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Языковой портфель Англ.яз Милли.docx
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4. Match the well-known proverbs and translations.

Сопоставь известные пословицы с переводом.

1) A sound mind in a sound body.

a) Неважно, выигрываешь ты или проигрываешь, важно, как ты играешь.

2) It’s not whether you win or lose that matters,  it’s how you play the game.

b) После обеда посиди, после ужина милю пройди.

3) After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

c) В здоровом теле здоровый дух.

4) Good health is above wealth.

d) Спорт для всех людей.

5) All sports for all people.

e) Здоровье дороже денег.






5. Choose the proper word.

Выбери соответствующее слово.

A sporting disaster

I never really enjoyed .. (1).. at school. I remember when I played football. I was always put in net, but used to get bored and read a book. Then, when the other side scored the rest of my .. (2).. . would shout at me. Later on I tried tennis, which wasn’t much better. I used to have this habit of dropping the racket each time I went to hit the ball. The worst thing was when I actually won a .. (3)... – I was so pleased that I ran and tried to jump over the line but caught my foot on it, fell and broke my arm.

a) plays b) contests

c) sports d) encounters

a) group b) selection

c) team d) club

a) play b) game

c) race d) fight

a) strong b) well

c) slim d) fit


My latest attempt to get … (4)... was when I tried boxing at a local gym. I’ll never forget my first match. I climbed into the … (5)... and the bell went for the start of the first round. I just shut my eye and swung my fist. Unfortunately, I hit the referee and my contestant. Needless to say that was the end of my boxing career. But otherwise I keep on wanting to try out other sports even though I’ll never be a champion!

a) court b) ring

c) pitch d) square






Check your score

Проверь свои ответы по ключу

What is difficult for you

В чём были затруднения?

The teacher’s advice:

Рекомендации учителя:

Lessons 7–8. Why are they doing this?

Поговорим о рискованных видах спорта.

You are able to …

Ты можешь…

No problem


Better than earlier

Лучше, чем было



Имеются проблемы

  • express your attitude to risky sports