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Учебное пособие НАР.ШАМ. 2008.doc
1.42 Mб

Speech Models

1. The human body is composed of the head, the trunk and the upper and lower extremities.

2. The upper extremity is connected with the trunk by the shoulder girdle.

3. The lower extremity is formed by the thigh, leg and foot.

4. What organs are there within the abdominal cavity?

5. Тhе lungs are located in the chest.

6. What organ does the cranial cavity of the skull contain?

7. What are the parts of the face?

8. The tongue is the organ of smell, isn't it?

9. No, the tongue is the organ of taste.

10. What is the body covered with?

11. What are the systems of the human body?

12. Where is the heart located?

13. What parts is the head composed of?

Muscular-Skeletal System

Formation and structure of

bones Processes and depressions in bones:

osseous/bony tissue fissure

osteocyte/bone cell bone head

cartilage tissue tubercle

osteoblast trochanter

osteoclast tuberosity

calcium condyle

phosphorus fossa

long bone foramen

short bone sulcus

flat bone sinus



epiphyseal line / plate

haversian canal Cranial bones:

periosteum frontal bone

articular cartilage parietal bone

compact / cortical bone temporal bone

red bone marrow mastoid process

yellow bone marrow occipital bone

medullary cavity foramen magnum

cancellous bone sphenoid bone

ethmoid bone

Facial bones:

nasal bone

lacrimal bone Bones of the leg and foot:

maxillary bone femur

mandibular bone patella

zygomatic bone tibia/shin bone

vomer fibula


Vertebral column : metatarsals

cervical vertebrae phalanges of the toes

thoracic vertebrae

lumbar vertebrae Pathological conditions of bones:

sacrum osteodystrophy

coccyx osteitis fibrosa cystica

vertebral body rickets, osteomalacia

cartilagenous disk osteomyelitis, sequestrum

vertebral arch osteogenic sacroma

spinous process ewing’s tumor

transverse process multiple myeloma


neural canal

Pathological conditions of muscles:

Bones of the thorax: myastenia gravis

clavicle muscular dystrophy

scapula pseudohypetrophy


sternum/breastbone Joints:

xiphoid process synarthrosis

rib, true rib amphiarthrosis

false rib diarthrosis

floating rib joint capsule


Bones of the arm and hand: articular cartilage

humerus synovial membrane

ulna synovial cavity

radius synovial fluid

carpal bursae

metacarpal tendons

phalanges of the fingers and thumb

Bones of the Pelvis: Pathological conditions of joints:

pelvic girdle rheumatoid arthritis:

ischium ankylosis

ilium gouty arthritis

pubis protrusion of an intervertebral disk


striated/voluntary/skeletal muscle

smooth/involuntary/visceral muscle

cardiac muscle
