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б) Прочитайте английские названия, связанные с Великой Отечественной войной:

1) the Great Patriotic War – Великая Отечественная война

During the Great Patriotic War Voronezh fought for 212 days and nights.

2)the Order of the Patriotic War – Орден Великой Отечественной войны

3)the Order of the Military Glory – Орден Воинской Славы

The city was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War and the Order of the Military Glory for its military feat.

4) Victory Square - площадь Победы

In the memorial in Victory Square we can read the names of the defenders of our city.

ЗАДАНИЕ 6. Прочитайте первую часть текста к теме «Наш город».


The Voronezh Region comprises the Middle Russian Uplands, the Central Black Earth (Chernozem) zone. Voronezh is an ancient Russian city. It is 600 kilometres north of Moscow.

Four hundred years ago (in 1586) a fortress was founded on the high right bank of the Voronezh River to protect Russian southern boundaries from invaders. This fortress was the beginning of our city. However, Voronezh is mentioned in the 12th century Russian chronicles.

The fortress developed into a bustling city with a large population. The development of the town was quick and soon it spread onto the left bank. The left bank is former town outskirts. In 1695 young tsar Peter the Great began the construction of the Russian fleet on the river Voronezh. More than 200 ships came out of the Voronezh docks, the cradle of the first Russian fleet.

During the Great Patriotic War Voronezh fought for 212 days and nights. The defenders of the city struggled courageously and on the 25th of January 1943 Voronezh was liberated. Our city was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War and the Order of the Military Glory for its glorious past. In the memorial in Victory Square we can read the names of the defenders of our city. In the square near the eternal flame there is a grave of the Unknown Warrior.

Today Voronezh is one of Russian largest cities with the total area of about 600 square kilometers. The city occupies two banks of the river. Its population is one million people. One can see a lot of interesting buildings many of which were destroyed during World War II and reconstructed later. The high-rise buildings, the man-made sea, the geometrical patterns of streets and squares, green parks and gardens, the beauties of the nature have altered the city greatly. One of the architectural symbols of our city is South-East Railway Department building that was constructed in 1928-1932 by the architect Nikolay Troitsky.


Today Voronezh is being rapidly built up. Active construction can be seen both in the new districts and in the old centre.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Пользуясь текстом,

подберите английские эквиваленты

следующим словам и словосочетаниям.


Среднерусская возвышенность

a) geometrical pattern of streets and






южные границы


b) however


однако, тем не менее


c) high-rise buildings


мужественно сражались


d) the southern boundaries


славное прошлое


e) have altered the city greatly




f) the Middle Russian Uplands





высотные здания


g) struggled courageously


геометрия улиц и площадей


h) glorious past


сильно изменили город


i) man-made sea

ЗАДАНИЕ 8. Найдите в тексте фразы, касающиеся защиты города жителями Воронежа.

1.Защитники города мужественно сражались.

(The defenders of the city struggled courageously.)

2.Город сражался двести двенадцать дней и ночей.

(The city fought for 212 days and nights.)

3.25 января 1943 года Воронеж был освобожден.

(Voronezh was liberated on the 25-th of January 1943.)

4.Воронеж награжден орденом Великой Отечественной войны и орденом Воинской Славы.

(Voronezh was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War and the Order of the Military Glory.)

ЗАДАНИЕ 9. Скажите, в связи, с чем в тексте приводятся следующие цифры:

400 years; 12th century; the 25th of January 1943; one million; 600 kilometres; 1695

Four hundred years ago a fortress was built on the right bank of the river. Voronezh is mentioned in the 12th century Russian chronicles.

On the 25th of January 1943 Voronezh was liberated. The population of our city is one million people. Voronezh is 600 kilometres north of Moscow.

In 1695 tsar Peter the Great began the construction of the Russian fleet on the river Voronezh.


ЗАДАНИЕ 10. Подтвердите словами из текста, что:

1. Воронеж - старый город.

(Four hundred years ago a fortress was built on the bank of the river. This fortress was the beginning of our city.)

2. Воронеж – колыбель русского флота.

(Tsar Peter the Great built the Russian fleet on the banks of the river Voronezh. 200 ships came out of the Voronezh docks.)

3.Жители Воронежа помнят тех, кто защищал Воронеж во время Великой Отечественной войны.

(In the memorial in Victory Square we can read the names of the defenders of our city.)

4.Сегодня Воронеж – один из больших городов России.

