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B. It’s so nice and hot.

A.I think it’s so nice when it is hot, isn’t it?

B.I really love it, don’t you?

For bad weather

A.Terrible day, isn’t it?

B.Isn’t it unpleasant?

A.The rain … I don’t like the rain.

B.Just think – a day like this in July. It rains in the morning, then a bit of sun and then rain, rain, rain, all day.

A.I remember the same July day in 2005 …

B.Yes, I remember too.

A.Or was it in 2005?

B.Yes, it was.

A.Or in 2006?

B.Yes, that’s right.

ЗАДАНИЕ 15. Подготовьте дома рассказ о Британии.

Профессиональная сфера общения (Я и моя будущая профессия)

Unit 6


When work is a pleasure, life is a joy!

Maxim Gorky, 18681936, Russian writer

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Прочитайте интернациональные слова и определите их значения, обращая внимание на части речи:

а) существительные: economist, intelligence, expert, activity, career, information, finance, utilization, operation, resources, behaviour, mechanism, factor, standard, risk, manager, company, marketing, management, capital

б) глаголы: produce, analyze, plan, practice, adapt, operate

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Подберите русские соответствия английским словам, данным под чертой.

consumer behaviour, full employment, goods and services, the ability and the willingness, objective, living standards, affect, labour economics, by means of, no matter


цель, товары и услуги, поведение потребителя, уровень жизни, посредством, полная занятость, оказывать воздействие, способность и желание, неважно, экономика рынка труда

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов и переведите предложения.

1.People get resources from the earth.

2.The economist studies consumers' behaviour in the service markets.

3.Consumers buy goods from manufacturers.

4.We study Economics.

5.The growth of industry and agriculture affects the life of all the people in the


ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Используя данные слова, скажите, какие качества важны для успешной профессиональной деятельности экономиста.

To be a professional economist (manager, accountant, book-keeper, financial analyst, banker, auditor) it is necessary to (be, have) … .

training and experience

ability and willingness

plan, prepare and practice

use new information

learn and adapt modern skills

know computers and data processing

know foreign languages

ЗАДАНИЕ 5. Познакомьтесь со словами и словосочетаниями, которые помогут вам понять текст:

1) demands on – требования к (спрос)

The demands on economists are very great.

2) experience – опыт

He has enough experience for this job.

3)one never stops learning – никогда не нужно прекращать учиться

In Economics one never stops learning.

4)to evaluate – оценивать

Economists evaluate and use new information.

5) data processing — обработка данных

Data processing is he handling of large amounts of information.

6) market mechanism – рыночный механизм

Economists take interest in the relationship between “price system” and “market mechanism”.


7)industrial economics – экономика промышленности

Industrial economics is an applied area of study.

8)an approach – подход, метод

There are three main approaches to economics.

9) development economics — экономика развития

Development economics studies the factors of economic growth.

10)a supplier – поставщик

11)a consumer – потребитель

12)goods – товары

Individuals are considered both as suppliers of labour and as consumers of goods.

13)managerial economics – экономика управления

He studies managerial economics.

ЗАДАНИЕ 6. Прочитайте текст к теме «Professional Activity».

The demands on economists or accountants are great. No matter how great their intelligence, training and experience, they can never be experts in everything. In Economics one never stops learning. The ability and the willingness to find out are very important.

Business is an increasingly important activity throughout the world today. There are now five fields of business those offer exciting careers:

management – the activities guiding a company to reach its objectives;

marketing – the movement of goods and services from a producer to a customer;

accounting – the measurement and communication of financial information;

finance - the acquisition and utilization of capital to start up, operate, and expand a business;

computers and data processing – the handling of large amounts of information

concerning business operations.

Economists are interested in problems that affect prices of goods and services and also resources necessary to produce them. Economists also take interest in sellers' and buyers' behaviour in the market, in the relationship between “price system” and “market mechanism”.

