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Пособие по английскому (1).doc
1.37 Mб

1. Complete the following sentences:

1. I should like ... .2. Let me .... 3. Be a good girl and .... 4. Why don't you ...? 5. Will you give me ... . 6.1 am afraid .... 7. I dont think he .... 8. What about ...? 9.1 think, it's high time to ... . 10. Well, I see you are ready ... . 11. Would you like ...? 12. What do you say to ...? 13. Will you pass me ..., please? 14. Let's start

with ... . 15. As forme ... . 16. Let us___17. Pass me ..., please. 18. Could you give

me ...? 19. Do you like ...? 20. Do you think ...? 21.1 prefer .... 22. Hurry up! It's time to ... .23. Don't you think ...?24. To my mind ... .25. It seems___

2. Here are some proverbs connected with food and eating. Match the proverbs and their meanings:

1. Forbidden fruit tastes sweetest.

a) You can't have or enjoy two things at

the same time.

2. One man's meat is another

man's poison.

b) We should be thankful for what we

receive, even though we hoped to

receive more.

3. Half a loaf is better than none.

c) Fine words or promises are not


4. An apple a day keeps the doctor


d) The things which we cannot have are

the things we want the most.

5. You can't have your cake and

eat it.

e) Small sacrifices of some kind must be

made in order to attain one's purpose.

6. Too many cooks spoil the


f) A job is usually done badly when too

many people do it.

7. You can't make an omelette

Without breaking eggs.

g) Something that is good for one person

may be harmful for another.

8. Fine words butter no parsnips.

h) Eating apples is healthy.

3. Complete the dialogue. Make use of the vocabulary of the lesson. Work in pairs.

At a Hotel Restaurant

Waiter: Good morning, sir. Here's your table.

Mr Smith: ...

Waiter: What would you like to have, an American or English breakfast?

Mr Smith: ...

Waiter: We have eggs and bacon, bacon and sausage, boiled egg or scrambled eggs. Orange juice and grapefruit juice.

Mr Smith: ...

Waiter: Yes, sir, one orange juice, bacon and eggs and coffee or tea, sir?

Mr Smith: ...

Waiter: We have strawberry jam or marmalade with toast this morning, sir. Would you like any of that?

Mr Smith: ...

Waiter: Thank you, sir.

4. Act as an interpreter. Then learn the dialogue by heart:

В ресторане

- Вы не проголодались?

- А я очень хочу пить.

- Спасибо. С удовольствием. Мне

очень нравится апельсиновый сок. - Все

соки полезны для здоровья:томатный,

яблочный, абрикосовый и, конечно,


- Что мы возьмём?

- Что же, выбирайте.

- Я думаю, я возьму зелёный горошек,

фрукты и чашку чая без сахара.

- Да-

- Немного мяса или рыбы, яйца,

немного сыра или молока и

много овощей: зелёный салат,

капуста, помидоры, огурцы,

свекла и много фруктов. Никаких

пирожных, мороженого, шоколада и очень

мало соли. Я

живу не для того, чтобы есть, а

ем для того, чтобы жить.

- Да, вкусы бывают разные.

- Oh, yes I am.

- Would you like a glass of orange juice?

- And I prefer apple juice.

- I like pineapple best of all.

- The three course dinner, I suppose.

- Let's start with salad, then chicken soup, fish

and chips.

- Are you slimming?

- What does your diet allow you?

- Tastes differ!