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9. Read the sentences. Comment on the meaning of the words in italic. Translate into Ukrainian.

  1. Industry usually has specialized operation.

  2. This plant specialized in producing engines long ago.

  3. In this field of industry they start from nothing.

  4. The start was given and the competition began.

  5. The scientific centre of our country is the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

  6. Our thoughts centre on this idea.

  7. My friend works at the automobile works.

10. Translate into English.

  1. Великий колектив науковців України зробив значний внесок у розвиток світової науки.

  2. Києво-Могилянський коледж було перетворено на академію у 1701 році.

  3. Національні наукові школи сформувалися в університетах Києва, Харкова, Одеси та Львова.

  4. Застосування новітніх технологій геологічної розвідки призвело до відкриття промислових родовищ нафти і газу.

  5. Дослідження у галузі порошкової металургії були розпочаті в Україні в середині ХІХ століття.

  6. Українська наука розвивається завдяки спільному збагаченню досвідом з науковими центрами інших держав.


1. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Why?

  1. Science is a system of knowledge of the laws of development of nature and society.

  2. Scientific achievements are successors of natural production.

  3. In old Rus’ monasteries never were the seats of sciences.

  4. The Kyiv-Mohyla College was converted into an academy in 1701.

  5. The first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was Academician Volodymyr Vernadsky, a famous 20th century linguist.

  6. Achievements in geological science and the application of new techniques in geological prospecting in Ukraine have led to the discovery of payable oil and gas deposits.

  7. Ukrainian scientists laid the foundation of molecular spectroscopy.

2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What was preceded by a long period of practical experience?

  2. When was the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences established?

  3. Who was the first president of the Academy?

  4. What researches have been conducted in Ukraine?

  5. To what have achievements in geological science led?

  6. What was a significant event in the cultural life of Ukraine?

  7. When was the Kyiv-Mohyla College converted into an Academy?

  8. By whom was fundamental work in the field of electric welding started?

  9. When was the Institute of Electric Welding organized?

  10. The names of what scientists are connected with the achievements in electric welding?

  11. Where are achievements of Ukrainian schools of science highly appreciated?

3. Speak on the topic “Science in Ukraine”.

4. Communicative situations:

  1. You have got analytical mind. You are interested in pure scientific problems. Tell if you could conduct scientific research at the university. In what way?

  2. You are going to graduate from university majoring in engineering. Tell in what sphere you want to work.

Unit 2 Topic: Engineering Grammar: The Category of Voice


Learn the following words and word combinations:

essential [i'sen(t)S(q)l] – необхідний, дуже важливий, цінний

cash dispenser [kxS di'spen(t)sq] – банкомат

sheer [Siq] – абсолютний, цілковитий

withstand [wiD'stxnd] – протистояти, витримувати, опиратися

tremendous stress [tri'mendqs stres] – величезне навантаження

steam engine [stJm 'enGin] – паровий двигун

internal combustion [in'tWn(q)l kqm'bAsC(q)n] – внутрішнє згоряння

pump [pAmp] – насос, помпа

transmission [trxns'miS(q)n] – передача, коробка передач; трансмісія, привід

dam [dxm] – дамба; гребля, загата

assure [q'Suq] – запевняти, гарантувати, забезпечувати, переконуватися

gregarious [gri'gFqiqs] – компанійський, товариський

keen [kJn] – гострий (зір, біль)


Read and translate the text.

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