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Максимова Е.М. I am a student of the MSTU.doc
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10. Translate interrogative sentences from Russian into English. Mind the proper usage of the auxiliary verbs and word order. Compare them with the given answers. Work in pairs.

Почему он завидует людям, которые работают 5 дней в неделю?

Why does he envy people that work five days a weak?

Когда ему не приходиться никуда спешить?

When doesn’t he have to hurry up anywhere?

Как ты проводишь свое свободное время?

5. How do you spend your free time?

Почему ты не возражаешь против того, смотреть телевизор?

6. Why don’t you mind watching TV?

Что ты предпочитаешь смотреть по телевизору?

7. What do you prefer to watching TV?

Ты делаешь что-нибудь по дому?

8. Do you do anything about the house?

О чем ты думаешь, когда твой день заканчивается?

9. What do you think of, when your day off is over?

Почему ты не встаешь рано утром в Воскресенье?

3. Why don’t you get up early in the morning on Sunday?

11. Look through the text again and make a list of key words

  • To speak about your day off.

12. Ask your friend about his/ her day off.

13. Speak about your day off, using as many words and word combinations from the text as possible.

Unit 6 My friend’s day off.

1. Look up the words in a dictionary, find their pronunciation and translate them. Read them aloud and learn by heart.

To have to

To argue

To look miserable

To treat oneselves to

To be short of money

to pick up mushrooms and buries

to arrange

To complain

To tide up


2. Make up your own sentences using words and phrases from task 1.

3. Read and translate the text using a dictionary.


As you may guess Vladimir also has one day off and I want to tell you about his day off.

He likes Sundays very much and this is the only day which he can organize properly. He needn't hurry anywhere and he may go wherever he likes after his working the whole week.

On Sunday his mother wakes up him with a nice cup of coffee later than usual. While he reads morning newspapers his sister tidies the flat up complaining that she has to cope on her own. As soon as he gets up, he airs the room, makes his bed and does morning exercises. Then he has breakfast, clears away the dishes and washes up. Two more hours for getting ready with his homework and he is free.

Then he has some light supper and makes a couple of phone calls to arrange a meeting with his friends. After that he goes to sleep again.

When he wakes up, he meets his friends and they discuss their plans together. If the weather is fine he prefers to be out of town just to enjoy the beautiful view of the countryside: in autumn he likes to pick up mushrooms and buries, in winter- to ski.

In the evening they usually go to the clubs. As they are short of money they treat themselves to some tea and coffee. Vladimir doesn’t dance well, when everybody dances, he sits and looks miserable, but he goes there regularly. I advise him to take some dancing lessons.

Sometimes he is tired of bars, noisy companies and sleepless nights. If it happens, he prefers to be in, watching TV, listening to music, reading books or just speaking over the phone or playing computer games.

In the evening all the members of his family get together. They have supper, make plans for tomorrow, and argue about the latest events at home and abroad. Sometimes they receive guests at their place.

He enjoys his days off very much. He wished he had a weak-end. But may be after graduating from the University he will be lucky to have it.