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МУ НАУКА И ТЕХНИКА (по чтению текстов). Смирно...doc
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Modern energy saving potential

Modern energy saving potential is understood as a complex of economically justified measures that could be technically implemented and projects directed to the increase in efficiency of fuel and energy resources use.

It is planned to achieve reduction in energy intensity of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) owing to structural reorganization of economy, and realization of organizational and technological measures.

According to estimations executed in the process of the Strategy development, contribution of the structural factors can compensate more than one half of the required growth in energy consumption in case of favorable development of economy supposing development of different services and manufactures of high technologies.

Intensive realization of organizational and technological measures will allow to reduce energy consumption for 60-430 million of equivalent fuel every year. About one third of energy saving potential is concentrated in fuel and energy complex, another one third is in energy intensity branches of industry and in construction sector, more than one fourth is in municipal and communal sector. 6-7% is in transport and 3% is in agriculture.

The Energy Strategy in Russia recognizes that up to 20% of energy saving potential, that is equal to 70-85 million tons of equivalent fuel per year, could be realized at the expenses of alternative sources of energy and energy saving policy of the companies, enterprises and people.

Exercise 4. a) Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the article:

Modern energy saving potential, to achieve reduction in energy intensity, owing to structural reorganization of economy, organizational and technological measures, according to estimations, energy consumption, development of different services and manufactures, branches of industry, alternative sources of energy

b) Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the article:

интенсивная реализация, энергосберегающая политика, уменьшать потребление энергии, быть сосредоточенным в, структурная реорганизация, альтернативные источники энергии, организационные и технологические меры, потенциал энергосбережения, стратегия энергопотребления, стратегия развития, валовый внутренний продукт

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the information from the text:

  1. Intensive realization of organizational and technological measures will allow …

  2. Modern energy saving potential is understood as …

  3. The Energy Strategy in Russia recognizes that …

  4. It is planned to achieve reduction in energy intensity of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) owing to …

  5. About one third of energy saving potential is concentrated in …

Exercise 6. Answer the questions to the article:

  1. What can you say about modern energy saving potential?

  2. Is this problem actual for our country?

  3. What will allow to reduce energy consumption?

  4. What alternative energy sources do you know? Can you name any in our region?

  5. Where is energy saving potential concentrated in?

  6. What can you suggest for solving this problem?

Exercise 7. Make the summary of the information from this article. Speak about the measures taken in our region.


Exercise 1. a) Look at the headline of the article below and say what you think it is going to be about.

b) Read the words and word combinations and translate them without a dictionary:

to express, emotions, to surprise, surprise, concentration, television, a film, to film

Exercise 2. Read and memorize the words from the article:

Attract, v


Mischievous, adj


Queue, n


Share, v


to pay attention to

Уделять внимание

Exercise 3. Read and translate the article: