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Topical vocabulary

  1. train – поезд

  2. helicopter – вертолет

  3. plane – самолет

  4. hot-air balloon – воздушный шар

  5. trolley-bus – троллейбус

  6. motorbike – мотоцикл

  7. boat – лодка

  8. tram – трамвай

  9. submarine – подводная лодка

  10. skidoo – снегоход

  11. ship – корабль, пароход

  12. bus – автобус

  13. bicycle – велосипед

  1. departure lounge – зал ожидания

  1. customs - таможня

  2. ticket office – билетная касса

  3. luggage/ baggage - багаж

  4. boarding - посадка

  5. to rush - торопиться, спешить

  6. to land - приземляться

  7. to take off - взлетать

  8. public transport – общественный транспорт

  9. to check in – регистрироваться

  10. to go through customs – проходить через таможенный контроль

  11. one-way ticket – билет в один конец

  12. a round ticket – билет туда и обратно

  13. boarding card – посадочный талон

  14. check-in desk – стойка регистрации

  15. flight number – номер рейса

  16. baggage reclaim – место получения багажа

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Learning Foreign Languages Becomes More Popular in Russia

Learning a foreign language isn't an easy thing to do. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts.

Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn them, because they need them for their work, oth­ers travel abroad, and some people study languages as a hobby.

Eve­ryone who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original and that makes your out­look wider.

As for me, I learn English because English is the most popular language. Though there are almost three thousand languages in the world, English is the most universal. It is the most used language in international business, sci­ence and medicine. Approximately 400 million people speak English as a mother tongue.

Even in the countries where English isn't the first language, a great number of English words are used. Words are borrowed from English more often. Hundreds of words can now be found in other languages, such as soda, hotel, golf, tennis, jeans, O.K., baseball and airport. Many words are used just as they are. Others are changed to make them more like the native lan­guage, easier to say and remember.

English is everywhere. It is on signs, clothes, soft drinks and other goods around the world. The names of pop groups, computer software and magazines are often presented in English. Some people think English is stylish, even when the English on the designed items makes no sense. In spite of the popularity of the English words and phrases, they are not always welcome. Some people think that the use of English words is dangerous for the purity of their native lan­guage. Some countries tried to eliminate English as their official lan­guage in order to save their native language.

Learning English is important for me because I want to know what is going on around me in the world. With recent advances in technology the world is changing rapidly in many fields, such as business, arts and medicine. These changes will affect me soon and it is important for me to read and keep up with these changes. In fact, learning English and other foreign languages is the answer to a lot of things that I need and want to know.