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II. Look at the text and find the following.

1. the type of text that contains links to other texts

2. the expression that means 'to record music onto a CD'

3. a system that combines hypertext and multimedia

4. the most common extensions for graphics files

5. the most common text formats

6. three popular video formats

7. three common file formats for storing audio data

III. Complete the sentences with words from the text.

1 A series of still images shown in sequence.

2 ................files are processed by sound software.

3 In medicine, doctors use virtual................systems to simulate particular situations.

4 The suffix placed after a dot at the end of a filename.

5 A format used to compress and transmit movies over rhe Web.

6 People use special programs to................and decompress files so that they occupy less disk-space.

7 Л video format developed by the Moving Picture Experts Group.

8 A system of filming, processing and showing moving pictures.

9 .git stands for................interchange format.

10 The technique which allows you to play music and watch video before the entire file has downloaded.

Down: The combination of moving and still images, sound, music and words.

IV. Complete the article with the words from the box.

graphics interactive video games consoles multiplayer

Video Games

There are games you play on video ......................such as Nintendo, Sega, and the PlayStation.

And there are games you play on a computer, either alone or at multiplayer online sites such as Microsoft's Internet Gaming Zone and Battle.net.

................................have been made into films, such as Mortal Kombat 1 and 2, and film stars now sometimes appear in video games. The ......in many games have taken on such a high

degree of realism that they almost seem like film. The X-Files game was practically an ................................ movie, full of actors from the show and sections of dialogue and video. Some people claim that the Blade Runner video game was better than the movie - not only were the sets incredible but you also got to control the action and the ending.

................................online gaming is the next wave in the video game world. It provides a better gaming experience, simply because people are more creative and more challenging adversaries than computers. Thousands of people can play simultaneously all over the world.

Text V types of ict systems

I. Read and ranslate the text.

Ict systems: components and functions

ICT systems arc much more than computers. An ICT system involves the use of computers or other types of hardware to meet a specific need. A LAN, local area network, can be an example of an ICT system, but interactive television and the database of a library are types of systems too.

ICT systems have these components:

software, instructions and data

hardware, computers and other devices

personnel, people who use, design, control or benefit from the system.

The components perform these basic functions:

input, the data is collected and entered

processing, data is changed or manipulated

output, the results are shown

communication and feedback, the results are sent out and new data is collected and entered in the system

memory or storage of data.

Types of systems

ICT systems are classified according to their aim.

■ 'In our hospital we have set up an information system to manage data and information about our patients.'

■ 'My house is an example of a control system. Its main aim is to control the different devices, e.g. switches that turn lights on and off as a security measure, sensors that detect smoke and set off the alarms, etc'

■ 'The Internet is a good example of a communication system; other examples are a mobile phone network or digital television. This type of system is designed for sending data between different devices.'

Types of devices and services

At present most of the devices used in ICT systems are multi-purpose: mobile phones can be used as digital cameras or agendas, printers are also scanners and faxes. Not only is there media integration in the hardware, but also in the services offered by these telecommunication systems.

  • Call centres are one example of computer telephony integration where companies use databases and telephones for telemarketing.

  • Faxes or telefaxes use telecommunication technology to send copies of documents through telephone lines.

  • Digital television uses digital technology to increase the number of channels and their quality of image. It also enables viewers to interact with the content and provide feedback to the programmer via telephone line, cable or satellite.

  • Radio has also adopted the digital tecnology DAB, Digital Audio Broadcasting. Most digital radio stations are broadcast together with television signals.

  • Teletext is a text-based information service provided by television companies. It uses part of the TV signal and it is visible on sets without suitable decoders.

  • The Internet, a global network of computers, enables users to exchange files, send emails and surf the Web to find information, take part in e-commerce, etc.