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13. Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. We listened to the latest news on the radio.

2. The meeting began at 3 o'clock.

3. My father left for London last week.

4. I got up late yesterday.

5. We went to the cinema a week ago.

6. We spent the holidays in the country last summer.

7. It was pleasant to bathe in the river in summer.

8. There were a lot of leaves on the ground in the park.

9. He asked the same question.

10. We went in for skating last winter.

Topical vocabulary

  1. to be an easy thing to do – легко сделать

  2. to take a lot of time- занимать много времени

  3. out­look - кругозор

  4. аpproximately - примерно

  5. a mother tongue – родной язык

  6. the first language – первый язык

  7. to borrow - заимствовать

  8. to eliminate- исключать

  9. official lan­guage – официальный язык

  10. recent advances – последние достижения

  11. field – поле (область)

  12. to affect- действовать на

  13. to keep up- не отставать

  14. hard – сложно

  15. the media – средства массовой информации

  16. worth - стоящий

  17. pronunciation - произношение

  18. native speakers – носители языка

  19. grammar - грамматика

  20. to be against – быть против

  21. especially important – крайне важный

  22. abroad –заграница

  23. in the original - в оригинале

  24. universal - универсальный

  25. used - используемый

  26. to present - представлять

  27. purity - чистота

  28. popular - популярный

  29. international - международный

  30. to save - сохранять

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Geographical Position of the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation is the largest state of the new Commonwealth of Independent States. It covers a total area of over 17 million square kilometers.

The country is washed in the North by the Arctic Ocean and its seas: the Barents, Chukchee, East Siberian, Kara, Laptev, and White Seas; in the South by the Black, Azov, and Caspian Seas; in the East by the Bering Sea, the Sea of Japan and Okhotsk Sea; in the West by the Baltic Sea.

Russia encompasses within its territory immense differences in climate, economic conditions and cultural traditions. It is one of the largest administrative areas in the world.

The immensity of the Russian Federation is hard to imagine. A flight from Moscow to Magadan takes eight hours.

Russia borders on fourteen countries including the former republics of the USSR, which are now independent states.

Russia is rich in mineral resources. It has deposits of oil, coal, natural gas, iron, gold, nickel, etc.

The population of Russia is about 150 million people. Over 80% of them are ethnic Russians. 70% of the population live in the cities.


Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) – Содружество Независимых Государств (СНГ)

encompass – содержать, заключать в себе

immensity - необъятность

former - бывший

deposits - залежи

population - население