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Учебное пособие НАР.ШАМ. 2008.doc
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Interviewing the Doctor-in- Chief about the Work of the Polyclinic

Correspondent: Hello, Doctor.

Doctor: Hello.

C: Let me introduce myself. My name is ....... I am a correspondent of the TV program "Health".

D: Yes, I remember. Make yourself comfortable.

C: Thank you. I hope you will tell us about the work of your polyclinic.

D: With pleasure. What would you like to know?

C: Well, first of all, how many citizens do you cater to?

D: Oh, our therapeutic district is large. We serve all the citizens of the Central District. It is about 15 thousand.

C: Really? And how many doctors are there on the staff?

D: About 30 district doctors and about the same number of specialists.

C: What are they, I wonder?

D: We have surgeons, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, dentists and many other specialists.

C: I see. And what about the working hours of your Polyclinic?

D: It works from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. First the patient comes to the registry and the clerk helps to choose the doctor he needs. The doctors’ consulting rooms are on the second and third floors.

C: And what about the first floor? As far as I can see, the first floor is occupied by the laboratories and diagnostic rooms.

B: Yes, you are right. We have an X-ray room, a room for taking electrocardiograms, a room for ultrasonic examination, and some others.

C: Do you have a special consulting room for teenagers?

D: Yes, of course.

C: And what about the chemist's stall?

D: Sure. It is downstairs, near the cloak-room.

C: Can a patient call in a doctor to his place?

D: Yes, he can, if he has a high temperature he can do it by the telephone.

C: Thank you for your interesting information.

D: You are welcome.

C: Good-bye.

D: Good luck to you.

At the Registry

(Situation: A patient comes up to the registering clerk on duty)

P: Good morning.

R: Good morning, Can I help you?

P: Yes, do, please. You see, I'd like to see my district doctor Doubrovin / a surgeon / an ophthalmologist etc. What are his consulting hours today?

R: Just a minute, let me see. Yes, Doctor Doubrovin is seeing (examining) his patients now. His reception hours are from 8 a.m. till 12.

P: Good. Could you give me an appointment card?

R: Yes, it is possible. Here you are. Your time is 10.30.

P: Thank you. Sorry. I've forgotten the number of his consulting room.

R: It is consulting room No 23.

P: Should I go upstairs and turn to the left?

R: Right you are.

P: Thank you.

R: Not at all.

(The telephone rings. The registering clerk on duty takes the receiver.)

P: Hello. Is it the registry?

R: Yes it is. What can I do for you?

P: I want to call in a doctor. Is it possible?

R.: Sure. Who is your district doctor?

P: Sorry, I don't know.

R: Where do you live?

P: My address is ..... Street.

R: Let me see. Your district doctor is .....

P: What are his/her working hours today?

R: Now she/he is consulting patients at the polyclinic. She/he will go to calls in

the afternoon. So she/he will come to your place at 3 p.m. OK?

P: Good.

R: What is your name?

P: My name is ....

R: What are your complaints?

P: I have fever, sore throat and headache.

R :All right, your district doctor will see you.

P: Thank you. Good-bye.

R: You are welcome.