There are three main approaches to economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics and development economics. There are also several specialized (applied) areas of study. Among them are money economics, international economics, labour economics, industrial economics, agricultural economics, construction economics, growth economics, managerial economics, etc. Construction economics is developing rapidly and successfully as it is important for most countries of the world.

Microeconomics studies the economic behaviour of individual consumers, firms or industries. The distribution of products and income among all these units is also analyzed by microeconomics. Individuals are considered both as suppliers of labour


and as consumers of goods. Firms are also studied both as suppliers of products and as consumers of labour and capital.

The term “macroeconomics” was first used in the 1930s. Macroeconomics studies such questions as achievement of full employment and economic growth by means of proper government policies. This area of economics was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes.

Development economics studies the factors of economic growth and how these factors are used by governments in order to achieve high living standards.

Business today is full of risk and opportunity. Many people need to plan, prepare, and practice to create a successful business. Economists are to be able to evaluate and use new information. Finally, they have to learn modern skills and adapt to changing technology.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Закончите предложения.

1.No matter how great the intelligence of manages, they can never be … .

2.The ability and the willingness to find out are … .

3.Business is an increasingly important … .

4.Marketing is the movement of goods and services from … .

5.Economists are interested in problems that affect prices of … .

6.Microeconomics studies the economic behaviour of … .

7.Many people need to plan, prepare, and practice to create … .

ЗАДАНИЕ 8. Соедините части предложений A и B по смыслу.


1.Resources and labour are necessary …

2.It is necessary to know marketing …

3.It is not enough to study economic theory …

4.To buy goods and services it is necessary for a consumer …

5.Development of trade …


a.… is essential for economic growth of a country.

b.… to produce goods.

c.… to sell goods and services well.

d.… to have enough money.

e.… to be a good economist.

ЗАДАНИЕ 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста «Professional Activity».

1.Есть много качеств, которые очень важны для экономиста.

2.Экономист должен уметь организовывать и планировать.


3.Важным качеством менеджера является умение оценивать результаты компании.

4.Экономист должен уметь оценивать и использовать новую информацию.

5.Бухгалтерский учет занимается измерением и передачей финансовой информации.

ЗАДАНИЕ 10. Ответьте на вопросы о Вашей будущей профессиональной деятельности.

1.What are the demands on economists?

2.What are the tasks of a manager?

3.What problems are economists interested in?

4.What are three main approaches to economics?

5.What applied areas of economics do you know?

6.What does microeconomics study?

7.Whose economic behaviour is studied by microeconomics?

8.How are individuals considered by microeconomics?

9.How is economy considered in macroeconomics?

10.What is studied by development economics?

11.What fields of business are there those offer exciting careers?

ЗАДАНИЕ 11. Подготовьте дома рассказ о профессиональной деятельности экономиста.


ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Прочитайте интернациональные слова и определите их значения, обращая внимание на части речи:

а) существительные: conservator, restorer, professional, object, artifact, activity, theory, condition, archaeology, furniture, textiles, ceramics, action, protection, conservation, defect, copy, public, temperature, scalpel, substance, rehabilitation

б) прилагательные: historic, artistic, cultural, aesthetic, spiritual, principal, artistic, rare, practical, ceramic, qualified

в) глаголы: conserve, restore, specialise, determine, correct, control, combine

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Подберите русские соответствия английским словам, данным под чертой.

artistic and cultural artifacts, keeping works of art, fine arts theory, independently, cultural heritage, to comprehend artistic significance of objects, to correct the defects, humidity, a piece of jewellery, principal aim

культурное наследие, влажность, самостоятельно, понимать художественное значение предмета, сохранение произведений искусства, художественные и


культурные артефакты, главная цель, исправлять дефекты, ювелирное изделие, теория изобразительного искусства

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов и переведите предложения.

1.A conservator preserves and restores cultural heritage.

2.A restorer is a professional activity involved in the conservation of valuable objects.

3.A conservator should possess both theoretical knowledge and practical technical skills.

