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Методичні вказівки, Автоматизація, 2-га частина....doc
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3. Say whether the following statements are true (t) or false (f).

1. Engineers have adapted new computers to reproduce nanosize structures.

2. The nanotechnology industry will concentrate on skills already mastered by today’s workforce.

3. Atomic force microscopes cannot both produce images and manipulate individual atoms and molecules.

4. Previously nanopatterning systems produced two-dimentional images only.

5. Nowadays researches can visualise 3-D star structures and then automatically build them in nanoscale.

6. Nanostructures are measured in meters.

7. Future nanofactories will drastically differ from existing manufacturing plants.

4. Complete the sentences.

1. … to reproduce nanosize structures with features on the order of single molecules.

2. These tools allow going from basic....

3. … through a process in which oxides are built on semiconducting and metallic surfaces.....

4. The work is supported by....

5. Atomic force microscopes have been the instrument of choice for researchers...

5. Match English word or word-group with its Ukrainian equivalent.

1. to assist a. з'являтись, виникати

2. to reproduce b. дискретний

3. technique c. вимір

4. to emerge d. варіативність

5. to capitalize e. фрезовий (фрезерний) верстат

6. milling machine f. відтворювати

7. semiconducting g. мати зиск (вигоду) з чогось

8. variability h. напівпровідний

9. discrete i. допомогати

10. dimension j. технологія

6. Find the English equivalents to the words.

Електричний пристрій, мати вигоду, навички, робоча сила, інструмент, наукова демонстрація, поверхня, мова програмування, надійність, вживати.

7. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ці інструменти дозволять перейти від одноразової наукової демонстрації до промислової автоматизації.

2. Така система надійно виробляє трьохмірні кремнієві наноструктури.

3. При масовому виробництві велике значення має надійність та ступінь варіативності процесу.

4. Атомний мікроскоп став найкращим з можливих інструментом для створення двухмірних структур на металі.

5. Дослідники продемонстрували автоматичне конструювання і створення наноструктур за допомогою нового комп'ютерного програмного забезпечення.

8. Make up sentences with the terms.

Decades-old computer, atomic force microscope, milling machine, produce image, nanoscale, two-dimensional image, computerized design environment.

II Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations.

Smaller electronic device, computer aided design, nanosize structures, automated technique, surface features, computing language, silicone oxide nanostructures, atomic force microscope, manipulate individual atoms, nanotechnology factory.

III Read and translate the text Nano-robots. Make up the plan in form of questions, render the text. Nano-robots

Nano-robotic automation is a technology that allows you to create components, machines or robots in nanoscale. Nano-robots are equipped with size in the range 0.1 to 10 micrometers, constructed with molecular components or nanometric components. So far, nanorobots totally artificial, i.e. non-organic, were not created, remain only in the theoretical field as a hypothetical concept.

Another definition used for nanorobots is “A robot that allows precise interaction with objects in nanoscale, or can manipulate objects with nanometer resolution”. From this definition, even a huge one as the atomic force microscope can be considered a nano-robot, when configured to perform nanomanipulations. Moreover, robots in normal scale or micro-robots that can move objects with nanometric accuracy can also be considered nano-robots. The nanomachines are still in early stages of research and development. Only some very primitive elements have been tested until now. One example is a sensor that has a key to approximately 1.5 nm, capable of counting molecules in sample chemistry. The first applications of nanomachines will likely be useful in medical technologies, which can be used to identify and destroy pathogens and toxins, or to release drugs directly into a tumor. Recently, the University of Rice in the U.S. has developed a cart with a single molecule which is controlled by temperature and the tip of a tunneling microscope. Since Nano-Robotic Palletizing are nanoscopic in size, it would require a huge amount of them working together to perform macroscopic tasks, such as moving an object visible or eliminate pollution of a lake.