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9. Choose the correct answer.

  1. The Ministry of Education and Science recommends this college … a variety of professions for industry, commerce, and administration.

a) prepares b) prepare c) will prepare d) to prepare

2. British students began … for their teaching at university.

a) pay b) will pay c) paying d) pays

3. Would you mind … part in the work of this tutorial?

a) to take b) take c) takes d) taking

4. Helen`s parents always encourage her … hard at school.

a) will study b) study c) studying d) to study

5. My room-mate doesn`t allow … in the hostel.

a) smoking b) smoke c) to smoke d) smokes

6. Where would you recommend me … for the summer vacation?

a) go b) goes c) to go d) going

7. The Ministry of Education and Science allowed our university … control over the curricula, appointment of staff and the way in which money is spent.

a) have b) to have c) having d) has

8. Glasses make him … older.

a) looking b) looks c) look d) to look

9. Do you want him … a Master`s degree?

a) will get b) to get c) get d) getting

10 .She doesn`t enjoy … tests, she just can`t help … that.

a) write b) writes c) will write d) writing

a) does b) do c) doing d) to do

Exercise 10

  1. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Everyone enjoys … on holiday.

a) to go b) go c) going d) will go

2. He advised me … warm clothes.

a) wear b) wearing c) to wear d) will wear

3. They denied … the window.

a) breaking b) to break c) break d) will break

4. They refused … him any more money.

a) to give b) give c) giving d) will give

5. You had better … your umbrella with you today.

a) taking b) to take c) take d) will take

6. They don`t allow … in the examination room.

a) talking b) talk c) to talk d) will talk

7. The boys avoided … through the dark forest.

a) walking b) to walk c) walk d) will walk

8. Karen suggested … a new car.

a) buy b) buying c) to buy d) will buy

9. You have … home early tonight.

a) to come b) come c) coming d) will come

10. I`d rather … at home. I`m tired.

a) staying b) to stay c) stay` d) will stay

English in Use


1. Study World List I and Conversational Formulas.

World List I

onion цибуля vermicelli вермішель

tomatoes томати strawberries полуниця

potatoes картопля raspberries малина

mushrooms гриби currants смородина

cauliflower кольорова carrot морква


dill кроп tangerine мандарин

parsley петрушка persimmon хурма

broccoli брокколі peach персик

lettuce салат dried apricots курага

aubergine баклажан prunes чорнослив

cabbage капуста pineapple ананас

We`ve run out of... У нас закінчився...

Conversational Formulas

Requests Answers

-Can I have …, please? -Yes, of course.

-Could I have …, please? -Here you are.

-Have you got any …? -I`m afraid we haven`t got any left.

-I would like …, please.

Offers -No, thank you. I`d rather have…

-Would you like…? Yes, please. Thank you very much.

2. Practise the models:

Model 1: Customer: Can I have some peaches, please?

Assistant: I`m afraid we haven`t got any left.

Model 2: C: I would like some bread, please.

A: Yes. How much would you like?

C: Two loaves, please. Is there any cheese?

A: Of course. How much do you need?

C: One kilo, please.

A: Here you are.

C: Thanks.

3. In pairs, act out similar dialogues using the useful expressions:

a bar of chocolate

a carton of juice, milk

a packet of flour, sugar, crisps

a bottle of Coke, lemonade, ketchup

a box of biscuits, a loaf of bread

4. Practise the illustrative dialogue:

Mary: Oh dear! We`ve run out of lemons.

John: Don`t worry. I`ll go and buy some. What else do we need?

Mary: We need tangerines, peaches and persimmons.

John: What do you need them for?

Mary: I want to make a fruit pie. And these fruit are good for our muscles and nerves, they keep our skin healthy and contain a lot of vitamins.

John: I see. Having a healthy diet will make you feel better.

Mary: That sounds nice. Let`s go shopping, then!

5. a) Complete the dialogue with the sentences from the list:

-I need some carrots and broccoli.

-Do we need anything for stewed vegetables?

-Well, there are some aubergines but we don`t have any cauliflower and cabbage.

John: I`m going to the supermarket. 1)……

Mary: 2)……

John: What else do you need?

Mary: Let me see. 3)……

b) Act out similar dialogues using the words in the list:

pizza: mushrooms, ham, cheese, dill, parsley, tomatoes, onions.

6. Fill in: any, much, some, many.

A: Let`s check what we need for the dinner party tonight.

B: Would you like me to make a shopping list?

A: Yes. Is there … meat in the fridge?

B: No. How … do you need?

A: I need two kilos.

B: All right. Do you need … eggs?

A: No, I think we have enough eggs, but I need … carrots.

B: How … do you need?

Have Fun!

Jokes and Funny Stories

a) Teacher (checking Tommy`s homework): I don`t see how it`s possible for a single person to make so many mistakes.

Teddy (proudly): It isn`t a single person, teacher.

b) Mrs. Brown: ‘Do you think I’m going to wear this old squirrel coat all my life?’

Mr. Brown: ‘Why not, dear? The squirrels do.’

c) Mother: ‘I sent my little boy for two kilos of plumps and you sent a kilo and a half.’

Shop-assistant: My scales are all right, madam. Have you weighed your little boy?’

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