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Методичні вказівки, Автоматизація, 2-га частина....doc
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2. Answer the following questions.

1. What does the term “computer integrated manufacturing” mean?

2. What functional areas are linked with the help of computer with factory floor in CIM systems?

3. What operations are linked together in CIM?

4. What is a mainframe computer?

5. What is computer-aided design?

6. What is CAM?

7. Does computer play an important role in our life?

8. What advantages of computerized manufacturing can you name?

9. What are the disadvantages of computerized manufacturing?

3. Say whether the following statements are true (t) or false (f).

1. Computers may not be used to design a product to control machines, and to link design and processing operations together.

2. Just-in-time (JIT) delivery methods are used with computer-integrated manufacturing.

3. The heart of computer integrated manufacturing is CAD/CAM.

4. A mainframe is a small computer.

5. Computerized manufacturing has no advantages.

4. Complete the sentences.

1. Computers may be … to design…

2. … methods are used… computer-integrated manufacturing.

3. Today …can be designed… computers.

4. Many employees …computers replace them.

5. The heart of computer integrated manufacturing is…

5. Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. flexible a. переробляти

2. the process of manufacturing b. редактор

3. to depend on c. знижувати

4. drafter d. вдосконалювати, покращувати

5. to reduce e. гнучкий

6. quickly f. швидко

7. accurately g. процес виробництва

8. to improve h. точно

9. redone i. залежати

10. production costs j. витрати на виробництво

6. Find the English equivalents to the words.

Виробництво, технології, залежати, гнучкий, знижувати, переробляти, дизайнер, швидко, методи, програмне забезпечення, найдешевший, контролювати.

7. Translate into English.

1. З появою комп’ютера життя людей стало легшим.

2. Робота, виконання якої раніше займало декілька днів, зараз може бути виконано за декілька годин.

3. За допомогою комп’ютера дизайнер може швидко вносити зміни до ескізів.

4. Використовуючи комп’ютер ми можемо прораховувати витрати на виготовлення товару.

5. За допомогою таких комп’ютеризованих приладів, як роботи, кількість людей на шкідливих виробництвах може бути мінімізована.

8. Make up sentences with the terms.

Computer integrated manufacturing, functional areas, design, planning, distribution, methods, advantages, disadvantages, CAD, to reduce costs, to replace, necessary changes, dangerous gobs.

II. Speak on the topic using the following words and word – combinations.

Computer-integrated manufacturing, advantages, to grow, to reduce, different departments, information, operations, available, to improve, the heart of computer integrated manufacturing ,CAD/CAM, drafting equipment, changes, to be redone, the process, to be designed using computers.