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Change the Infinitive in brackets for Perfect Participle (active or passive). Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model 1: (To receive) the money he left for London.

Having received the money, he left for London.

    1. (To receive) an enquiry from the Abracan government John Martin decided to wait until the order was definite.

    2. (To quote) in local currency they wished to be protected if the Abracan currency devalued in relation to sterling.

    3. (To book) their representative into a hotel, the firm also put a car at his disposal.

    4. (To send) an invoice to the customer, the firm submits an account, which shows the total amount due at the end of the month.

    5. (To receive) long credit from its suppliers any company would like to give short credit to its customers.

Model 2: (To pay) the money for the goods the seller left for London.

Having been paid the money for the goods, the seller left Rome.

    1. (To supply) with goods the firm has become insolvent and cannot pay.

    2. Harper & Grant mainly do business on wholesale terms: (to give credit), shops or stores can have the goods they want and defer payment

    3. (To provide) with information about the financial situation in the company, suppliers can judge whether they are a good credit risk.

    4. (To pack and mark) the goods were ready for shipment.

    5. (To deliver) the order, the export manager requested his assistant to check prices.


Choose and fill in the necessary form of the Participle. Define the function of the Participle in the sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. The following table shows the position of each of the London clearing banks in August on the date (having indicated / indicated)

  2. Show me the catalogues (receiving / received) yesterday.

  3. The figures (mentioned / having been mentioned) in his report are (publishing / published) in this journal.

  4. (Having been read / having read) much on this matter he could make an interesting report.

  5. The guarantee (presenting / presented) by the firm is (signed / signing) by the bank manager.

  6. The quality of goods is in accordance with the specification (enclosing / enclosed).

  7. They were reluctant to fill out the forms (describing / described) the expenses (made / having made).

  8. He didn`t usually utter a word unless (speaking to / spoken to).

  9. The meeting of the Board (calling / called) by Jim Gardner two days later was a particularly strong one.

  10. With some show of reluctance I made Tom (requiring/required) promise.

  11. She sat (having done / done / doing) nothing at all, neither (reading / being read) nor (sewing / being sewed).

  12. (Having examined/examined) the goods the client signed the bill.


Do it in English

  1. Не будучи предупрежденным об аудиторской проверке, он не представил ежеквартальный отчет.

  2. Тарифы и субсидии, применяемые в общегосударственном масштабе, важны для обороны страны.

  3. Будучи введены, все ограничительные меры держат мировую торговлю в определенных пределах (лимитируют), снижая общее количество произведенных товаров и услуг.

  4. Послав клиенту счет-фактуру, поставщик информирует его об общей сумме, подлежащей оплате в конце месяца.

  5. Реанимировав когда-то успешную, но забытую торговую марку, компания потратила меньше, чем на создание нового продукта.

  6. Услышав закрытую информацию о надвигающейся отставке чиновника, курирующего продажу акций, они немедленно избавились от своих ценных бумаг.

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