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Post-reading Activities

1. Answer the questions:

1. Where is Kharkiv situated?

2. What area does Kharkiv occupy?

3. What is its population?

4. Which are the main rivers of the city?

5. Has Kharkiv got its own emblem? Can you describe it?

6. How many administrative districts are there in Kharkiv?

7. Which are the most famous Kharkiv libraries?

8. Are there many higher educational establishments in the city?

9. What are the Kharkovites proud of?

10. What makes Kharkiv different from other cities?

11. Which places of interest in the city impress you most of all? Why?

13. Can you compare Kharkiv with the place where you live?

14. If you are a citizen of Kharkiv, speak about the things you like about your home city, what you dislike and would prefer to change.

15. Is Kharkiv more known as a research centre, as a cultural centre or as an industrial centre? Ground your opinion.

2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false:

1. Kharkiv region borders on Moldova.

2. Ukrainian Cossacks founded Kharkiv in 1654.

3. Kharkiv is located in the south-eastern part of Ukraine.

4. Our city is situated at the junction of 2 rivers.

5. Kharkiv is a centre of Ukrainian mining.

6. The first Kharkiv church was Pokrovsky Cathedral.

7. Kharkiv was finally liberated on 23 August 1943.

8. There are 6 theatres in Kharkiv.

9. Kharkiv was founded as a fortress.

10. Kharkiv celebrated its 350th anniversary in 2004.

11. Sumska Street is the main street of the city.

3. Translate the given words and phrases into English:

історична спадщина, адміністративний центр, обласний центр, історичне місто, музей природи, видатний вчений, популярний парк, шарм, незалежність, малий і середній бізнес, харків'янин, місто-побратим.

4. Translate the given sentences into English:

1. Харків розташований на північному сході України.

2. Харків – важливий адміністративний центр України.

3. Емблема міста – ріг статку, наповнений фруктами та квітами й оповитий двома срібними зміями.

4. Харків – місто мистецтва й науки.

5. У Харкові багато визначних архітектурних пам’яток і пам’ятників, палаців культури, театрів і музеїв, концертних залів і бібліотек.

6. Багато відомих учених й митців жили й працювали в Харкові.

7. У Харкова багато міст-побратимів у світі.

8. Харків’яни пишаються своїм містом.

5. Fill in the gaps in the following text with a suitable word:

greenery guests leaders tourists

turns out tourism trips industrial

sights squares opportunities

The truth is that Kharkiv is not much of a ________ city and can not compete with such ________ of world ________ as Venice, Rome or Saint Petersburg. Kharkiv is one of the largest scientific, ________ and commercial centres of Ukraine. At the same time all ________ and visitors who come to our city on business _______ say they like it here. They admit that the city has beautiful parks, _______ and gardens and that it has a lot of _______ .

Moreover, it ________ that there are ________ worth looking at in Kharkiv. And in general we have a lot of sightseeing _________ .

6. Match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1. a cathedral a) монумент

2. a church b) військо

3. a bell tower c) щогодини

4. valuable d) ушкодити

5. to commemorate e) камерний

6. architecture f) дзвіниця

7. a dome g) церква

8. a monument h) видатний

9. to damage i) храм

10. restoration j) собор

11. a temple k) установити, встановити

12. troops l) увічнити

13. hourly m) коштовний

14. to install n) архітектура

15. outstanding o) купол

16. chamber p) відбудова

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