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Прочитайте и переведите текст Sports

Sport has always been popular in our country. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers. Our sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

Millions of people watch figure skating competitions, hockey and football matches, car races, tennis tournaments and other sports events. Certainly watching sports events and going in for sports are two different things.

In the past it was neveradmitted that professional sport existed in our country. The official point of view was that our sport was totally amateur. Now everybody knows that sport can be a profession and a business.

But sport can be fun as well. Besides, it helps to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy.

Doing sports is becoming more and more popular. Some people do it occasionally — swimming in summer, skiing or skating in winter — but many people go in for sports on a more regular basis. They try to find time to go to a swimming pool or a gym at least once a week for aerobics or yoga classes, body building or just work-out on a treadmill. Some people jog every morning, some play tennis.

For those who can afford it there are clubs where they give lessons of scuba diving or riding. In spring and summer young people put on their roller skates and skate in the streets and parks.


tournament - турнир, чемпионат

totally - полностью

record - рекорд

amateur - любительский

gymnast - гимнаст

fun - удовольствие

weightlifter - тяжелоатлет

in good shape - в хорошей форме

figure skater - фигурист

high jumper - прыгун в высоту

to do sports - заниматься спортом

to admit - признавать

on a more regular basis - более регулярно

aerobics - аэробика

to jog - бегать трусцой

yoga - йога

to afford - позволить себе

body-building - бодибилдинг

scuba diving - дайвинг, плавание с аквалангом

work-out - тренировка

treadmill - тренажер "беговая дорожка"

roller skates - роликовые коньки

Ответьте на вопросы

1. Why is sport so important in our life?

2. Do Russian sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games?

3. Do they often win medals?

4. Was there a gym or a sports ground in your school?

5. What professional sporting societies or clubs do you know?

6. Are there any keep-fit centres in your neighbourhood? Do you go there?

7. Do you go in for sports or do you prefer to watch other people playing?

8. What team are you a fan of?

9. What is your favourite kind of sport?

10. How long have you been playing it?

11. Do you take part in competitions?

12. What games are popular in Russia?

Прочитайте текст и выполните к нему задание What does a "Healthy Life" Mean?

1) _____________________________________________________. Those who pursue the lat­est fitness fashion are convinced that staying in good physical form re­quires much more than regular exercises and balanced meals. For anyone who really wants to be healthy, fitness has become an integral part of their lives. A lot of health and fitness clubs and public leisure centers that were created in many countries indicate the popularity of sports during the past thirty years.

2) _________________________________________________. First of all, it's neces­sary to do exercises. People of different ages can design exercises that will fit them. Running, jumping, swimming, bending and stretching are among the most popular exercises. Many people prefer jogging which is the cheapest and the most accessible sport. Walking is a very popular ac­tivity too. A healthy body becomes a fashion, an ideal of the life today. Even moderate physical activity can protect against heart disease and strokes as well as improve general health and the quality of life. Everyone can benefit from being a little more active, healthier and enjoyable life.

3) _____________________________________________. Another activity that is popular in our country is roller-skating. Today it has reached its peak in our country. At present the lack of facilities make enthusiasts use city pavements or parking lots.

4) ______________________________________________. According to the statistics, nowadays 60% of men and 91% of women are overweight. That's why I think that everybody must do exercises, don't smoke, eat healthy food, lots of fruits and vegetables. And if people take care of themselves, everybody will be healthy.

Подберите к каждому абзацу первое тематическое предложение

  1. Unfortunately, many people don't take enough exercises to keep themselves healthy.

  2. There are many opportunities for keeping fit.

  3. The fitness boom of the past decides led to a big rise in the members of people participating in sports and activities.

  4. In summer many people like to go to the bank of the river on a hot day to swim.

Закончите следующие предложения в соответствии с текстом:

1. The fitness boom of the past decades led to __________________________________________.

2. Many people prefer jogging ______________________________________________________.

3. A healthy body becomes a ________________________________________________________.

4. A lot of health and fitness clubs and public leisure centres ______________________________.

5. In summer many people like _____________________________________________________.

6. At present the lack of facilities make enthusiasts ______________________________________.

7. According to the statistics, _______________________________________________________.




For most ball games you need boots or training shoes. (also trainers infml.)

You need a racket for tennis, a bat for baseball/table tennis; a stick for hockey; and clubs for golf .

In tennis and volleyball and there is a net across the middle of the court. There is also a net around each goal in football.





The playing area for football and rugby is called a pitch. Around the pitch there is an area for spectators/the crowd (= people who watch the game). The total area is the stadium. The playing area for tennis, volleyball and basketball is a court; for golf it is a course.


Football and rugby have a referee; tennis and baseball have an umpire. In football the referee uses a whistle to control the game.


Spain beat Switzerland 3-2. (= Switzerland lost to Spain 3-2) In other words: Spain won the match. (= Switzerland lost the match) Spain were the winners. (= Switzerland were the losers)

If two teams/players have the same score (= number of goals or points) at full-time (= the end of the game), it is a draw. We can also use draw as a verb, e.g. We drew 2-2.

When a game is in progress, we use lead to describe the position of the teams or player with the most goals/points, and latest to describe the score:

At half-time, Brazil are leading Chile 2-1. (= the latest score is 2-1 to Brazil)


  1. Заполните таблицу правильной формой.


past tense

past participle







  1. Напишите 6 действий с мячом.

____________it ______________it ______________ it

____________it ______________it ________________it