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2. Заполните пропуски соответствующими глаголами.

  1. Do you___________much exercise?

  2. I only_________volleyball in the summer.

  3. If possible, I'd like to____________a fitness club.

  4. A: I love football.

B: Do you? Which team do you__________ ?

A: Liverpool.

  1. My Dad played football but he___________last year. He said he was too old.

  2. We used to__________camping in the mountains.

  3. Why don't you ____________hiking or swimming, or something? You need more


8. If you want to___________fit, you need to run three or four miles every other day.

3. Дополните предложения подходящими словами.

  1. Do you still do a lot of weight training ?

  2. I enjoy jogging and it keeps me_______.

  3. Liz doesn't have much opportunity now to go rock___________.

  4. Nigel loves dangerous sports; I'm the complete _____________.

  5. He has played for several good teams and he takes it very____________.

  6. I used to play a lot of ice______________.

  7. We still like watching motor _____________.

  8. I played for years, then I injured my ankle and I had to give____________.

  9. In the summer I go jogging in the park. In the winter I exercise indoors and go to the____________.

  10. I love swimming, and it's really good for___________.

4. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What sport do you do?

  2. Do you take sport seriously or do you do it just for fun?

  3. Are you very competitive?

  4. Are you good at any sports?

  5. Have you taken up a new sport recently?

  6. Have you ever had to give up a sport for any reason?

Просмотрите табличку, послушайте запись и заполните пропуски необходимой информацией. Затем, пользуясь табличкой расскажите про виды спорта.








keep fit,





sense of balance



knee pads,




hurt yourself

sense of balance,








good training,











good training

Способы выражения будущего времени

Present Simple

Be going to

Present Continuous

Future Simple

1. Действие происходящее по расписанию или по программе.

The train to Istanbul leaves at 9.00 pm.

2. Вместо Future Simple в придаточных условных предложениях и придаточных предложениях времени после союзов: while, before, until, as soon as, after, if, by the time etc.

As soon as we finish dinner, I’ll serve some ice-cream.

be going to +V

1. Планы или намерения на ближайшее будущее.

I’m going to spend next summer sailing around the world.

2. Предсказания, основанные на том, что мы знаем или доказательства, которые можно увидеть в настоящем.

The sky is very cloudy. It is going to rain tonight.

am/is/are + Ving

Будущее запланированное действие.

I am seeing my doctor next week.


They will work.

1. Предсказания обычно с глаголами: think, believe, expect; выражениями: be sure, be afraid; наречиями: perhaps, certainly, probably

I think it will rain today.

2. Спонтанные решения, принятые в момент речи.I’m thirsty. I’ll have a glass of water.

3. Предложения, угрозы, предупреждения, просьбы и надежды с глаголами: promise, hope etc.

I hope the temperature will drop soon.

1. Перед тем как прочесть текст, посмотрите на картинку, опишите машину. Что в ней необычного? Что осталось по-старому? Затем прочитайте статью о машинах будущего, обратите внимание на способы выражения будущего времени.

Highway to the Future

On the road to exciting

New changes in car design

By Harry Vroom

Get ready! We’re on the road to exciting new changes in car design. How will the vehicle of the future look? Well, it will probably still have four wheels, but it’s going to come in many more colors and patterns. You’ll be able to choose a green and yellow polka-dotted model or design your very own personal look! It’s going to be environmentally friendly, too. The material will be 100 percent recyclable, and the car will run on solar energy.

What about speed? The car of the future will go a lot faster than current cars. One day, it will even fly! But it will also be safe. An electronic shield around the car will warn of danger and automatically avoid accidents. And you won’t get lost anymore! You’ll just say the destination and the car will give you directions.

One manufacturer, Smart Transport, Inc., is holding a press conference next week. At the conference you’ll see actual models of these fantastic new cars. And before very long, you’ll be able to zip around town in the real thing! So, full speed ahead to the future! It’s going to be a great trip!