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Відмінювання дієслова to be (the verb to be)


Стверджувальна форма

Питальна форма

Заперечна форма

Теперішній час (Present Indefinite)


I am.

You are.

He (she, it) is.

Am I?

Are you?

Is he (she, it)?

I am not.

You are not.

He (she, it) is not.


We (you, they) are.

Are we (you, they)?

We (you, they) are not

Минулий час (Past Indefinite)


I (he, she, it) was. You were.

Was I (he, she, it)?

Were you?

I (he, she, it) was not. You were not.


We (you, they) were

Were we (you, they)?

We (you, they) were not.

Майбутній час (Future Indefinite)


I shall be.

You (he, she, it)

will be.

Shall I be?

Will you (he, she,

it) be?

I shall not be.

You (he, she, it)

will not be.


We shall be.

You (they) will


Shall we be?

Will you (they) be?

We shall not be.

You (they) will not be.


I am—I'm

we are — we're

we are not — we aren't

you are — you're

you are not — you aren't

they are — they're

they are not — they aren't

she is — she's

she is not — she isn't

it is — it's

it is not — it isn't

Exercise 1 Прочитайте, перекладіть і перепишіть речення, використовуючи де можливо скорочення

1. I am a student. Am I a student? Yes, you are.

2. We are students. Are we students? Yes, we are.

3. He is a doctor. Is he a doctor? No, he is not. He is not a doctor.

4. Are you doctors? Yes, you are. You are doctors.

5. She is a teacher. They are teachers. He is a teacher.

6. It is a dog. Is it a dog? Yes, it is.

7. Ann is a first-year student. She has a book. She has an English book. Her book is good. It is interesting.

8. I am a first-year student, too. But I have no English book.

9. Has Pete an English book? No, he has not.

10. Have you an English book? No, I have not. I have not a good English book. My English book is old.

Exercise 2 Поставте речення у питальну форму і дайте короткі стверджувальні або заперечні відповіді.

Example: She is his sister. Is she his sister? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

1. My father is a worker. 2. He is an engineer now. 3. These children are little. 4. You are my best friend. 5. Your daughter is a pupil. 6. I am a student. 7. They are good boys. 8. Our mother is a teacher.

Exercise 3 Складіть речення із даних слів

1. Have, no, book, I. 2. They, no, good, have, room. 3. Have, yes, I. 4. Room, Ann, a, has. 5. Pen, has, a, she? 6. Little, dog, our, is. 7. Is, pencil, his, old. 8. Lamp, is, good, her? 9. Book, give, please, me, your. 10. Bag, good, is, my.

Exercise 4 Заповніть пропуски потрібною формою дієслова to be і перекладіть.

1. Не ____ born in 1985. 2. We ____ students now. 3. We ____ good friends at the college.

4. It ____ an interesting book. 5. Who ____ absent today? 6. He ____ a student. 7. What ____ he? 8. ____ he a doctor? 9.These ____ my pencils. 10. Where ____ this book? It ____ on the table. 11. What ____ their names? 12. Mary ____ a girl. 13. Who ____ he? 14. What ____ you? 15. This man ____ in the room. 16. How ____ she? 17. How ____ you? I ____ fine. 18. How ____ your friend? 19. ____ he your son? 20. Tomorrow we ____ at home. 21. ____ you a sportsman? 22. There ____ no book on the table. 23. It ____ my parents' car. 24. There ____ 15 students in our group now.

Exercise 5 Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою:

1. Вона - вчитель? - Так. 2. Ви - не діти. Ви - студенти. 3. Вони зараз в класі? - Ні. 4.Хто ви? - Я - студент. 5. Вона - мій друг. 6. Він - не лікар. 7. Це мої діти. 8. Що це? Це - нова книга. 9. Де він був минулого тижня? 10. Ми - друзі.

Exercise 6 Вставте дієслово to be в потрібній формі:

1. Where ____ you from?

2. How old ____ you? How old ____ your brother?

3. What ____ your name?

4.1 ____ glad to see you. How ____ you?

5. The dog ____ in the garden.

6. My parents ____ workers.

7. ____ your father a teacher? — No, he ____ a doctor.

8. He ____ (not) a student, he ____ a doctor.

9. That book ____ (not) very interesting.

10. The book ____ on the table.

11. Kyiv ____ the capital of Ukraine.

12. ____ you students?

13. What ____ the weather like today?

14. What ____ on the table?

15. ____ Boris a good football player?