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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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    1. Ответьте на вопросы:

      1. Who organizes all Russian public health services?

      2. Does each region have its own head of health service?

      3. What are the parts of the regional health care system?

      4. Who works at polyclinics and outpatient units?

      5. What kinds of special health care establishments do you know?

      6. What equipment does each polyclinic have?

      7. What kinds of doctors work at polyclinics?

      8. How do doctors usually spend their working day?

      9. What is the other type of health care service which is gradually developing?

      10. What is the difference between the polyclinics and private clinics?

    2. Заполните пропуски:

      1. Public health services in Russia are organized locally under the

      2. Each region has its own of health service, usually a physician,

who is often in the cabinet.

      1. The head of local health service all regional heath care system.

      2. Large cities commonly have separate polyclinics for.

      3. Each p olyclinic has a number of. who are с ailed district


      1. Much of the physician's time is spent in performing routine checkups for

      2. Such clinics can afford to hire... specialists, professors to provide their patients the highest of medical care.

    1. Найдите эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний, и переведите пред­ложения в которых они использовались в тексте.

Министерство здравоохранения; имеет главу; команды докторов; ум­ственные заболевания; многопрофильное лечение; наблюдают детей до взрослого возраста; ргшонный терапевт; детская больница; районная по­ликлиника; в профилактических целях; нанимать специалистов.

    1. Переведите с русского на английский

Если я чувствую себя плохо, то я иду в районную поликлинику. Сначала я иду к участковому терапевту, который производит общий осмотр. Затем он направляет меня к врачам - специалистам. В поликлинике, кроме врачей общей практики работает очень много врачей определенной специальности - хирургов, невропатологов и так далее. В нашей поликлинике очень много различного оборудования для диагностики, исследования образцов ткани и лечения различных заболеваний. Ярад, что в нашей поликлинике очень много высоко квалифицированных докторов, которые помогают больным.

    1. Ситуация:

Вас делегировали на международную конференцию с докладом о службах здравоохранения в России. Отразите основные черты сис­темы здравоохранения в нашей стране.


The National Health Service (NHS) was established in 1948 to provide high- quality free medical treatment in hospital and outside. Its fundamental principle was equitable access for all, regardless of wealth. The NHS is the responsibility of the Secretary of State for Health. Until 1995 England was divided administratively into 14 regional health authorities. It is usually based upon a university medical school, each authority was subdivided into 10-15 districts, and each district was based on one large hospital but also included other hospitals. Since 1996 the regional health authorities have been reduced to eight. Similar authorities or boards exist in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The entire system is free, with the exception of prescribed drugs, dental treatment, sight tests and spectacles, for which there are standard charges, except for old age pensioners, children under 16 and some other categories for whom some or these items are free. Anyone entering hospital for surgery will receive all their treatment while in hospital, including drugs, free of charge. Over 80 per cent of the costs of the NHS are funded out of the income tax system. The balance is paid for out of National Insurance contributions and from the prescription charges.

The system, from the public's point of view, is very simple. There are no forms to fill in and no payments to be made which are later refunded. All that anybody has to do to be assured the full benefits of the system is to register with a local NHS doctor. Most doctors in the country are General Practitioners (GPs) and they are the heart of the system. A visit to the GP is the first step towards getting any kind of treatment. The GP then arranges for whatever tests, surgery, specialist consultation or medicine are considered necessary. Only if it is an emergency or if the patient is away from home the treatment can be obtained in some other way. The modern difficulties of the NHS are the same as those faced by equivalent systems in other countries. The potential of medical treatment has increased so dramatically, and the number of old people needing medical care has grown so large, that costs have rocketed. The NHS employs well over a million people. Medical practitioners frequently have to decide which patients should get the limited resources available and which will have to wait, possibly to die as a result. There are a number or private medical insurance schemes in the country. Such schemes are becoming increasingly popular. This is not because people believe that private treatment is any better than NHS treatment from a purely medical point of view. But it is widely recognized as being more convenient. NHS patients who need a non-urgent operation often have to wait more than a year, and even those who need a relatively urgent operation sometimes have to wait more than a month. Under private schemes, people can choose to have their operation whenever, and as soon as, they want. Private patients sometimes use «pay beds» in NHS hospitals, which are usually in a separate room (NHS patients are usually accommodated in wards containing ten to twenty beds). There are also some hospitals and clinics which are completely private. These are sometimes called «nursing homes».




- справедливый, беспристрастный

health authorities

- органы здравоохранения

to prescribe

- прописывать (лекарство)

sight test

- проверказрения


- цена, плата

income tax

- подоходный налог

to fund

- финансировать

to refund

- возвращать деньги

to assure

- гарантировать, обеспечивать

to register

- регистрировать, зарегистрироваться


- тяжелое состояние, неотложный случай

medical care

- медицинский уход


- несрочный


- срочный, неотложный


- палата


- размещать

nursing home

- частная больница