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Единственное и множественное число

6. Напишите существительные во множественном числе.

1 flower – flowers 2 umbrella - ____________ 3 family - ______________

4 boat - ________________

5 address - _____________ 6 foot - ________________

7 woman - _____________ 8 knife - _______________

9 holiday - _____________

10 city - _______________ 11 sandwich - ___________ 12 potato - _____________

7. Посмотрите на картинки и дополните предложения.

1 There are a lot of sheep in the field. 2 Jill has got two ______________________.

3 George is cleaning his ________________.

4 There are a lot of ____________in the river.

5 There are three ___________at the bus stop. 6 The____________ are falling from the tree.

8. Некоторые предложения правильные, а некоторые содержат ошибки. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

1 I’m going to buy some flowers. OK

2 I need a new jeans. I need a new pair of jeans. OR I need some new jeans.

3 It’s a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree. __________________________________________

4 There was a woman in the car with two mens. _________________________________________

5 Sheep eat grass. _________________________________________________________________

6 David is married and has three childs. ________________________________________________

7 Most of my friend are student. _____________________________________________________

8 He put on his pajama and went to bed. _______________________________________________

9 We went fishing but we didn’t catch many fish. ________________________________________

10 Do you know many persons in this town? ____________________________________________

11 I like your trouser. Where did you get it? ____________________________________________

12 The town centre is usually full of them. _____________________________________________

13 I don’t like mice. I’m afraid of them. _______________________________________________

14 This scissor isn’t very sharp. ______________________________________________________

Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные

9. Подпишите названия предметов на картинках. Некоторые из них исчисляемые, некоторые неисчисляемые. Используйте артикль a/an, где необходимо.

bucket, egg, envelope, jug, milk, money, salt, sand, spoon, toothbrush, toothpaste, wallet.

10. Найдите ошибки, вставьте артикль a/an, где необходимо. Некоторые предложения правильные.

1 I haven’t got watch. a watch

2 Do you like cheese? OK

3 Ann never wears hat.__________________

4 Are you looking for job? _______________

5 Mary doesn’t eat meat. ________________

6 Mary eats apple every day.______________

7 I’m going to party tonight. _________ 8 Music is wonderful thing. ______________

9 Jamaica is island. _____________________

10 I don’t need key. ____________________

11 Everybody needs food. _______________

12 I’ve got good idea. ___________________

13 Can you drive car? ___________________

14 Do you want cup of coffee? ___________

15 I don’t like coffee without milk. ________

16 Don’t go out without umbrella. _________