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Lesson 5 the seven wonders of the world

Words to master:

marble – мармур, мармуровий

tomb- надгробний пам’ятник

remains - залишок

earthquake - землетрус

bank - берег

to surviving- виживати

to be erected – бути зведеним

ancient - древній

to topple – валитися, падати

fable – міф, легенда, байка

temple - храм

harbour - затока

promontory – виступ, мис

Read and translate the text:

The Seven Wonders of The World

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was built about 353 B.C. in what is now south-western Turkey. This enormous white marble tomb was built to hold the remains of Mausolus (Mausollos), a provincial king in the Persian Empire, and his wife, Artemisia. Since then the word "mausoleum" came to represent any large tomb. The monument was damaged by an earthquake in the early 17th century and only the foundation and some pieces remain.

The Pyramids of Egypt were built from about 2700 to 2500 B.C. near Giza, Egypt, on west bank of Nile River near Cairo. The Egyptian Pyramids are the oldest and only surviving member of the ancient wonders.

The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria was built in about 270 B.C. on an ancient island of Pharos in harbour of Alexandria, Egypt. The Greek architect Sostratus designed it during the reign of King Ptolemy II. Earthquakes toppled it in the 17th century A.D.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built in about 600 B.C. in Babylon near modern-day Baghdad, Iraq. These gardens – which may be only a fable – are said to have been laid

out on a brick terrace by King Nebuchadnezzar II for one of his wives.

The Temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus was built in about 550 B.C. in Greek city of Ephesus, on west coast of modern Turkey. The original temple burned in 356 B.C. and was rebuilt on the same foundation. Fire destroyed the second temple in 262 A.D., but its foundation and some debris have survived.

The Statue of Zeus was built in about 457 B.C. in Ancient Greek city of Olympia

to honour the god Zeus. All that remains in Olympia nowadays are the temple's fallen columns and the foundation of the building.

The Colossus of Rhodes was built in early 200s B.C. near harbour of Rhodes, a Greek island in Aegean Sea in honour of the sun god Helios. The statue, celebrating the unity of Rhodes' three city-states, is believed to have stood on a promontory overlooking the water. Just 56 years after it was built, a strong earthquake destroyed it.

Find English equivalents to the following words:

  1. Чудеса світу,

  2. величезний,

  3. могила,

  4. рештки,

  5. фундамент,

  6. Каїр,

  7. Нил,

  8. фараон,

  9. вважати,

  10. підніматися,

  11. гавань,

  12. острів,

  13. храм,

  14. бог Зевс,

  15. Егейське море.

Answer the questions:

1. Can you name the Seven Wonders of the World?

2. What wonder is the only surviving nowadays?

3. Who was the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus built for?

4. What was the Pharos of Alexandria used for?

5. How did the Hanging Gardens of Babylon look like?

6. What happened to the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus?

7. Why was the Statue of Zeus so lavish?

8. Why was the Colossus of Rhodes built?