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2. When do we use the Past Participle?

Past Participle has no tense forms, its action either precedes the action of the main verb or is simultaneous to it.

Exercise 2


Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the function of the Past Participle in the sentences.

The Past Participle as an attribute.

  1. Protective tariffs make imported products more expensive and encourage people to buy goods produced in their own country

  2. Exporters and importers often prefer the security of payment by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit when dealing with unknown firms in distant countries.

  3. The main reasons given were the large amount of work commissioned by the Government.

The Past Participle as part of a predicate (to form the perfect tenses and the passive voice).

  1. John Martin has received an enquiry from the Abracan government.

  2. He has been asked to give a quotation to supply office furniture.

  3. As he was convinced that it would be the largest single order in the history of the firm, John Martin informed the boss about it.


Choose the correct form of the participles used as adjectives in the following sentences.

  1. Garcia is a middleman (represented / representing) a newly independent country.

  2. Explain the possible problems (associating / associated) with countertrade.

  3. It’s natural that Coburn will be reluctant to ship $400,000 worth of gears without first having some assurance they will actually get (paying / paid).

  4. You will agree this is a most (encouraging / encouraged) proposal.

  5. An export transaction usually requires a lot of (complicating complicated) documentation.

  6. The price (quoting / quoted) always indicates the terms of delivery.

  7. If you are spelling a word to an English-(speaking / spoken) person on the phone, use the official Post Office alphabetical code.

  8. When an investment is made, capital enters a country, enabling it to import (manufacturing / manufactured) materials to build a new (manufacturing / manufactured) plant and to pay workers to build it.

  9. 70 members concluded a deal (covering / covered) more than 95% of trade in banking, insurance, securities and financial information.

  10. Numerous (specializing / specialized) committees and (working / worked) groups deal with the individual agreements and other areas.

  11. (Imported / Importing) Japanese cars accounted for almost one-forth of all cars (selling / sold) in the United States in the early 80s.

  12. Mr. Thompson’s (approving / approved) smile let the agent know that he was one hundred per cent right when he presented the middleman with a (hand-making / hand-made) briefcase.

  13. The sales representative offered the (approving / approved) specs to the partner.

  14. A sentence in which some information is unnecessarily (repeating / repeated) is (calling / called) redundant.

  15. (Giving / given) here are some quotations that are always (sending / sent) first and thus should be (keeping / kept) ready.

  16. I am deeply honoured by the invitation (extending / extended) to me.

  17. (Contributing / contributed) to the view of (declining / declined) competitiveness is the United States deficit in merchandise trade, especially the imbalance in trade with Japan.

  18. Between sixty and fifty per cent of the gains in productivity (making / made) in the West in the last half-century spring from better (training / trained) minds, from more research, and more systematic use of the economy’s brain power.

  19. The secretary opened the door to find colonel Usman (standing / stood) to attention, (waiting / waited) to escort Eduardo to the bank.

  20. That position (establishing / established), he went on to check the bank’s reserves, long-term deposits, overseas commitments, and (estimating / estimated) oil revenues for the next five years.

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