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3. Practise the illustrative dialogue.

Ann: What shall we do tonight?

Bill: Why don`t we go to the cinema? There`s a new French film on at the Kinopalats.

Ann: I don`t feel like seeing a film.

Bill: Well, how about asking Martin and Jenny round for supper? If they`re free, of course.

Ann: That`s a great idea. But what can we give them for supper?

Bill: There`s some cold meat. And we could make a salad.

Ann: OK. I`ll go and give them a ring.

4. Complete the dialogue using the phrases:

-That`s a good idea. What time?

-Are you doing anything special…?

-I`ll see you then.

Alison: ……on Saturday night?

Brian: No, I don`t think so.

Alison: Well, I`m having a little party and I`d like you to come.

Brian: Thank you ……

Alison: Half past seven.

5. Act out similar dialogues based on the models and useful expressions.

Then learn one of the dialogues and reproduce it with another student

in class.

6. Study useful expressions about ‘Likes and Dislikes’:

I like… I enjoy… I`m very fond of… I`m quite keen on… I`m mad about/on… I`m crazy about…

Possible replies are:

Positive Negative

So do I. I don like/enjoy

I do too. I`m not keen on/fond of…

So am I. Do you? Are you? I can`t stand…

7. Study the models:

a) A: I like science fiction very much.

B: So do I.

b) A: I like going for walks in the country.

B: Do you? I`m not very keen on walking myself.

  1. A: My brother`s absolutely mad on chess at the moment. He spends every spare minute either playing, or reading about it.

B: I can`t stand chess.

  1. A: I`m crazy about computer games.

B: Really? I don`t know what you see in them.

8. Complete the dialogue:

A: What do you like doing in your spare time?

B: Well, I`m …of reading.

A: What sort of books do you like?

B: Psychological novels, mainly.

A: Well, what else do you …reading?

B: I enjoy a good thriller occasionally.

A: Oh, I can`t… thrillers.

9. In pairs, act out similar dialogues talking about the following leisure activities:

- gardening - taking photos - dressmaking

- cooking - watching sport on TV - swimming

- mountain climbing - painting - camping - dancing -reading detective stories

10. Reading ‘Just for Fun’.

‘Of course,’ he continued, taking another mouthful of steak, ‘I’ve always been good at sports. I’m a brilliant footballer, you know. I’m not bad at skiing, either. Well, my brother …’ he washed the steak down with some Coke, ‘he was always hopeless at football. Not very good at tennis, either. I think I take after my father – he’s a fantastic footballer, you know, and he’s quite a good tennis player, too’.

He stopped. She was silent. ‘Well,’ he said at last, ‘that’s enough about me. Tell me – what are you good at?

She smiled. ‘Well,’ she said. ‘People tell me that I’m a very good listener …’

Choosing a career


Pre-reading Activities

1. Answer your teacher’s questions about the profession of a teacher and write them on the board.

1. What do young people do after leaving school?

  1. Where can young people learn about different professions?

  2. Why is it difficult to choose the way in life?

  3. What do you want to become?

  4. What should you take into consideration in choosing a career?

  5. Why did you choose your faculty?

  6. Why is teaching a very specific and difficult job?

2. Study the words and their Ukrainian equivalents.

ability – здібність

questionnaire – анкета

to make a decision – прийняти рішення

to take into consideration – брати до уваги

to support – підтримувати

to choose a profession – обирати професію

to influence – впливати

to follow advice – дотримуватися поради

to encourage – заохочувати

attitude – відношення

to learn – дізнаватися

to succeed – досягати успіхів

Reading Activities

Read and translate the texts.


I’m going to tell you about my future profession. Choosing a career and getting a job are the two things any person does in his lifetime.

When millions of young people leave school, they begin an independent life. Some of them start working, go into business and some of them enter a university or college.

Young people can learn about professions in magazines and advertisements. Magazines for teenagers often offer questionnaires to help young people to find out their interests and abilities more clearly and to make a decision.

While choosing a career you should take into consideration all main possibilities that your future profession may provide; the profession must be interesting, you have to be sure of your future (that means that you will be able to find a job after the graduation from the university). Your profession must be well paid, otherwise you won’t be able to support yourself and your future family.

As we know there are many professions in the world and all of them are necessary and important. It’s not easy to decide which profession to choose. There are so many people who influence you in choosing your profession. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can’t decide even after leaving school. To make the right choice, we should consider our possibilities, characters and abilities.

I’d like to be a teacher… (of Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, in a primary school).

A good teacher should encourage his pupils to be creative, give them a lot of praise and support. To be a good teacher, you need some of the abilities of a good actor. You should be able to hold the attention of your pupils and be a fine speaker with a clear voice. One of the most important parts of the teacher`s job is keeping up with new ideas and developments. Most good teachers attend refresher courses regularly. Another important aspect is that all successful teachers spend time preparing their lessons thoroughly and constantly update their material. There`s always something new to learn.

Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils’ intellect, form their views and characters, their attitude to life and to other people. It’s not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I’ll get at our University will be quite enough to succeed in my work.

I hope I’ve chosen the right profession.

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