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2. What form of the participle should be used?

a. Participle I Non-perfect (Active and Passive) (- working; being received-) usually denotes an action simultaneous with the action expressed by the finite verb. It may refer to the present, past or future.

When holding a stock in a company you are part owner of it.

Владея акциями компании, вы являетесь ее совладельцем.

Not being sold at premium these stocks are called moderate-growth stocks.

Так как эти акции продаются по цене не выше номинала, они называ-ются акциями умеренного роста.

b. Part I Perfect (Active and Passive) - (having liquidated; having been used) denotes an action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb.

Having required payment by an irrevocable letter of credit they insured themselves against the risk of currency exchange.

Потребовав, чтобы платеж был осуществлен безотзывным аккре-дитивом, они обезопасили себя на случай риска валютного обмена.

Having already been informed about the company profits the stockholders wished to receive their proportionate share.

Будучи проинформированными о прибылях компании, акционеры пожелали получить причитаю-щуюся им долю.

Exercise 2.

Join each of the following pairs of sentences, using either a present or a perfect participle. Translate the new sentences into Russian.

Model: She hoped to find a will. She searched it everywhere.

Hoping to find the will, she searched it everywhere

  1. I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.

  2. She became tired of my complaints about the plan. She turned it off.

  3. She asked me to help. She realised that she couldn’t move it alone.

  4. He thought he must have made a mistake somewhere. He went through his calculations again.

  5. She saw that she could trust him absolutely. She gave him a blank cheque.

  6. The government once tried to tax people according to the size of their houses. They put a tax on windows.

  7. They announced the new plan (yesterday). They admitted that it was the worst economic settlement they’d ever had.

  8. I spelled a word to an English-speaking person on the phone. I used the official Post Office alphabetical code.

Model: The criminal removed all traces of his crime. He left the building.

Having removed all traces of his crime the criminal left the building.

1. He had spent all his money. He decided to go home and ask for a job.

2. They found the money. They began quarrelling about how to divide it.

  1. He returned from a business trip. He felt exhausted by his work.

  2. Hector Grant was persuaded by the Sales Manager. Hector Grant opened up a new export Market in Abraca.

  3. I failed the exam twice. I agreed that I was not at subject.

  4. The manager increased sales by almost twenty per cent. The manager decided to plough the profit into his business.

  5. He was warned about the audit. He prepared the monthly statements of account.

  6. General Mohammed studied the proposal. He invited Eduardo de Silveira to visit Nigeria as his guest.

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