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1.12. Supply the missing word parts and translate the expressions

1. c__ __ __s of chemicals

8. surface s__ __ __ __ __e

2. h__ __ __ __ __ __n atoms

9. oil e__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ n

3. plants and b__ __ __ __ __ __a

10. c__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ g places

4. n__ __ __ __ __l gas

11. c__ __ __ __ __ __ c extremes

5. tiny p__ __ __ s

12. to e__ __ __ __ __ t oil

6. l__ __ __ __ s of rock

13. coal s__ __ __ s

7. oil and gas r__ __ __ __ __ __s

14. new s__ __ __ __ __ s of oil and gas

Unit 2. Exploration

2.1. Learn the new words and expressions

1. clues – сведения, информация

13. well path – траектория ствола скважины

2. advanced technology – передовая технология

14. reservoir – нефтеносный или газоносный пласт; месторождение

3. pinpoint – точно определять; выявлять, устанавливать

15. efficiently – эффективно

4. accuracy – точность

16. to drain – осушать; выкачивать

5. to result in – приводить к; повлечь за собой

17. exploration well – разведочная скважина

6. exploration – разведка месторождения

18. sample – образец

7. to map – составлять карту

19. well logs – данные геофизических исследований скважины

8. promising – перспективный; представляющий интерес

20. paying – выгодный, рентабельный

9. seep – выход; место просачивания из земли (нефти, воды, газа)

22. sedimentary basin – осадочный бассейн

10. seismic survey – сейсмическая разведка / исследование

23. high-resolution – с высокой разрешающей способностью

11. to reflect back – отражать (-ся) назад

24. fault trace – след разлома

12. explorationist – геологоразведчик

25. gravity survey – гравиметрическая разведка

2.2. Study the terms

Exploration – the search for reservoirs of oil and gas including aerial and geophysical surveys, geological studies, core testing, and drilling of wildcats.

Exploration well – a well drilled either in search of an yet-undiscovered pool of oil and gas (a wildcat well) or to extend greatly the limits of a known pool. It involves a relatively high degree of risk. Exploration wells may be classified as (1) wildcat, drilled in an unproven area; (2) field extension or step-out, drilled in an unproven area to extend the proved limits of a field; or (3) deep test, drilled within a field area but to unproven deeper zones.

Reservoir – a subsurface, porous, permeable rock body in which oil and/or gas has accumulated. Most reservoir rocks are limestones, dolomites, sandstones, or a combination. The three basic types of hydrocarbon reservoirs are oil, gas and condensate. An oil reservoir generally contains three fluids – gas, oil and water – with oil being the dominant product. In the typical oil reservoir, these fluids become vertically segregated because of their different densities. Gas, the lightest, occupies the upper part of the reservoir rocks; water, the lower part; and oil, the intermediate section.

Sedimentary rock – a rock composed of materials that were transported to their present position by wind or water. Sandstone, shale, and limestone are sedimentary rocks.

Seismic survey – an exploration method in which strong low-frequency sound waves are generated on the surface or in the water to find subsurface rock structures that may contain hydrocarbons. The sound waves travel through the layers of the earth’s crust; however, at formation boundaries some of the waves are reflected back to the surface where sensitive detectors pick them up. Reflections from shallow formations arrive at the surface sooner than reflections from deeper formations, and since the reflections are recorded, a record of the depth and configuration of the various formations can be generated. Interpretation of the record can reveal possible hydrocarbon-bearing formations.

Seep – the surface appearance of oil or gas that results naturally when a reservoir rock becomes exposed to the surface, thus allowing oil or gas to flow out of fissures in the rock.

Log – a systematic recording of data, such as a driller’s log, mud log, electrical well log, or radioactivity log. Many different logs are run in wells to discern various characteristics of downhole formation.

Formation – a bed or deposit composed throughout of substantially the same kind of rock; often a lithologic unit.

Fluid – a substance that flows and yields to any force tending to change its shape. Liquids and gases are fluids.

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