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Law and Economic Crimes in Europe.doc
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Vocabulary notes

to launder стирать и гладить(белье), отмывать (перен.) laundry прачечная

research исследование, изучение

recently недавно

illicit незаконный, недозволенный, запрещенный proceeds доход, вырученная сумма

to acquire приобретать

tangible осязаемый, материальный

assets 1) активы, авуары; 2) имущество;

3) имущество несостоя­тельного должника,

имущество обанкротившейся фирмы luxury роскошь

item предмет

real estate недвижимость, недвижимое имущество

syn. real property

real estate agent агент по продаже недвижимости (домов, земельных

участков и имений)

real estate duty налог на унаследованную недвижимость

precious драгоценный

bulk большое количество

cash наличные (деньги)

to originate происходить, возникать

to link связывать

straw солома

a straw man 1) соломенное чучело; 2) ненадежный

человек; 3) подстав­ное, фиктивное лицо ' existence существование

to eliminate устранять, исключать, уничтожать trace след

strict I) строгий, требовательный;

2)точный strict truth истинная правда

in the strict sense of the word в строгом смысле этого слова to earn зарабатывать, получать

interest 1) интерес; 2) проценты;

3) доля, участие в прибылях major главный

major reconstruction коренная перестройка to operate 1) вести, производить (операции),вести счета (в

банке); 2) управ­лять, заведовать

to operate ac­counts

bureau de change пункт обмена валюты pl. bureaux de change

gambling house игорный дом

to gamble играть в азартные игры

stockbroker биржевой маклер

to reveal показывать, раскрывать

circuit 1) кругооборот; 2) выездная сессия суда;

3) (судебный) округ

bond 1) облигация; 2) долговое обязательство;

3) таможенная за­кладная

The use of more sophisticated money laundering methods has also gone beyond wire transfers to include a seemingly endless va­riety of licit and illicit financial instruments.

The possibility for criminal organisations to launder their pro­ceeds through banking financial institutions exists without the knowledge of the illicit source by the financial or commercial op­erator or because of a more or less explicit complicity, if not even through a corrupted or criminally controlled institution. Individu­ally or in concert, employees of financial or business institutions are in fact facilitating money laundering operations by willingly ac­cepting large cash deposits, by failing to report transactions which exceed the threshold required by the law or by filing false reporting documents. This situation occurs for example in mature financial systems which are particularly exposed to organised crime, as Italy certainly is.

There is, however, emerging concern about new banking prac­tices within the European Union, such as direct access banking (favoured customers are given the bank's software and allowed to process transactions directly through their accounts) or suspense accounts (of banks with other banks). Pass-through banking by it­self is posing a myriad of problems for regulators, by creating ac­counts within accounts, even banks within banks. These new bank services limit the utility of identification systems. Representative offices — an office representing a foreign bank that does not have a branch in a specific country constitute another privileged target used by money launderers. Normal financial regulations do not al­ways apply to them because a representative office is not an official banking institution, while the office accepts deposits and transfers the funds into its own account without disclosing the identities of the owners of the deposits.

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