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IX. Complete the sentences and find the continuation

1. Computer is

2. Software are

3. The basic job of the computer is

b) the programmes that tell the hardware how to perform a task.

a) a device for processing information.

c) the processing of information

- they take information in the form of instructions and symbols

- it has no intelligence by itself

- without it, the hardware doesn't know what to do.

X. Fill in the gaps

hardware take processing

convert information information

instructions device programme

perform basic

1. Computer is a ____________ for _______________ information

2. The __________ job of the computer is the processing of __________.

3. Computers _________ information in the form of _____________.

4. Computer is used to ________ data into ______________.

5. Software are the _________ that tell the _________ how to _________ a task

XI. Make the right choice

1. Computer has no_____________ by itself

a) hardware

c) data

b) intelligence

d) device

2. Software are the ____________ that tell the hardware how to perform a task.

a) programmes

c) data

b) information

d) devices

3. Computers take information in the form of ____________.

a) symbols

c) information

b) results

d) instructions

4. Computer is used to ___________ data into information

a) give

c) convert

b) take

d) output

5. The basic job of the computer is the _________ of information

a) input

c) processing

b) saving

d) output

XII. Make up sentences

  1. combination / is / a /elements / of / computer / system / a / four /.

  2. and / operations / logical / various / mathematical / perform / computers /.

  3. to / form / in / the / used / digital / information / is / also / store / computer.

  4. of / information / job / the / is / computer / the / the / processing / of / basic.

XIII. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English

  1. Комп’ютерна система-комбінація чотирьох елементів: апаратного забезпечення, програмного забезпечення, операцій та даних.

  2. Комп’ютери виконують різноманітні математичні та логічні операції.

  3. Комп’ютер використовують для того, щоб перетворити дані в інформацію.

  4. Комп’ютер використовують для зберігання цифрових даних.

XIV. Points for discussion

What are computer architecture paradigms?