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Раздел 2 Второе занятие


  1. Проверьте, как вы оперируете грамматическими явления­ми при переводе.

    1. Переведите предложения (устно), учитывая особенности перевода правых определении:

  1. From the information available in the literature, CMOS chip un­der consideration demands substantial design efforts.

  2. Time delays associated with interconnections made of different materials have been considered.

  3. The proper choice of the material within the constraints (огра­ничение) placed by the fabrication technology existing can result in minimization of the RC delay time.

  4. The area occupied by a MOS transistor can be made smaller by shortening its channel width and length leading to a faster device.

  5. Smaller dimensions, larger chip size, and circuit innovations in question all contribute to the progress of integration and the gen­eration of a larger number of components on a single chip.

  6. The long distance line voltage drop will increase with scaling men­tioned above.

  7. Polysilicon to be used meets all of the requirements addressed above.

  1. Проверьте, как вы умеете переводить.

  1. Подготовьте контрольный перевод основного текста.

  1. Проверьте свое умение говорить.

  1. Подготовьте сообщения по следующим темам:

  1. Intrinsic semiconductor properties.

  2. Contributions to the study of semiconductor physics.


Микроэлектроника настоящее и будущее


Контроль изученного материала

  1. Контроль перевода основного текста.

Выполняется устно, выборочно.

  1. Контроль слов в словосочетаниях.

Выполняется или устно, или письменно по выбору преподавателя.

  1. Контроль умения выявлять значения слов с учетом кон­текста.

  1. Переведите, выявляя контекстуальное значение выделенных слов:


  1. Aluminium is the most problematic material to be used for metal lization in maintaining contact stability.

  2. A lower resistivity is required for maintaining circuit performance.

  3. Use of this self-test technique greatly simplifies field maintenance.

  4. For storage and retrieval of data in the bubble-memory, use is made of a group of registers and counters for accurately maintaining the position of data.

  5. Any system must be designed to require less maintenance.

  6. Preventive maintenance is absolutely necessary.


  1. This entails turning one of the file processors into an input/output unit.

  2. Today, plants depend on carbon dioxide and water to survive. In turn, they produce organic matter.

  3. Water can turn to a solid.

  4. Let us now turn to ceramics.

  5. At the turn of the 18th century nobody knew of semiconductors.


  1. Sometimes the performance of the circuits can sulfer from tech' nological advancement.

  2. The systematic approach can anticipate the problems that will arise in future VLSI.

Раздел 2 Третье занятие


  1. The average wire length can be estimated by a very useful statisti­cal formula.

  2. Контроль умения переводить с листа.

Текст 2.1 С

Переведите текст устно с листа. Озаглавьте текст. Значение выделенных слов вы сможете понять из контекста.

All the components of the circuit must be fabricated in a crystal of silicon or on the surface of the crystal. Silicon is far from being ideal material for these functions and only modest values of resistance and capacitance can be achieved. Practical microelectronic inductors can­not be formed at all. On the other hand, silicon is a material without equal for the fabrication of transistors, and th tabundance of these active components in microelectronic devices more than compensates for the shortcom ings of the passive elements.

Текст 2.2 С

Переведите текст письменно без словаря. Значение выделенных слов вы сможете понять из контекста.

Вариант 1

Materials for Multilayer Interconnections

As device dimensions are becoming increasingly smaller se­vere requirements are being imposed on the electrode material. The basic demand is conductivity because it can substantially improve the resistances and delay times of the electrical interconnections lines used for VL1C structures.

Historically, metals like aluminium and gold have been used in bipolar and MOS IC’s. With the advent of silicon-gate MOS technol­ogy, polysilicon has been extensively used to form gate electrodes and ^terconnections. Refractory metals such as tungsten (W), molybde- num (Mo), titanium (Ti), and tantalum (Та) and their silicides are re­ceiving increased attention as a replacement/ compliment of polysilicon.


Микроэлектроника настоящее и будущее

Silicides of W, Mo and Та have reasonably good compatibility with the IC fabrication technology. They have fairly high conduc­tivity; they can withstand all of the chemicals normally encountered during the fabrication process.

Вариант 2

Materials Requirements

The following are the general requirements for a material for interconnects and contacts: high electrical conductance, low ohmic contact resistance, electro migration, stable contacts (with silicon and final metallization), corrosion and oxidation resistance, high tem­perature stability, strong adhesion characteristics.

One of the primary considerations is to obtain a material with high electrical conductivity and low ohmic contact resistance. It should also have good electromigration resistance anti be stable when in contact with silicon and/or oxide and the final metallization.

These parameters must be maintained throughout the high tem­peratures encountered during processing; i.e., to maintain their metal­lurgical integrity. This requires that the melting point of the materials used be much higher than conventional process temperatures.

  1. Контроль умения переводить письменно со словарем.

Текст 2.3 С

Переведите текст письменно. Определите скорость вашего перевода. Вам дается 20 минут.

Major Steps in the Growth of Computer Technology

The first transistor developed was the junction transistor. Nearly all transistors today are classed as junction transistors.

Throughout the years there were developed new types of junction transistors that performed better and were easier to construct. When first introduced, the junction transistor was not called that; it was the “cat’s whisker” used in the first radio receivers in the 1920s. Shockley and his crew resurrected (возродить) it, a mere imposing name sounded much

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