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    1. Ответьте на вопросы:

      1. What stages of Medical Education in Great Britain do you know?

      2. What subj ects do premedical courses emphasize?

      3. How long does undergraduate education last?

      4. What do the students study at medical schools?

      5. What specialties does clinical work include?

      6. When is a year of hospital work required?

      7. Who can practice as doctors?

      8. What do physicians do to keep themselves up-to-date?

      9. What does the General Medical Council do?

    2. Заполнитепропуски:

1. Medical Education in Great Britain of four generally recognized


2 is inclined to limit the number of students.

    1. Medical schools begin their work with the study of.

    2. Clinical work goes on to include

    3. Only those persons can practice as doctors in the National Health


    1. Continuing education consists of

7 is supervised by the General Medical Council.

3. Найдите эквиваленты к словам из колонки а к словам в колон­ке в:



generally recognized stages

по продолжительности

continued education

быть склонным

to be inclined

бакалавр медицины и хирургии

formation and function

выполнять требования


основные этапы

formal tissues

строение и функции

bachelor of medicine and of surgery


medical register

медицинский список

to fulfill requirements

основные ткани

in duration

непрерывное образование

4. Переведите предложения:

1. Медицинское образование Великобритании состоит из четырех основных ступеней.

  1. Предварительное медицинское образование направлено на огра­ничение числа студентов, чтобы увеличить возможности каждо­го студента.

  2. Медицинские колледжи начинают свою работу с изучения струк­туры тела, его строения и его функций.

  3. Клиническая работа начинается с общей медицины и хирургии.

  4. Год работы в больнице необходим после присуждения квалифи­кации.

  5. После интернатуры специалисты посещают курсы повышения квалификации.

  6. Качество медицинского образования контролируется Генераль­ным Медицинским Советом.

5. Ситуация:

Представьте, что вы студент-медик, приехавший из Великобри­тании по программе обмена, и вас просят рассказать о медицинском образовании в вашей стране.


Public health services in Russia are organized locally under the Ministry of Health. The Ministry directs all medical institutions within its competence as well as the public health authorities and services throughout the country. Each region has its own head of health service, usually a physician, who is often in the governor's cabinet. He supervises the whole regional health care system: medical centers, polyclinics, etc. Teams of physicians with experience in various specialities work at polyclinics or outpatient units, where many types of diseases are treated. Small towns usually have one polyclinic to serve all purposes. Large cities commonly have separate polyclinics for children and adults, as well as clinics with specializations such as women's health care, mental illnesses, cancer and sexually transmitted diseases. Polyclinics usually have X-ray apparatus and facilities for examination of tissue specimens, different diagnostic devices and other equipment that helps to treat numerous types of diseases. Now there is a trend toward the development of larger, multipurpose treatment and diagnostic centers, first-aid hospitals, and specialized health care centers.

People have access to a large number of primary medical care options. Children are often taken to pediatricians, who may oversee the child's health needs until adulthood. They usually see the physicians with narrower specialities, including dermatologists, allergists, orthopedists, etc in special children health care establishments. Adults frequently make their initial contact with the health service at district polyclinics. Each polyclinic has a number of general practitioners who are called district therapeutists as well as doctors of particular specialities such as surgeons, neuropathologists, oculists and so on. The doctors examine their patients in the consulting rooms though home visits are also common, and much of the physician's time is spent in performing routine checkups for preventive purposes.

Along with the state medical care establishments a wide system of private clinics and hospitals is developing gradually. Such clinics can afford to hire very skilled specialists, professors to provide their patients the highest quality of medical care.



public health authorities -

управления здравоохранения


заведовать, руководить

outpatient units

амбулаторные отделения

tissue specimens

образцы ткани





to have access

иметь доступ


взрослый возраст





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