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III Read and translate the text Robots in Space. Make up the plan in form of questions, render the text. Robots in space

Space-based robotic technology at NASA falls within three specific missio areas: exploration robotics, science payload maintenance and on-orbit servicing. Related elements are terrestrial/commercial applications which transfer technologies generated from space telerobotics to the commercial sector and component technology which encompasses the development of joint designs, muscle wire, exoskeletons and sensor technology.

Today, two important devices exist which are proven space robots. One is the Remotedly Operated Vehicle (ROV) and the other is the Remote Manipulator System (RMS). An ROV can be an unmanned spacecraft that remains in flight, a lander that makes contact with an extraterrestrial body and operates from a stationary position, or a rover that can move over terrain once it has landed. It is difficult to say exactly when early spacecraft evolved from simple automatons to robot explorers. Even the earliest and simplest spacecraft operated with some preprogrammed functions monitored closely from Earth. One of the best known ROV's is the Sojourner rover that was deployed by the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft. Several NASA centers are involved in developingplanetary explorers and space-based robots.

The most common type of existing robotic device is the robot arm often used in industry and manufacturing. The mechanical arm recreates many of the movements of the human arm, having not only side-to-side and up-and-down motion, but also a full 360-degree circular motion at the wrist, which humans do not have. Robot arms are of two types. One is computer-operated and programmed for a specific function. The other requires a human to actually control the strength and movement of the arm to perform the task. To date, the NASA Remote Manipulator Systems robot arm has performed a number of tasks on many space missions-serving as a grappler, a remote assembly device, and also as a positioning and anchoring device for astronauts working in space.

IV Comprehensive skills

1. Mind the following words and word-combinations

Exploration – дослідження;

to investigate – розслідувати;

to descend – спускатись;

to rappel – спускатись за допомогою мотузки, тросу;

terrain – місцевість;

to emanate – виділяти;

2. Listen to the text Exploration Robots. Read the following statements, say whether they are true (t) or false (f).

1. Currently robots aren't used for investigation of hazardous environment.

2. A robot named Dante II descended into the active crater of Icelandic volcano Mt. Spurr.

3. Dante II's mission was to walk autonomously over rough terrain in a harsh environment.

4. The robot received instructions directly from human operator.

5. The technology Dante II demonstrated is essential for space exploration.

Unit 6

I Read and remember the words and their translation.

  1. Solution – рішення;

  2. inconceivable – неможливий;

  3. portable – переносний, пересувний;

  4. transmission – передача;

  5. to commission – підготувати;

  6. transducer – датчик, передатчик;

  7. actuator – датчик;

  8. interoperability – функціональні сумісність, багатоцільове використання;

  9. networking technology – мережева технологія;

  10. to facilitate – полегшувати;

  11. mismatch – неспівпадіння;

  12. legacy system – існуюча (успадкована) система;

  13. obstacle – перешкода.