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Рабочая тетрадь для юристов.doc
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Task 2. Find in the text the English equivalents for these words and expressions.

  • наличные деньги;

  • допрос;

  • вооружен и, следовательно, опасен;

  • подозреваемый;

  • кража со взломом;

  • полиция разыскивает;

  • фоторобот;

  • маска-чулок;

  • ворваться;

  • человек, соответствующий этому описанию;

  • место преступления.

TASK 3. Find in the text the description of the criminal and compose an opposite one: e.g. "She described him as black, very tall.,."

TASK 4. Fill this story about a bank robbery with the appropriate phrasal verbs in the correct tense. The meaning of each verb is given in brackets. Choose the appropriate phrasal verb from the box below.

The bank robbery

Yesterday, robbers (a) _______ (forced an entry into) the National Midland Bank in the High Street soon after closing time. They (b) _________ (threatened with guns) the staff, and forced the manager to (c) ________ (give them) £50,000 in cash. The robbers ran out of the bank and (d) _________ (escaped) in a stolen car, and were last seen (e) __________ (going in the direction of) the London Road. Police have warned the public that these men are very dangerous, and are unlikely to (f) _________ (surrender) without a fight. Said Chief Inspector Ralph Smith: "We're sure that we'll catch them soon. They won't (g) __________ (avoid punishment for) it".

make off;

get away with;

break into;

hand over;

give up;

hold up;

make for.

Task 5. Look at the following expressions used by criminals. Match each expression with its synonym given below.

1. Fred's been sent down for 10 years for armed robbery.

2. Now John's out of prison, he's determined to go straight.

3. Haven't you heard about Mary? She's been done for pinching a gold bracelet from a shop.

4. He came clean as soon as the police caught him.

5. Uncle Fred has done his time and now he's a free.

a) admit committing the crime

b) sent to prison

c) prosecuted

d) finish a prison sentence

e) stealing

f) stop breaking the law

Task 6. Retell the story about the bank robbery as if you were:

– one of the criminals

– a detective investigating the case

– the clerk of the bank

– one of the bank guards

Task 7. Read the text. Try to translate the text.

At the age of forty-two, Kurt Hermann, a German businessman, was given a very high position in a large company in Zurich, Switzerland. He took the job as head of the marketing department even though he had not had direct experience in this type of work before. He was very ambitious and really wanted this well-paid job. The company gave him the job even though they knew it was a "problem" position.

After about six month it was clear that Mr. Hofmann was under a lot of stress.

Task 8. Work with a partner and number these stress factors 1-10, starting with 1 as the most serious.

___ - his job was beyond him, he just couldn't do it;

___ - his colleagues, five men in particular, disliked him and told everyone how bad he was at his job;

___ - his superior didn't help him at all;

___ - his wife left him;

___ - his girlfriend refused to move to Zurich;

___ - he had to move away from the town where he had always lived;

___ - he was living in a foreign country;

___ - he worked at least twelve hours a day trying to do the job;

___ - there was no one at work he could trust;

___ - he was living alone for the first time in his life.