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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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1. Ответьте на вопросы:

    1. Why is international cooperation in medicine necessary?

    2. What problems can be solved by WHO?

    3. What are the most dangerous health problems exist at present time?

    4. What ways and means are there to solve international health problems?

    5. Where do scientists come together to discuss current research proj ects?

    6. 'What kind of literature helps to spread information throughout the world?

    7. What are the main fields of international cooperation in medicine and biology?

2. Подберите пояснения из левой колонки к словам из правой:

Sign or warning of coming trouble, danger, etc


That which helps to make smb or smth strong


Make progress, be improved; benefit


Trying hard; use of strength and energy


Spreading rapidly among many people in the same place


3. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

      1. Членство в ВОЗ доступно всем странам.

      2. К настоящему моменту имеются значительные достижения в снижении детской смертности и увеличении продолжительнос­ти жизни.

      3. Всемирная медицина всё ещё сталкивается с рядом проблем.

      4. Пандемия СПИДа распространяется по всему миру и быстро ста­новится угрозой существованию человечества.

      5. ВОЗ информирует национальные службы здравоохранения о вспышках вирусных инфекций.

      6. ВОЗ проводит различные конференции, конгрессы, симпозиумы, на которых врачи и ученые со всего мира обмениваются мнения­ми и взглядами.

      7. Ежедневная работа ВОЗ проводится медицинским администра­тивным аппаратом служащих из различных стран.

        1. Составьте предложения из слов, приведенных ниже:

          1. Russian doctors, national medical personal staff, help, train, fight against epidemics.

          2. Our country, public health, mortality rate, high standards, of, and, the, lowest total, has achieved.

          3. The Russian doctors, the life, their, patients, always, of, to save, do their best.

        2. Составьте устное сообщение (12-15 предложений) на английс­ком языке, на тему: "The main activities of who"


The National Health Service system rests on a network of family doctors, or «GPs» (general practitioners) as they are usually known, with attached nurses. People may register with any GP they choose, as long as the GP is willing to register them. A GP with a full register might refuse extra patients. Beyond the group practice lies the whole arrangement of hospitals and community health services, for example health visitors who monitor the health of vulnerable categories of people, such as mothers and newborn babies, or the old and infirm.

GPs remain the backbone of the NHS, dealing with the vast majority of ailments, and referring those requiring more specialist diagnosis to a hospital, or notifying the health visitor of those who need to be monitored at home. Except in an emergency, it is normally the GP who refers a patient to hospital for more specialist care, or for an operation. Most GPs have about 2,000 people on their register, some of whom will hardly ever visit the GP's surgery. Others may be regular callers. On a normal day a GP might see about 35 patients in surgery, and make up to 10 home visits to those who feel too ill to attend surgery. On examining the patient he asks about his troubles. A GP listens to the patient's heart and lungs, also feels his pulse and takes his blood pressure. If it is necessary he palpates the abdomen. When GP finishes his thorough examination he directs his patient to an X-ray room and the laboratory. In the X-ray room his chest will be X-rayed and in the laboratory the nurse will take some blood from his finger. All this is necessary to make a proper diagnose.

The strength of the system lies in a good working knowledge of the families and individuals in the catchment's area, their housing, lifestyle and employment conditions. Good GPs build up an intimate knowledge of their «parish», and take into account not merely the specific complaint of a patient but also the patient's general conditions of life. Almost all GPs now operate in small groups of perhaps three or more, employing nurses and other professionals such as physiotherapists or dieticians so that they can share the administrative load and also offer a wider service.


General Practitioner (GP)

- врач общей практики


- прикреплять

to register

- регистрироваться, записываться к врачу

a register

- список пациентов

health visitor

- патронажный работник


- уязвимый


- инвалид


- болезнь


направлять (в больницу, к врачу)




вести наблюдение, наблюдать


экстренный случай, неотложная ситуация




1) , приемная врача;

2) хирургия, операция

regular caller

постоянный посетитель

catchments area -

участок, район, обслуживаемый больницей

или врачом


приход, участок

take into account -

учитывать, принимать во внимание




1) оперировать;

2) работать

physiotherapist -




