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3. Answer the questions.

  1. What is Oxford?

  2. Why is Stratford-upon-Avon more popular, than Oxford? Who is it famous for?

  3. Can you guess what two European universities are older, than Oxford?

  4. How many colleges does the Oxford University consist of?

  5. How many visitors do come to Oxford every year?

  6. Why is it difficult for the residents of Oxford to live their daily lives?

4. Give the headline to each of the three paragraphs of the text “Oxford”.

5. Put questions to underlined word combinations. You have to set at least 2 questions to each sentence.

1Oxford is the most popular tourist attraction in Britain after London and Stratford-upon-Avon. 2. Oxford is famous for its university, which is the oldest in Britain and the third oldest in Europe. 3. The university has thirty-five separate colleges. 4. For many years, only five of these colleges were for women. 5. However, since 1979 nearly all the colleges have accepted both men and women. 6. Oxford is not only a university city, it is also a market town, where ordinary people live and work. 7. With over one million visitors a year, it is very difficult nowadays for the residents of Oxford to live their daily lives. 8. Sometimes they feel that the city does not belong to them.

6. Complete the dialogue between Pablo, who studies in Botswana University, and Clare, who studies at Oxford, with appropriate questions.

Pablo: Hallo, Clare! I haven’t seen you for so long! How are you?

Clare: I’m fine, thanks. I’m already a student!

Pablo: Oh! Congratulations! And where do you study? At Oxford, as you have always dreamt?

Clare: Yeah, I’m a sophomore of Oxford University.


Clare: At the faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences.


Clare: Yes, I had to fill in a lot of application forms in order to be accepted to this university.


Clare: I’m studying at the Department of Chemistry.


Clare: Oxford has one of the leading chemistry research departments in the world with around 80 academic staff carrying out international-level research.


Clare: An annual research income of Chemistry Department is around £15 million.


Clare: Yes, of course. For example, now the Department is engaged in a number of innovative areas of work including chemistry for measurement, drug discovery, energy, synthesis, atmospheric chemistry, synthetic biology and etc.


Clare: Surely. Oxford Chemistry Department occupies three major laboratory buildings.


Clare: Certainly! Oxford Chemistry regularly hosts visits and events within the Department and takes part in local and national activities to demonstrate chemistry’s central role in everyday life.

P ablo: I see. That’s very interesting. I’m glad that you’ve achieved what you wanted. Good luck to you, dear!

Clare: Thank you ever so much, Pablo!

Pablo: Good bye!

Clare: Bye, Pablo!