(Today Voronezh is one of the largest Russian cities. Its population is one million people.).\

ЗАДАНИЕ 11. Выбрав правильный вариант, закончите следующие предложения:

1. The Voronezh Region comprises … .

a) the Middle Russian Uplands; b) the East Siberian Uplands

2.400 years ago a fortress was built on … . a) the left; b) the right bank of the river

3.It defended … .

a) the southern; b) the northern boundaries of Russia 4. More than … .

a) 100; b) 200 ships came out of the Voronezh docks 5. On … Voronezh was liberated.

a) the 9th of May 1945; b) the 25th of January 1943 6. The population of Voronezh is … people.

a) one million; b) five hundred thousand

ЗАДАНИЕ 12. Продолжаем учиться общаться.

Как ты отдыхаешь


I enjoy listening …

to music

to records and tapes.

I like to dance.

If I want to have some fun,

I watch TV (read books). I go to the cinema (movies, pictures). I like to see …

What do you do for fun?

Я люблю слушать … музыку

пластинки и записи. Я люблю танцевать.

Если я хочу развлечься, то смотрю телевизор (читаю).

Яхожу в кино.

Ялюблю смотреть …



фильмы ужасов

horror films




action films



музыкальные фильмы.

I play computer games.

Я играю в компьютерные игры.

I like …

Я люблю …

to go hiking

ходить в поход

to go on tours to other cities (towns)

ездить на экскурсии в другие



to go to the beach

ходить на пляж

to bathe and sunbaths there

купаться и загорать

to go out with my friends

гулять с друзьями


ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Прочитайте и определите значения следующих слов по их сходству со словами в русском языке:

machinery, presses, passenger airplane, specialist, agriculture, culture, tradition, talent, local, poets, folk, lift, theatre, museum, memorial, laureate

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Повторите названия театров и других учреждений культуры в Воронеже:

the Drama Theatre

драматический театр

the Opera and Ballet Theatre

театр оперы и баллета

the Young People’s Theatre

театр юного зрителя

the Puppet Theatre

кукольный театр

the Russian Folk Choir

русский народный хор

the Philharmonic Society


the Chamber Theatre

камерный театр

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Повторите названия музеев в Воронеже:

the Fine Arts Museum

музей изобразительных искусств

the Museum of Local Lore

краеведческий музей

I. Nikitin Museum

музей И. Никитина

Durov Museum

музей Дурова

ЗАДАНИЕ 4. а) Познакомьтесь со словами и словосочетаниями, которые помогут понять вам вторую часть текста:

1) to exhibit – выставлять, экспонировать на выставке

The Fine Arts Museum exhibits the works of Ivan Kramskoy.


2)science – наука

Voronezh is a city of science.

3)a curtain – занавес

The Drama Theatre lifted its curtain in 1802.

4) outstanding – выдающийся

Outstanding talents played on the Drama Theatre’s stage.

5) treasure – ценность, сокровище, достояние

Folk tales, folk songs are treasures of the Voronezh land.

6)to honour – чтить, помнить. The city honours its past.

7)to be full of – быть полным

8)vitality – жизнеспособность, жизнедеятельность

9)creative efforts – творческие усилия

The city is full of vitality and creative efforts.

10) an embankment - набережная

On the embankment there is Durov Museum.

б) Познакомьтесь с английскими названиями изделий, которые производят на предприятиях Воронежа:

1) earth-moving machine


землеройная транспортная машина

2) press



3) lathe


токарный станок

4) engine



5) car tyre


автомобильная шина

6) aluminium construction parts -

алюминиевые конструкции

7) aircraft



8) mineral processing equipment -

обогатительное оборудование

9) passenger airplane


пассажирский самолет

10) a steel bridge


металлический мост

ЗАДАНИЕ 5. а) Используя образец и выражения, данные справа (за чертой), скажите, какие научные и культурные учреждения имеются в Воронеже:

Образец: Voronezh has research institutions.

Our city has … Voronezh has …

a)a University

b)higher educational establishments

c)the Fine Arts Museum

d)the Circus

e)the Russian Folk Choir

f)the public library

g)the Philharmonic Society


б) Скажите, кто из известных людей родился и жил в Воронеже.

Образец: Voronezh is the Motherland (как вы думаете, каких великих поэтов?) of great Russian poets A. Koltsov, I. Nikitin.

1.Voronezh is the native town (как вы

думаете, каких известных писателей?)

2.The Voronezh land is the native place (как вы думаете, какого известного художника?)

3.Voronezh is the motherland (как вы думаете какого композитора?)

a)of writers Ivan Bunin, Andrey

Platonov, Samuil Marshak, Gavriil Troepolsky.

b)of the outstanding artist Ivan Kramskoy.

с) of the famous composer Mitrofan Pyatnitsky

ЗАДАНИЕ 6. Прочитайте вторую часть текста к теме «Наш город».


Modern Voronezh is a large industrial centre with plants and enterprises producing aircrafts, earth-moving machines, car tyres, aluminium construction parts, presses, lathes, engines, steel bridges, mineral processing equipment, etc. Many industries are developing now: machinery construction, chemical industry, food industry. The city gave birth to the first supersonic passenger airplane.

Voronezh is a city of science. A lot of research institutions, a university, many higher educational establishments training specialists for numerous branches of industry, for agriculture, science, culture and art are situated here. In 1864 the first Voronezh public library was opened.

Voronezh first university (Agricultural) was founded in 1913. Voronezh State University was established in 1918 on the base of Estonian University. Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering was founded in 1930. In 2016 it was renamed as the State Technical University. Today the University is an important educational centre.

The city has rich cultural traditions. The oldest theater is The Drama Theatre which lifted its curtain in 1802; it was named after our famous poet Alexey Koltsov. The outstanding talents such as M. Shchepkin, P. Mochalov, A. Ostuzhev, M.Yermolova and V.Komissarzhevskaya played on its stage.

The world of art and music is also represented by the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Young People’s Theatre, the Chamber Theater (the youngest theater in Voronezh). The most beautiful theater building in modern Voronezh is The Puppet Theatre “Shoot”, which was built in 1984. In the Philharmonic Society such famous musicians as D. Shostakovich, I. Dunaevsky, S. Prokofiev and the Russian Folk


Choir performed. The grandfather and the father of a great musician M. Rostropovich lived in Voronezh.

The oldest museum is The Regional Museum of Local Lore founded in 1894. Voronezh has Kramskoy Fine Arts Museum situated in the old building exhibits the works of I. Ayvasovsky, K. Brulov, A. Savrasov, I. Shishkin, I. Repin, I. Kramskoy, etc. In 1984 I. Nikitin Museum was founded. On the embankment there is V. Durov Museum. The most prominent circus actor spent his last 15 years in Voronezh.

Our city’s history is connected with names of many famous poets and writers who were either born or spent a part of their lives here. Voronezh is the motherland of great Russian poets and writers: A. Koltsov, I. Nikitin, S. Marshak, G. Troepolsky. One of the first memorials in Voronezh was A. Koltsov memorial. Nobel Prize laureate Ivan Bunin was born in our city. Osip Mandelshtam was exiled to Voronezh and lived here. Andrey Platonov was born and lived in Voronezh.

The inspired poetry of O. Mandelshtam, the paintings of I. Kramskoy, the folk tales collected by A. Afanasyev, the folk songs picked up by M. Pyatnitsky are treasures of the Voronezh land and the whole country.

The city honours its past and is full of vitality and creative efforts.

ЗАДАНИЕ 7. Дайте английский перевод данным словам и словосочетаниям:

высшие учебные заведения

higher educational establishments

готовящие специалистов

training specialists

поднял занавес

lifted its curtain

вдохновенная поэзия

the inspired poetry

народные песни, собранные

the folk songs picked up

помнит свое прошлое

honours its past

творческие усилия

creative efforts

ЗАДАНИЕ 8. Подтвердите словами из текста, что:

1. Воронеж – город науки.

(Voronezh is a city of science. A lot of research institutions, a university, and many higher educational establishments are situated here.)

2. Город богат культурными традициями.

(The city has rich cultural traditions. The world of art and music is represented by the Drama Theatre, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Young People’s Theatre, the Chamber Theater, the Russian Folk Choir, the Philharmonic Society, and the Circus.)

3. Поэзия великих поэтов, писателей является богатством Воронежской земли.

(The paintings of I. Kramskoy, the poetry of O. Mandelshtam, the folk tales collected by A. Afanasyev, the folk songs picked up by M. Pyatnitsky are treasures of the Voronezh land.)


ЗАДАНИЕ 9. Используя образец и слова, данные справа (за чертой), скажите, чем знаменит Воронеж.

Образец: Our city is famous for its people.

Voronezh is famous for its …





places of interest




straight and wide streets


famous people


cultural heritage

ЗАДАНИЕ 10. Продолжаем учиться общаться. Как рассказать о своих родных местах?

Your native places

Where do you live?

I live in a city.

I live in the country. It is located…

in the European part of Russia in Siberia

on the banks of the Volga River. Nature is beautiful in our parts. What is your city famous for?

It is famous for its… history architecture museums

Many famous people lived here.

Many buildings in our city were designed by famous architects.

When was it founded? It was founded…

in the sixteenth century four hundred years ago.

The history of the city is very interesting.

Now the city is…

a big industrial centre

Родные места

Где ты живешь?

Яживу в городе.

Яживу в сельской местности. Это находится….

вЕвропейской части России


на берегу реки Волга. У нас очень красивые места. Чем знаменит ваш город? Он знаменит….

своей историей своей архитектурой своими музеями.

Здесь жили многие известные люди.

Многие здания в нашем городе были спроектированы известными архитекторами.

Когда он был основан? Он был основан…..

в 16 веке 400 лет тому назад.

История города очень интересна.

Сейчас город является….. крупным индустриальным


a centre of science, culture, art, education

There are many …. in the city parks museums theatres ancient buildings

churches and cathedrals. We have a university.

It is (not) very old.

What is the … part of the city? oldest

newest most beautiful

What part of the city do you live in? I live ….

in the centre of the city in the old part of the city in a new residential area.

The people are proud of the city’s history and beauty.

центром, центром науки, культуры,

искусства, образования. В нашем городе много…



театров древних зданий церквей и соборов.

У нас есть университет. Он (не) очень старый. Какая самая …часть города?



красивая В какой части города ты живешь?


вцентре города

встарой части города

вновом жилом районе. Жители гордятся историей и красотой города.

4.2. Review – Our City

ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Исходя из содержания текста и своих знаний о Воронеже, ответьте на вопросы, используя слова, данные в скобках:

1.What does the Voronezh Region comprise? (the Middle Russian Uplands)

2.When was a fortress built on the bank of the river? (four hundred years ago)

3.Where is Voronezh mentioned for the first time? (the 12th century chronicles)

4.What did Peter I begin to construct on the banks of the river Voronezh?

(the first Russian fleet)

5.How many ships came out of the Voronezh docks? (200 ships)

6.How many days and nights did Voronezh fight during the Great Patriotic War? (212 day and nights)

7.When was our city liberated? (on the 25th of January 1943)

8.What orders was Voronezh awarded for its glorious past?

(the Order of the Patriotic War and the Order of the Military Glory)

9.What is the population of the city? (one million people)

10.What has altered the city greatly? (high-rise buildings, the man-made sea, the pattern of streets)

11.What things are produced on Voronezh plants and enterprises?


(airplanes, earth-moving machines, car tyres, aluminum construction parts, presses, lathes, engines, steel bridges, mineral processing equipment)

12. What kind of scientific institutions does Voronezh have?

(a university, research institutions, higher educational establishments)

13.What outstanding talents played on the Drama Theatre’s stage? (M.Shchepkin, P.Mochalov, A.Ostuzhev, M.Yermolova, V.Komissarzhevskaya)

14.What museums are there in Voronezh? (the Fine Arts Museum, the Museum of Local Lore)

15.What famous people were born in Voronezh? (A. Koltsov, I. Bunin, A. Platonov)

ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Читайте текст, вставляя пропущенные слова: а) выберите те, которые соответствуют тексту:

Voronezh is an





four hundred years ago.





city. A fortress was






















Our city

is situated


on the right bank of the river. Tsar Peter the Great




is located








Russian fleet on the banks of the river. During the Great Patriotic War the defenders of

the city







the Order of the Patriotic



courageously. Voronezh


War and the Order of the








Military Glory.
















Today Voronezh is one of Russia’s




cities. Its population is




















million people.

б) Продолжайте рассказывать текст, вставляя пропущенные слова:

Voronezh enterprises produce car t…, engines, steel bridges, aluminium c… parts, aircrafts. Voronezh is a c… of science. It has r… institutions, a u…, higher educational establishments. The city has rich c… traditions. Voronezh has the Drama t…, the Chamber theatre, the P… theatre. Our city is the m… of great Russian poets and writers. Their poetry, paintings, songs are t… of the Voronezh land.

ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Расскажите о Воронеже по плану, используя слова, данные в скобках:

1.The territory of the Voronezh Region (the Middle Russia Uplands, the Central Black Earth zone).

2.The history of our city (400 years ago, a fortress).