4.Conservators’ principal aim is the preservation of man-made heritage.

5.Conservators work in museums, in heritage protection services.

ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Используя данные слова, скажите, какие качества важны для успешной профессиональной деятельности реставратора.

To be a professional restorer (conservator, architect, designer) it is necessary to (be, have) … .

training and experience

practical technical skills

to know theoretical knowledge (fine arts theory, cultural and technological history, chemistry, biology)

use new information

learn and adapt modern skills

know computers and data processing

know foreign languages

ЗАДАНИЕ 5. Познакомьтесь со словами и словосочетаниями, которые помогут вам понять текст:

1)cultural heritage – культурное наследие

Objects of cultural or historical value are known as cultural heritage.

2)a professional – профессионал, специалист

A conservator is a professional who preserves and restores objects.

3)to be responsible for – нести ответственность

Conservators are responsible for keeping historic objects in good condition.

4)to deteriorate – разрушаться, портиться

A restorer must understand why an object deteriorates.

5)to comprehend – понимать, постигать

Sometimes it is difficult to comprehend how to restore a historic building.

6)to intervene – вмешиваться


7)varnish - лак

A conservator will carefully intervene to remove darkened varnishes on the picture.

8)display – выставка

Conservators can organise exhibitions and displays of rare objects.

9)magnifying glass – увеличительное стекло

10)swab - щетка

Restorers use tools such as scalpels, swabs, magnifying glasses.

11) conservation - сохранение

Conservators should use the best means of conservation.

ЗАДАНИЕ 6. Прочитайте текст к теме «Preservation Activities»

Historic Preservation (Conservation) studies skills relating to the restoration, rehabilitation, and adaptive use of existing buildings.

A conservator (restorer) of historic buildings is a professional who preserves and restores objects (artistic and cultural artifacts) of significant cultural or historical value, known as cultural heritage.

A conservator (restorer) is involved in the conservation of valuable artistic, spiritual, religious, cultural, social, scientific or historical objects. A conservator (restorer) possesses both theoretical knowledge (fine arts theory, cultural and technological history, chemistry, biology) and practical technical skills.

Conservators are responsible for keeping works of art and other historic objects in good condition. They must understand why an object deteriorates and how to conserve or restore it. They should know such particular areas as archaeology, furniture, paintings, textiles, books, ceramics, and glass.

Conservators work in museums, in heritage protection services, in conservation enterprises or independently. Their task is to comprehend the historic and artistic significance of objects in order to prevent their decay.

A conservator will carefully intervene to correct the defects of the object by, for example, reconstructing a broken ceramic pot or removing darkened varnishes on a painting. If an object is too fragile to be exhibited a conservator will advise to create copies of it. In the case of preventive conservation, the conservator researches the best environmental conditions to avoid the deterioration of an object or building.

Conservators can also be involved in organising exhibitions and displays of rare objects for the general public. They may also be responsible for the conditions in which exhibits are stored and displayed, and must control temperature, humidity and lighting.

Conservators (restorers) use tools such as scalpels, swabs, magnifying glasses, small brushes, microscopes and x-rays, as well as carpentry and engineering tools. Chemical substances are also used.


Conservators are highly-qualified people. They have expertise in a wide range of disciplines, including oil paintings, paper, textiles, furniture, archaeology, ceramics, buildings and display.

Their principal aim is the preservation of man-made heritage. They have responsibilities towards objects of public or personal significance from the past – a building, a book, a piece of jewellery, a steam engine, a painting, a dress or treasured photographs, etc.

Conservators combine their knowledge of the most up-to-date science with an understanding of the properties of materials and construction techniques to determine the best means of conservation of these objects.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Закончите предложения.

1.Historic Preservation studies skills relating to … .

2.A conservator is involved in the conservation of … .

3.A restorer possesses both theoretical knowledge and … .

4.Conservators are responsible for keeping works of art in … .

5.Conservators use tools such as … .

6.Their principal aim is … .

