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Lesson 4 applying for a job

Words to master:

to apply for a job – подавати заяву про прийом на роботу

applicant - кандидат, кандидатура

appointed – призначений, назначений

reference – відгук, рекомендація

tense – напружений, to tense - напрягти

to persuade – переконувати

asset – корисна якість, цінність, актив

to hesitate - коливатися

responsibility - відповідальність

obtained degree – отриманий диплом

fluency – плавність, біглість

to demand - вимагати

Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

  1. Sorry, but you have no fluency in a foreign language.

  2. He has no sense of responsibility.

  3. Can you persuade your father into lending us the car?

  4. Last year the school had more applicants for admission than it could accommodate.

  5. I demand to know what's going on.

  6. Do not hesitate to call me.

  7. She arrived at the appointed time.

  8. The statement contains several references to me.

  9. He tensed his muscles for the leap.

  10. Well, he is going to apply for this job anyway.

Read and translate the text:

Job Interview

An interview is an important event in the life of every job applicant. It can be the last test on the way to the position you want. That is why it is important to be well prepared for an interview.

Come in time for the appointed place for an interview. Don’t forget to take all the necessary documents for your better presentation (references, characteristics, diplomas).

Don’t be nervous and tense with the interviewer, be polite and listen attentively to all the questions you are asked. If you are confident in what you are talking about it will make a good impression on the interviewer. Try to give full and clear answers to the questions. Be ready to discuss the details of your future work. Try to persuade the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the chosen position and an asset for the company. Don’t talk about personal questions if they are not connected with the future work.

Don’t hesitate do describe fully your responsibilities and regular duties at the previous job if you are asked. Show that you are thinking ahead in your careered development. Be ready to explain the reasons of your desire to change the work. Tell about your educational history and obtained degree. Don’t forget to mention your computer skills, language fluency if it’s required by the company.

At the end of the interview thank the interviewer for his/her attention. Don’t demand the immediate answer about his/her decision, appoint the certain date for it.

Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

  1. Важлива подія

  2. На шляху до бажаної посади

  3. Бути гарно підготовленим

  4. Приходити вчасно

  5. Для кращого представлення

  6. Уважно слухати питання

  7. Створити гарне враження

  8. Деталі майбутньої роботи

  9. Обрана посада

  10. Попередня робота

  11. Кар’єрний розвиток

  12. Негайна відповідь

  13. Призначити конкретну дату

Choose the correct word:

  1. Any (applicant, employee, volunteer) for this job has to came to the interview with Mr. Smith.

  2. Our baby-sitter has got a really impressive (degree, certificate, reference) from the previous family.

  3. Please try to (persuade, demand, appoint) the boss to give me a day off.

  4. He will sign all the necessary papers at this (appointed, adjusted, approximate) hour.

  5. You should have known all your (needs, responsibilities, demands) long age before this happened.

  6. We will not start the process unless you stop (thinking, persuading, hesitating).

  7. The committee decided that he should have at least a bachelors’ degree.

True or false:

  1. It is important to be well prepared for an interview.

  2. Come on time for the appointed place for an interview.

  3. The necessary documents for the interview are references, characteristics, diplomas).

  4. Don’t listen attentively to all the questions you are asked.

  5. It will make a good impression on the interviewer if you are not confident in what you are talking about.

  6. Try to persuade the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the chosen position.

  7. Talk about personal questions if they are connected with the future work.

  8. Tell about your obtained degree, computer skills, and language fluency.

  9. Thank the interviewer for his/her attention at the beginning of the interview.

  10. Appoint the certain date for the answer about his/her decision.

Questions for discussion:

  1. Why do you thing many people are tense during an interview?

  2. Why is an interview so important?

  3. What do you think a person should not say during an interview?

  4. Have you ever had an interview? Describe it.