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8. Make up sentences with the terms.

Industrial solution, simplify maintenance, networking technologies, Web applications, industrial automation platforms, wireless media, key obstacle, human machine interface, technology standards.

II Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations.

Multimedia technologies, wireless interface, simplify maintenance, commissioning tasks, software, control and automation systems, Web application, industrial automation platforms, Ethernet, XML, cellular, M2M activity, Internet Protocol, proprietary problems, legacy systems, human machine interface, key obstacles.

III Read and remember the words and their translation.

implement – запровадити;

routing — маршрут;

speed up — прискорити;

drawback — недолік.

1 Read and translate the text Computer-Aided Process Planning. Make up the plan in form of questions, render the text. Computer-aided process planing

Detailed planning is needed in order to implement a successful computerized manufacturing project. Once a design is finalized, an engineer prepares a detailed process plan. The plan comprises step-by-step instructions that include how to set up equipment, how to make a part, and last but not least, how to assure quality by inspecting the part after it is made. Routings between equipment workstations must also be determined. The plan is usually supplemented with drawings of the tools necessary to make the part and detailed instructions about how to operate the tools. Process planning is a tedious and time-consuming job. In a manufacturing environment, where it is always desirable to reduce time from idea to finished product, the computer-aided process planning (CAPP) can speed up the planning process and help ward off the competition.

There are two approaches to computer-aided process planning: variant and generative. The variant CAPP system is based on parts classification. As in biological classification, parts to be manufactured are combined into families. Parts that belong to a certain family have similar shapes, attributes, and parameters. One drawback of the variant CAPP is that the generic family process may not be suitable for a particular new part.

The generative CAPP system does not have this drawback because it is based on an entirely different principle than variant CAPP. Instead of retrieving a generic family process and editing it, a process plan is created from scratch by using a set of decision rules that define the selection of proper operations, the sequence of operations, the treatments, the tools, and the delivery routes to be used in creating the part.

IV Comprehensive skills

  1. Mind the following words and word-combinations

require – потребувати;

on board – вбудований;

source of power – джерело живлення;

consumption – споживання;

solar cells – фотоелемент;

tolerate – допускати;

occurrence – випадок;

meshed – сітчастий.

2. Listen to the text Wireless technology. Read the following statements, say whether they are true (t) or false (f).

  1. Using wireless communication can get rid of expensive laying of cables.

  2. Accumulators, solar cells, recovering energy from vibration, temperature fluctuations can be used as alternative sources of power.

  3. Many process industry applications require wired field devices.

  4. In the automobile or light industries typical processes cannot tolerate any interruption or error.

  5. Initial field trials with self-configuring meshed wireless networks have produced an availability rate of up to 50 %.

Unit 7