7.Conservators can be involved in organizing … .

ЗАДАНИЕ 8. Соедините части предложений A и B по смыслу.


1.Conservators are highly-qualified people …

2.Their task is to comprehend the significance of objects …

3.A restorer will carefully intervene to correct …

4.They should know such particular areas as …

5.Conservators can organise exhibitions and displays of rare objects …


a.… the defects of the object.

b.… for the general public.

c.… in order to prevent their decay.

d.… in a wide range of disciplines.

e.… archaeology, furniture, paintings, textiles, books, ceramics, glass.

ЗАДАНИЕ 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста «Preservation Activities».

1.Есть много качеств, которые очень важны для реставратора.

2.Науки, изучающие как сохранить исторические памятники, занимаются сохранением, восстановлением и использованием существующих зданий.

3.Реставраторы сохраняют и восстанавливают объекты важного культурного и исторического значения.


4.Они также отвечают за условия, в которых экспонаты хранятся и выставляются.

5.Реставраторы должны иметь знания по широкому кругу дисциплин.

ЗАДАНИЕ 10. Ответьте на вопросы о Вашей будущей профессиональной деятельности.

1.What are the demands on restorers?

2.What are the tasks of a conservator?

3.What does it mean ‘cultural heritage’?

4.What knowledge should a conservator possess?

5.What are conservators responsible for?

6.What particular areas should they know?

7.Where do conservators work?

8.What should conservators do in the case of preventive conservation?

9.What tools do restorers use?

10.What disciplines do they have expertise in?

11.How do conservators determine the best means of conservation of the objects?

ЗАДАНИЕ 11. Подготовьте дома рассказ о профессиональной деятельности реставратора.


ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Познакомьтесь со словами и словосочетаниями, которые помогут вам понять текст:

1)enormous – огромный

2)output – выпуск

3)to govern – определять, влиять

4)rate – скорость

5)to lag behind – отставать

6)demand – спрос

7)current – текущий

8)to speed up – ускорять

9)cost price – себестоимость

10)capital investment – капиталовложения

11)secondary – вторичный

12)auxiliary – вспомогательный

13)interior – adj. внутренний; n. интерьер

14)from time immemorial – с незапамятных времен

15)precast prestressed concrete – сборный

предварительно напряженный бетон


16)challenge – зд. задача

17)as yet – тем не менее, все еще

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Пользуясь текстом, подберите русские соответствия английским словосочетаниям:

1. to decrease the cost price

а) отставать от спроса


2. interior parts of the building

б) снижать себестоимость

3. from time immemorial

в) специальные капиталовложения

4. universal properties

г) вяжущие материалы


5. precast prestressed concrete

д) вспомогательные материалы

6. a pleasant appearance

е) внутренние части здания

7. facing materials

ж) несущие конструкции

8. synthetic linoleum

з) синтетический линолеум

9. auxiliary materials

и) облицовочные материалы

10. binding materials

к) с незапамятных времен

11. bearing structures





напряженный бетон


12. ancient Pyramids

м) технологические изменения

13. technological changes

н) древние пирамиды


14. special investments

о) приятный внешний вид

15. lag behind the demand

п) универсальные свойства

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов и переведите предложения.

1.The output of building materials governs the rate of construction work.

2.Our task is to decrease the cost price of manufacture of building materials.

3.Building materials are divided into 3 groups: main, binding and secondary or


4.Stone, clay, sand, lime and timber belong to the natural materials.

5.Artificial building materials are cement, concrete, reinforced concrete.

6.Precast prestressed concrete is a new building material.

7.Building materials should be durable, strong, water resistant, etc.

8.Materials with universal properties are a challenge of the future.

ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Прочитайте текст «Building Materials».

The importance of the building materials industry in our national economy is enormous as its output governs both the rate and the quality of construction work.

It is common knowledge that today the manufacture of building materials doesn’t lag behind the demand for them. The main current task is to decrease steadily the cost price of manufacture.