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The symptoms of Internet addiction

Don't get caught in their net.

The London news.

Tuesday 9 January, 2007

Richard Moriarty

Last week, in a private rehabilitation clinic outside Edinburgh, Leo Edwards, a sixteen-year-old schoolboy, was going through severe withdrawal symptoms. His body often shook violently and uncontrollably, and at mealtimes he regularly threw cups and plates around the dining room. The boy's addiction had nothing to do with alcohol, drugs, gambling or food. His problem was 'Net obsession' - an over­-dependency on the Internet.

An international group of psychologists has recently suggested that anyone who surfs the Internet for long periods is clinically ill and needs medical treatment. According to their report, internet addicts should be treated in the same way as alcoholics, drug addicts, compulsive gamblers and people with eating disorders. Leo Edwards is not an isolated case. Russell Hopkins, aged fifteen, from Gates head in north-east England, is a typical online addict. Every day after school, and dinner until three or four in the morning, he will be found in his room surfing the Net or playing computer games. By the end of the day he will have spent more than six hours online. Understandably, his parents are extremely worried. Not only his school work suffered, but Russell's addiction has also destroyed his social life and his spare time interests. For instance, he has just dropped out of his school's basketball team in order to spend more time at his computer. Instead of spending next weekend having a good time out with friends, he'll be spending it indoors surfing the internet. Russell has recently joined an internet online support group. It may seem ironic that many of the support groups for internet addicts are online but at least Russell has sought help. Not everyone does. Dr. Ann Hoffman, who runs an online support group, says “People don't realize that being online for more than four hours a day amounts to addiction and that they have a serious problem. I predict that the number of people who join online support groups will have risen dramatically within three years.”

Exercise 4. a) Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the article:

severe withdrawal symptoms, an international group of psychologists, to have a good time out, to spend more time at, an online support group, to surf the internet, to destroy one’s social life, one’s spare time interests, smb. needs medical treatment, an isolated case

b) Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the article:

интересы в свободное время, может показаться ироническим, группа поддержки в сети, иметь серьезные проблемы, искать помощи, сильная зависимость от Интернета, нуждаться в медицинской помощи, разрушать общественную жизнь, проводить время за компьютером

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the information from the article:

  1. By the end of the day he will have spent …

  2. People don't realize that being online for more than four hours a day …

  3. Not only his school work suffered, but …

  4. An international group of psychologists has recently suggested that …

  5. Internet addicts should be treated in the same way as …

Exercise 6. Answer the questions to the article:

  1. What are the symptoms of the Internet addiction?

  2. What has an international group of psychologists recently suggested?

  3. How should internet addicts be treated?

  4. Where can such people find help?

  5. How much time do you spend at the computer a day?

Exercise 7. Act out a dialogue about the problems connected with Internet addiction. Use the words and word combinations from the article.

Student A: You spend four-five hours a day surfing the Net or playing computer games. Especially you are fond of one of the popular role games. You are an active member of it. Your parents are worried. Your study suffers.

Student B: Give some advice to Student A how to avoid this addiction. He may address to his friends, consult a specialist, ask his parents to help or to find some useful information on this problem.


The Texts for Reading At Home


Exercise 1. Read and translate the article with the help of a dictionary: