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Topic: University Life

W hat we learn with pleasure we never forget. Alfred Mercier


1. Next to each letter write a word, a phrase or a sentence characterizing a student. Follow the example.

S – serious when dealing with serious matters

T –

U -

D -

E -

N -

T’ -

S -

L -

I -

F -

E –

2. Students’ Vocabulary

Study the following words and word combination.

  1. admissions office [əd'mɪʃnz 'ɒfɪs]відділ прийому абітурієнтів, приймальна комісія

If a school-leaver wants to enter a university, he/she has to hand in some papers to the admissions office.

  1. an applicant ['æplɪkənt] – кандидат (претендент) на вступ до учбового закладу, вступник

Applicants usually visit different specialized courses at the basis of the university, which they want to enter.

  1. a first-year student (BE) = a freshman ['freʃmən] (AE)першокурсник

A first-year student often listens to a number of general courses, delivered at all the universities of Ukraine, such as the Ukrainian language, Philosophy, the History of Ukraine, Sociology and etc.

Freshmen rarely play truant, because they worry about their marks.

  1. a second-year student (BE) = a sophomore ['sɒfəmɔː] (AE)другокурсник

When John was a second-year student, he had long holidays and travelled a lot.

Sophomores in Poltava National Technical University listen to lectures mostly on technical sciences.

  1. a junior ['ʤuːnɪə] (AE)студент передостаннього (у нас 3) курсу

As far as I know, juniors undergo practical training at enterprises, plants and factories.

  1. a senior ['siːnɪə] (AE) – студент останнього (у нас 4) курсу

Seniors of PNTU often work, as they have much time to write their diploma papers and do not need to attend a lot of lectures.

  1. an undergraduate ['ʌndəˌ grædjuət] (student) – студент університету (зазвичай старшого курсу), також – студент бакалаврату

Schoolchildren believe, that undergraduate’s life is funny and careless, and dream of becoming students.

  1. a graduate ['grædjuət] (student) = a grad studentвипускник університету

PNTU’s graduates are valued all over the Ukraine and have more chances to find work, than graduates of other technical universities.

  1. a post-graduate [ˌpəust' grædjuət]аспірант

Post-graduates are the best graduates, left at the university to continue their research work resulting in thesis (dissertation work).

  1. a group monitor ['gruːp 'mɒnɪtə] - староста групи

Dean’s office appoints group monitors at the beginning of each academic year.

  1. a register ['reʤɪstə] – журнал

A group monitor holds the register, as it’s a very important document, that affirms classroom attendance.

3. Answer the following questions, based on the information you’ve just got acquainted with:

  1. Who writes a diploma work and is already looking for a job?

  2. To what university department do the school-leavers hand in all the necessary papers?

  3. What is the group monitor’s main duty?

  4. Who undergoes practical training at enterprises, plants and factories?

  5. W hy do freshmen play truant rarely?

  6. What’s the name of a very important document that affirms classroom attendance?

  7. Who works over the dissertation work (thesis)?

  8. What courses does a first-year student (a freshman) listen to?

  9. Who listens to the lectures on technical sciences mostly (in Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratiuk University)?

  10. What do applicants usually visit at the basis of the university, which they want to enter?

  11. Whom does a dean’s office appoint to hold the register?

  12. Who has the best chances to find work?

  13. Why do schoolchildren dream of becoming students?

  14. How do we call a person, who has already graduated from the university?

  15. Why do the seniors of PoltNTU often work?

  16. Where do the juniors undergo their practice?