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Eng.for stud..doc
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8. Prepare a 3-minute talk on one of the great teachers of the past or today, give reasons for your choice:

9. Act out the dialogue "Choosing is not so easy as it looks".

10. Prove that the following proverbs (sayings) have sense:

1. Business before pleasure.

  1. The work shows the workman.

  2. Idleness is the mother of all evil.

  3. Practice makes perfect.

  4. A bad shearer never had a good sickle. (A bad worker quarrels with his tools).

  5. Jack-of-all-trades is master of none.

  6. The hardest work is to do nothing.

  7. Ninety per cent of inspiration is perspiration.

  8. Through hardship to stars.

  9. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

  10. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

  11. He that will not work shall not eat.

  12. He'll eat till he sweats and work till he freezes.

  13. Doing is better than saying.

  14. Make the best of a bad job.

  1. Translate into English:

1. Успіхи учнів значною мірою залежать від професійної майстерності вчителя.

2. Я працюю вчителем вже багато років і можу сказати, що немає більш благородної справи.

3. В його роботі немає різноманітності, але є і сильні сторони.

4. Вона вважала, що школярам буде нелегко зробити ті завдання.

5. Нажаль, не кожна людина, яка закінчує університет, може похвалитися глибокими знаннями.

6. Валентина провчилася вже два роки, коли зрозуміла, що не зможе працювати у школі.

7. Коли студенти завершать своє навчання, кожний із них отримає диплом.

8. Любов до музики та зацікавленість у педагогіці примусили дівчину обрати професію вчителя музики.

9. Схильність до навчання та велике бажання ділитися отриманими знаннями привели юнака до педагогічного університету.

10. Робота в школі потребує від вчителя не лише глибоких знань, але й тактовності та взаєморозуміння.

11. Make a report on the topic “My Profession”. Focus on Grammar

1. Questions. Fill in the blanks.

A) do B) does C) is D) are E) have F) has

1. What subjects _________ she good at?

2. _________ your brother got a camera?

3. _________ your mother like cooking?

4. What floor ________your bedroom on?

5. __________ your parents in France now?

6. Where ________ the nearest bookstore?

7. _________ your friend have any money?

8. Where _____________ your uncle work?

9. What sports___________they fond of?

10. What bike _________ you got?

11. What __________ the weather like today?

12. What languages_________you speak?

13.____________you like science fiction?

14. What_________ your favorite pop group?

15. What bike _________ she got?

16. How many apples ________ you got?

17. What subject ________ you like best?

18. Where __________ the capital of your country?

19. ________ you know what time it_______?

20. How far _________ London from Liverpool?

  1. Put the verbs into Past Simple.

On the 15-th of October, two men (to try) to get to the top of Everest. They (to make) their camp at the bottom of the mountain. They (to feel) very well in it. It (to be) the highest camp on the mountain. The night before the climb, they (to drink) tea and had supper. They (to discuss) what to take with them to the top. They (to decide) to leave their sleeping bags and tents behind because the equipment (to be) too heavy.

Early in the morning they (to have) breakfast and (to get) dressed. Then they (to start) to go up the mountain. It (to be) extremely difficult. The snow (to be) very deep. After a long, hard fight they (to reach) the top together. They (to laugh), (to shout) and (to take) some photographs.

Then the sun (to disappear) and the two men (to realize) they (to be) on the top of Everest and it (to be) almost night. Their camp (to be) too far to reach. They (to go) a little way down the mountain, but there (to be) no moon and it (to be) too dangerous.

They (to have) to spend the night on the mountain, at about 10,000 meters, with no tent, sleeping bags or food. They (to believe) it (to be) possible. They (to dig) a hole in the snow, and (to bury) themselves. They (not to sleep). It (to be) -30 °C. When the light (to come) at last they (to begin) climbing down, and soon they (to get) to their camp. Everybody (to be) happy.

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