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Lesson 6 sightseeings of the world. Tour to eiffel and taj mahal

Words to master:

to commemorate – почитати пам'ять

centenary – столітні роковини

to witness – бути світком

mountaineer - альпініст

to accept - приймати

masterpiece - шедевр

to rule - правити

distinguished - відомий

empress - імператриця

military campaigns – військові кампанії

Read and translate the text:

Sightseeings of The World

The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel for the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889 commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution. At 300 metres (320.75m including antenna), and 7000 tons, it was the world's tallest building until 1930. It was almost torn down in 1909, but was saved because of its antenna - used for telegraphy at that time. Beginning in 1910 it became part of the International Time Service. French radio (since 1918), and French television (since 1957) have also made use of its stature. During its lifetime, the Eiffel Tower has also witnessed a few strange scenes, including being scaled by a mountaineer in 1954, and parachuted off of in 1984 by two Englishmen. In 1923 a journalist rode a bicycle down from the first level. However, if its birth was difficult, it is now completely accepted and must be listed as one of the symbols of Paris itself.

Located at the city of Agra in the State of Uttar Pradesh, the Taj Mahal is

one of the most beautiful masterpieces of architecture in the world. Agra was the Capital of the Mughals (Moguls), the Muslim Emperors who ruled Northern India between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. It was Shah Jehan who ordered the building of the Taj, in honour of his wife, Arjumand Banu who later became known as Mumtaz Mahal, the Distinguished of the Palace. Mumtaz and Shah Jehan were married in 1717 and, over the next 18 years, had 17 children together. The Empress used to accompany her husband

in his military campaigns, and it was in 1730, in Burhanpur, that she gave birth

to her last child, for she died in childbirth. So great was the Emperor love to his

wife that he ordered the building of the most beautiful mausoleum on Earth for


Find English equivalents to the following words:

  1. Ейфелева Вежа,

  2. виставка,

  3. століття,

  4. Французька Революція,

  5. Бути свідком,

  6. символ Парижу,

  7. знаходитися,

  8. мусульманський імператор,

  9. правління,

  10. на честь, військова кампанія.

Answer the questions:

1. When was the Eiffel Tower biult? And what was it built for?

2. Who made the design of the Tower?

3. What are its statistics?

4. Why is it so important nowadays?

5. What is Taj Mahal?

6. Where is it situated?

7. Who built it and for whom?

Lesson 7 world famous artists. Vincent van gogh.

Words to master:

cornfield – кукурудзяне поле

sunflower - соняшник

to be worth – бути вартим

preacher – проповідник

to be mentally ill – бути душевно хворим

fits of madness – спалахи божевілля

to cut off - відрізати

sadness – смуток

Translate the sentences using the words from the list:

  1. A field in which corn is grown people call a cornfield.

  2. Sunflowers are cultivated for their edible seeds.

  3. He is worth all that good things the others have.

  4. Mr. Johns had a talk to our preacher the day before yesterday.

  5. He’s never had the fits of madness before.

  6. I’m sorry, I’ve never thought Mrs. Simpson was mentally ill.

  7. Be careful with the knife, do not cut off the finger.

  8. The novels of this author are filled with entire sadness.

Read and translate the text: