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Учебное пособие НАР.ШАМ. 2008.doc
1.42 Mб

Speech Models:

1. What types of polyclinics are there in Russia?

2. Can a patient summon a doctor to his place?

3. What are the consulting hours of Doctor N?

4. What are the duties of the registering clerk?

5. What specialists work at the policlinic?

6. How many residents does your polyclinic cater to?

7. Doctor N. has a good bedside manner.

8. Every polyclinic has its own X-ray room and...

9. Patients should always follow the doctor's instructions to recover as soon, as possible.

I0. Is it the registry? Could I call in my district doctor N?

11. Where can I have my analyses made? When does the laboratory start to take analyses?

  1. Doctor, I would ask you to extend my certificate if possible.

Medical Personnel

medical staff / personnel медперсонал

head medical personnel административный медперсонал

head physician / doctor главный врач

chief doctor главный врач

doctor - in - chief главный врач

doctor in charge главный врач

medical director (Br.) главный врач

deputy doctor зав. отделением

head of department зав. отделением

general practitioner / GP ( Br.) врач общей практики

medical man ( Br.) врач

family physician / doctor семейный врач

local doctor участковый врач

district doctor участковый врач

doctor on duty дежурный врач

duty doctor дежурный врач

physician on call врач на вызовах

attending doctor лечащий врач

managing doctor лечащий врач

ward doctor палатный врач

highly qualified высококвалифицированный

/ experienced / skilled specialist опытный специалист

anesthesiologist анестезиолог

dermatologist / skin specialist дерматолог

gynecologist гинеколог

neuropathologist невропатолог

obstetrician акушер

oncologist онколог

orthopedist ортопед

otorhinolaryngologist / ENT-(ear-nose-throat)doctor - оториноларинголог

ophthalmologist / oculist / eye doctor офтальмолог

pediatrician / children's doctor педиатр

proctologist проктолог

resuscitologist / expert in resuscitation врач-реаниматор

roentgenologist / X-ray specialist рентгенолог

stomatologist / dentist стоматолог/дантист

therapeutist / therapist / internist терапевт

traumatologist травматолог

urologist уролог

physical therapist / physiatrist физиотерапевт

ТВ doctor фтизиатр (специалист по лечению туберкулеза)

surgeon хирург

endocrinologist эндокринолог

morbid anatomist патологоанатом