Britain.

  5. Kharkiv is __ old __ Poltava.

  6. The development of industry and technology is __ important __ crop production.

  7. Halloween is __ popular in Ukraine __ in Britain.

  8. The Ukrainian nation is __ famous for its musicality __ the Italian one.

  9. Kyiv is __ old __ London.

10) Hydro-electric plant is __ dangerous __ nuclear power station.

  1. Translate into English.

  1. У 1919 році столицею України став Харків. Київ є столицею країни з 1934 року.

  2. Національними символами кожної країни є прапор, герб і гімн. Прапор України жовто-блакитного кольору. Блакитний колір символізує небо, річки, моря, гори, жовтий – сонце та золоті українські лани.

  3. Вірш Павла Чубинського, який пізніше став гімном України, вперше був опублікований у 1863 році.

  4. Становлення Київської держави почалось у середині IX століття. У 988 році князь Володимир прийняв християнство як державну релігію.

  5. Державною мовою України є українська мова. Вона належить до східнослов’янської мовної групи.

  6. У ранній поезії Тараса Шевченка відображено сумні й тяжкі часи української історії.

  7. В Україні аматорське мистецтво настільки ж популярне, наскільки й професійне.

  8. Народна українська музика має давні культурні традиції.

  9. В Україні є шість оперних театрів, численні симфонічні оркестри, академічні й народні хори, тощо.

10) Стрімке зростання промислового та хімічного виробництва у ХХ столітті спричинило збільшення негативного впливу на навколишнє середовище України.

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