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Introducing opinions, attitudes

Well, I'd just like to say that ...

My attitude from the beginning of ... has been that ...

First of all I want to say that ...

My feelings about ...? Well, ...

Delaying answers

Well, let me see ...

That's a very interesting question ...

I'm not sure, I'll just have to find out.

Avoiding answers

I am not really sure.

I can't tell you off-hand, I am afraid.

I can't answer that one, but I'll tell you where you can find out.

I'd rather not answer that, if you don't mind.

■ Ex. 1. a) You need some factual information. Use opening expressions to lead up to questions about FMA

Type of the bank

Services provided

Organization structure

Credit card schemes


Rate of interest on deposits/loans

Shareholders equity capital etc.

b) You need further details. Use some techniques for getting extra information you want.

c) You need personal information. Use techniques to ask difficult questions of fact, embarrassing personal questions about

Financing Forum East

Loans to small businesses

Rivalry between Alex Vandervoort and Roscoe Heyward

Missing six thousand dollars

Granting loans to American Industry

Banking and changing social winds etc.


Note down about five pieces of factual information and five pieces of personal information you would like from Alex Vandervoort, Roscoe Heyward, Juanita Nunez, Miles Eastin. Take turns at asking the questions. Remember to be polite when asking for personal information. When replying use some techniques to introduce your opinion and attitude as well as to delay or avoid the answers.

■ Ex. 2. Pair work.

  1. Take the part of Tom Jones. You are a reporter. You work for the Daily Times Register. Your task is to write another article about FMA, itschange of policy and the alleged power struggle between Alex Vandervoort and Roscoe Heyward. Think up a list of questions you will ask. When you meet your interviewee introduce yourself, explain the reason for your visit and ask the question.

  2. Take the part of Dick French. You run the Public Relations Department at FMA. You are very much concerned about the adverse publicity generated in the press. Your task is to reassure the public by scotching the rumours about your bank's viability. You want to be very cautious trying not to commit yourself too much.


Topic: Factors of production: land market and capital market. Entrepreneurship

Grammar: Reported Speech

Communication Skills: Out and About


Vocabulary list

interest — процент

income — доход

rental income — рентный доход

to earn income — получать доход

to distribute income — распределять доход

economy — народное хозяйство, национальная экономика

factor markets —рынки факторов производства

natural resources— природные ресурсы

renewable natural resources — возобновляемые природные ресурсы

non-renewable natural resources — не возобновляемые природные ресурсы

means of production — средства производства

human capital — человеческий капитал

differential — различие, разница; разница в оплате труда

wage differential — различия в заработной плате

to raise capital — привлекать средства

fixed capital — основной капитал

working capital — оборотный капитал

finished goods — завершенное производство, готовая продукция

semi-finished goods — незавершенное производство, полуфабрикаты

raw material (s) — сырье

liquid assets — ликвидные активы

investment(s) — капиталовложения, инвестиции

to invest in smth — вкладывать капитал, инвестировать во что-либо

to earn value — создавать стоимость

syn. to create value

entrepreneur — предприниматель

entrepreneurship — предпринимательство

innovator — носитель предпринимательской функции, новатор

innovation — инновация, новшество, нововведение, новаторство

innovative — вводящий новое, технически прогрессивный

to satisfy the desires — удовлетворять пожелания

to meet the needs — удовлетворять потребности

costly — дорогостоящий

to make decisions — принимать решения

to take a risk — рисковать

personality — личность

person — лицо

to make efficient use of smth — эффективно использовать что-либо


1. to be classified into — подразделяться на, относиться к определенной категории

syn. to be grouped into

2. to refer to smth — относиться к чему-либо; ссылаться на что-либо

3. it is common practice — зд. общепринято

4. to have smth in common — иметь что-либо общее

5. to distinguish smth from — выделять что-либо из

6. to be willing to do smth — иметь желание что-либо делать

7. to view smth as — рассматривать что-либо в качестве чего-либо

8. to be limited to smth — быть ограниченным чем-либо

9. to be dependent on smth — зависеть от чего-либо

10. to seek to do smth — стремиться (хотеть) сделать что-либо

■ Ex. 1. Read the text and say which of the following terms were not mentioned.

Rent, landowner, to distribute income, market value, labor market, factor market, inputs of production, inflow of capital, dividends, physical capital, to pay dearly, supply and demand, allocation of resources, the value of the marginal product, neoclassical theory, the factor of production, diminishing marginal product, consumer choice, production process, production cycle, to make a profit, the use of outputs, marketplace.

■ Ex. 2. Read the text and find the terms to match the following definitions.

  1. the price a person pays for the use of a factor of production for a limited period of time.

  2. the inputs into the production of goods and services that are provided by nature, such as land, rivers and mineral deposits

  3. spending on capital equipment, inventories and structures in order to produce goods or services and make a profit

  4. a group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service

  5. the accumulation of investment in people, such as education and on-the-job training

  6. the inputs used to produce goods and services

  7. the equipment and structures used to produce goods and services

  8. money paid as income on investment

  9. the price paid for the use of land

  10. a person who directs a company and takes commercial risk