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Law and Economic Crimes in Europe.doc
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Vocabulary notes

to abuse неправильно употреблять, нарушать

to pretend 1) притворяться; 2) претендовать

to tow 1) тянуть; 2) буксировать

haulier владелец транспортных средств для перевозки гру­зов

to divert отводить, отклонять, отвлекать

deliberately преднамеренно, умышленно

to delay doing smth 1) медлить с чем-либо; 2)задерживать что-либо;

3)откладывать, отсрочи­вать что-либо

falsely 1) ложно, ошибочно; 2) притворно, фальшиво to become aware of smth осознать, понять что-либо

to be aware of smth знать, понимать что-либо, отдавать себе полный от­чет в чем-либо

insurance страхование

syn. cover

premium страховая премия (плата за страховку) compare: bonus премия

worthless ничего не стоящий, бесполезный ant. worthy соответствующий, подобающий, достойный to issue выдавать, выпускать

counterfeit поддельный, фальшивый, подложный to encompass включать, заключать

to emerge появляться, возникать

emerging новые, вновь появившиеся

lack нехватка, недостаток

to encourage поощрять, поддерживать, ободрять encouraging поддерживающий, ободряющий uneventful не богатый событиями

to notify smb of smth сообщать кому-либо о чем-либо

syn. to inform smb of smth

to prove доказывать, утверждать

The goods are not Нет доказательств, что то-

proved to have left вар ушел из Германии. Germany.

subsequent последующий, соответствующий

Within the EU 18 million T1 documents are issued annually. Each has an average duty and tax liability of Euro 24,000. Each year Euro 432 billion of taxes and duties are channelled through the T1 system. An incidence of fraud of 0.2% has been calculated by the TIR system, meaning freight forwarders are liable for more than Euro 864 million each year.

The European Commission reckons that the financial impact of organised crime on each member state from 1994 to 1998 was in excess of Euro 75 billion.

The CT regime was designed in the 1960s for six countries with internal borders. Today, transit is organised by freight forwarders acting as intermediaries to a transaction in countries with no inter­nal borders. In addition, customs budgets have been reduced in relative terms and customs authorities have not been able to keep pace with an increasing workload. All this points to the fact that the proliferation of fraud is directly related to the implementation of a frontier free EU.

The present system places the burden of preventing fraud onto the freight forwarders. The prevention of fraud takes expertise and time. Those freight forwarders acting unilaterally to stop the fraud have found that their ability to process the T1 form transactions has slowed down dramatically and the resulting costs, which they pass on to their customers, have increased dramatically too. This has re­sulted in customers shifting business to freight forwarders who are more trusting and less punctilious.

Vocabulary notes

annually ежегодно

average средний, среднеарифметический

on the average в среднем

above the average вышесреднего

below the average ниже среднего

liability ответственность

to channel направлять

channel канал

incidence сфера действий, охват

to reckon 1) подсчитывать; 2) рассматривать

impact влияние, воздействие

to impact влиять, воздействовать

excess избыток, излишек

in excess сверх, больше чем

to design задумывать, замышлять

We did not design this result. Мы не ожидали такого результата.

We designed for his good. Мы делали все для его блага. border граница

internal border внутренняя граница

external border внешняя граница

at the border на границе

to border on/upon граничить со страной

a country

intermediary посредник

transaction сделка

syn. deal


to make a transaction заключить сделку

syn. to do a deal,

to strike a bargain relative относительный, сравнительный, соответственный to keep pace with идти в ногу с

workload нагрузка, количество работы

syn. load

proliferation распространение

to implement выполнять, осуществлять

to implement a decision проводить постановление в жизнь

burden I) бремя, ноша, тяжесть;

  1. накладные расходы;

  2. тема, основная мысль, суть;

4) ответственность

Burden of proof бремя доказательств

to prevent предотвращать, предупреждать expertise знания и опыт, компетенция compare: (expert) экспертиза, заключение экспертов

examination, expert opinion

unilateral односторонний

bilateral двусторонний

multilateral многосторонний

to shift передавать, перемещать

shift смена (рабочая)

eight-hour shift восьмичасовой рабочий день

to trust I) доверять; 2) надеяться

a man to be trusted человек, на которого можно положиться punctilious педантичный, щепетильный до мелочей

Freight forwarders who act alone have been unsuccessful. The adverse factor of a protracted processing time, caused by investi­gating the consignor, has resulted in long delays when issuing a T1 document. This delay causes financial loss to both the client and the freight forwarder.

If the system is to work, freight forwarders must be able to swiftly Verify who their clients are. New proposals must be adopted. Commercial Crime Services, a department of the Interna­tional Chamber of Commerce, believes all organisations involved in the issue of CT documentation and guarantees should be required to meet agreed standards of financial integrity and business ethics. ItПрямая соединительная линия 124 also believes that documentation should be controlled and each movement be identifiable by ensuring that every T1 document is sequentially numbered and issued from a central EC Customs Of­fice. Analysis should be carried out of the methods, types and ex­tent of fraud and those involved. The information obtained should be collated and disseminated throughout the operators of the CT system, and that contact and liaison points should be available to provide confidential advice to freight forwarders, transport opera­tors and guarantors as well as national bodies.

The fact that there is an evolution in the organisational aspect of fraud is clearly stated by the European Commission in the last report of May 1997. Being organised does not mean that frauds are necessarily committed by traditionally organised crime groups. Al­though it does happen in some countries (in Italy 19% of those re­ported for fraud have criminal records and are concentrated in the southern regions), it is not the rule for Europe. Different types of organised criminals commit fraud. Many points are not clear: What is their level of expertise? How complex is their organisational structure and to what extent do they use consultants? And which kind of consultants? Private experts or corrupted customs person­nel? The only clear issue is that some level of organisation is re­quired in order to commit such complex fraud, as that against the financial interests of the European Union. Too little is known and more analysis should be made in this area in order to gain a thor­ough understanding and to act with proper instruments.

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