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1.4.4 Scan the text again and find the English equivalents for the following:

  • перерабатывать сырье в промышленные товары

  • договориться о перевозке

  • производить на внутреннем рынке

  • соответствующая прибыль

  • подвергаться опасностям

  • оплата безотзывным аккредитивом

  • вкратце, ...

  • короче говоря, …

  • продавать кому-либо излишки

  • выплачивать комиссионное вознаграждение

  • оплата переводным векселем

  • предусмотрительный экспортер

  • получить возмещение

  • места (размещение, проживание) в отелях

  • посмотрим на это с другой стороны

  • получить сравнительное преимущество

  • понести абсолютные убытки (потерять все)

  • уверить кого-либо в наличии средств для совершения чего-либо

  • морской флот

  • отрицательное сальдо торгового баланса

  • жалованье

  • уменьшить стоимость (количество, объем) груза

  • наличный расчет при выдаче заказа

  • получить вознаграждение за страхование внешней торговли других стран

  • иметь мало товаров, пригодных для экспорта

  • экспортировать готовую продукцию

1.4.5 Develop the following ideas. Make use of the active vocabulary given in brackets:

1. Many factors that might influence a country’s exports, imports, and net exports change over time, so does the amount of international trade. These factors include the following:

  • The tastes of consumers for domestic and foreign goods

  • The prices of goods at home and abroad

  • The exchange rates at which people can use domestic currency to buy foreign currencies

  • The incomes of consumers at home and abroad

  • The cost of transporting goods from county to country

  • The policies of the government toward international trade

(within borders, to have enough of a particular item to meet the needs, to produce domestically/on an external market, to derive a comparative advantage, innovation, to base the economy on a certain concept, to earn money to buy necessities, to maintain a favourable/unfavourable balance of trade, to import/export raw materials, to process something into something, manufactured/finished goods, the subsequent profits, to involve the exchange of services, method of transportation, maritime fleet, to arrange for something, to rent space)

2. A nation’s saving and investment are crucial to its long-run economic growth.

(to be maintained in holdings of gold and official deposits in foreign currencies, to be accommodated by drawings on the reserves, to be insufficient to cover further withdrawals, means of correcting a deficit in the balance of payments, to be accomplished by imposing tariffs and quotas, the reduction of the nation’s outflow of money, to limit invisible trade expenditures, to be prohibited from something, to be restricted by requiring government approval for something, to devalue the currency, a reasonable level of employment)

1.5 Practice

Language focus

Word Building

1.5.1 Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations: Countries and nationality adjectives

Adjectives ending in -an (the most common type)

Algeria - Algerian

Russia - Russian

India - Indian

Italy - Italian

Norway - Norwegian

Egypt - Egyptian

Belgium - Belgian

Kenya - Kenyan

Malaysia - Malaysian

America (the USA) - American

Australia - Australian

Indonesia - Indonesian

Germany - German

Korea - Korean

Brazil - Brazilian

Argentina - Argentinean

Canada - Canadian

Nigeria - Nigerian

Adjectives ending in - ese

Japan - Japanese

Portugal - Portuguese

Taiwan - Taiwanese

China - Chinese

Vietnam - Vietnamese

Adjectives ending in - ish

Britain (the UK) - British

Poland - Polish

Spain - Spanish

Turkey - Turkish

Finland - Finnish

Sweden - Swedish

Denmark - Danish

Adjectives ending in - i

Pakistan - Pakistani

Saudi Arabia - Saudi / Saudi Arabian


France - French

Switzerland - Swiss

The Philippines - Philippine

The Netherlands - Dutch

Greece - Greek

Hong Kong - Hong Kong

Skills focus


  1. Read the extract and fill in prepositions wherever necessary.

  1. Discuss the text.

  1. Give the text the appropriate heading.


Financial decisions in Britain are heavily influenced … what happens overseas. The exchange rate of the pound, foreign interest rates, and the view that outside investors take … Britain as a profitable place to park their money all profoundly influence … decisions about saving and investment by British people. It is important, however, to distinguish … the impact on ordinary people and the impact … professional investors who manage trillions (thousands of billions) of pounds … pension funds, life insurance, and bonds on behalf … individuals. If I find the interest rate … my house mortgage has gone … because German interest rates have risen, there is little I can do, at least … the short run. I may be able to counteract the effect on my mortgage … shifting savings … accounts which offer higher interest rates and many British people have become skilled … hunting down the banks which offer the most favourable returns. In the long run, these innumerable individual decisions can and do move markets.


a. Complete the text by using the following word combinations from the box and fill in the grid.

  1. Discuss the text.


stock market


industrial country




collective investment


invest heavily






financial centre


Fund managers


Insurance companies, pension funds




trading nation

…(1)… can move markets immediately. Their power has grown immensely. …(2)… and other types of …(3)… own at least 60 per cent of the …(4)…. British fund managers …(5)… overseas. About a quarter of pension fund …(6)… are abroad, a much bigger proportion than for any other major …(7)…. Partly this is historical. In the nineteenth century, when Britain was an imperial power and the richest country in the world, the increasingly …(8)… middle class invested in …(9)… everywhere from Shanghai to San Francisco. It also reflects Britain’s continued importance as a …(10)… , exporting more …(11)… per head of population than most other countries. Above all, London has survived Britain’s relative economic decline (the British have got richer, but not as fast as other countries) and remained the world’s most important international …(12)… .













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