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II. Say the following in English.

В тексте речь шла о бетоне – конструктивном строительном материале, его составе, стадиях производства, важных свойствах, видах, методах приготовления бетона, факторах влияющих на прочность любого бетона и его широком применении в строительстве: а) в различных сооружениях, например, гидротехнических, б) и как несущие элементы зданий, например, балки , перекрытия, плиты.

III. Give your opinion.

1. Concrete is one of the constructive building materials. Do you agree/disagree with this statement?

2. Make a conclusion about concrete structures.

I. Read and translate the following information about Plastics

  • Plastics are the most important materials resulting from scientific discoveries.

  • They contain synthetic resin, forming high molecular substances.

  • By changing the structure of polymers technologists produce different kinds of plastics.

  • Plastics are of great importance for people due to their unique combination of properties, valuable for construction: small unit weight, great mechanical weight, durability, good insulating properties, variety of colours resistance to corrosion and chemicals.

  • Today plastics are applied in every branch of building from laying of foundation to the final coat of paint.

  • A lot of decorative plastics have brought about a revolution in interior and exterior design.

II. Say the following in English.

Информация о пластиках, незаменимых сегодня материалах, их составе, видах, ценных свойствах и их широчайшем применении в строительстве и в нашей жизни в целом.

III. Give your opinion.

1. Are plastics used only as decorative or building material as well?

2. Make a conclusion about plastics as very effective building materials.



Lesson 1.

Text Cement____________________________________________________

Topic Studies at the Univercity_____________________________________

Lesson 2.

Text Concrete___________________________________________________

Topic Building materials__________________________________________

Lesson 3.

Text Plastics____________________________________________________

Topic My Speciality______________________________________________

Building Materials and their main characteristics

Методические указания по английскому языку

для студентов-заочников 1-го курса, обучающихся по направлению 270800 “Строительство”

Составитель: ст. преп. Людмила Владимировна Карпова

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Отпечатано: отдел оперативной полиграфии Воронежского ГАСУ

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