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8. Replace the verbs in italics with a phrasal verb of a similar meaning. Use some of the verbs from ex. 6.

1) Don’t discard your credit card receipts; they could help the fraudsters. 2) Trying to penetrate computer systems is against the law. 3) The typical hacker is a young person who has not matured yet. 4) The best way to begin hacking into a system is to try to get hold of a password. 5) If someone telephones you and asks for your password, don’t provide it. 6) Hackers closed Hotmail for five hours. 7) So you won’t forget, record the ID number the support technician gives you.

9. Using the phrasal verbs from ex. 6 make up at least 5 sentences describing how hackers may get into a computer system.


1. Use the words below to complete the questions:

Punishment, prevent, protect, hack, attitude, getting into

1) What’s your __________ to hacking and hackers? 2) What __________ must hackers receive? 3) Why do people __________? 4) What or who can help __________ people from __________computer systems? 5) How can one __________ the computer?

2. In pairs answer the questions from ex. 1 and be ready to report the results to the group.

3. Role-play “Interview with the ex-hacker”.

Working in pairs (student A and student B) role-play the situation. Student A, imagine yourself to be an ex-hacker who now is grown up and has been putting his knowledge to very good use. Students B, imagine yourself to be an interviewer from a computer magazine who is asking the ex-hacker about his hacking experience. Asking and answering questions remember to mention:

• what the ex-hacker hacked into;

• if the ex-hacker was punished;

• why the ex-hacker started breaking into computer systems;

• what made the ex-hacker stop breaking into computer systems;

• the ex-hacker’s attitude to hacking now;

• what the ex-hacker does now;

• the ex-hacker’s advice to people who still commit hacking crimes.

Unit 8. People in computing


1. Work in pairs. Take the computing quiz.

1. Sir Timothy Burners-Lee is famously known for creating the World Wide Web. He is also a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology but which subject doesn’t he teach?

a) Engineering b) Telecommunications c) Artificial Intelligence

2. Which film production company did Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Com­puter Inc., also work at?

a) Pixar Animation Studios b) DreamWorks Animation c) Universal Studios

3. For which online social network is Baron Allan of Hallam is the Director of European Public Policy?

a) Facebook b) LinkedIn c) Twitter

4. Which hugely successful entrepreneur once said «We don’t have the option of turning away from the future. No one gets to vote on whether technology is going to change our lives»?

a) Mark Zuckerberg

b) Larry Page

c) Bill Gates

5. What was Maurice Vincent Wilkes famous for achieving?

a) First to create a computer which could generate sounds

b) First to create a computer that could display in colour

c) First to create a computer with a stored program

6. Alan Turing was a British mathematician and computer scientist, but what was his job during World War II?

a) Soldier in the trenches

b) Repaired parts at the military factory

c) Code-breaking

7. Sir John Fairclough was a computer engineer of IBM’s Raleigh develop­ment laboratory in the USA, but what career change did he take in 1986?

a) He became chief scientific advisor to the government Of Margaret Thatcher

b) He became a professor of computer engineering and taught at Cambridge

c) He became Prince Charles’s personal computer technician

8. How did John Simmons become an office pioneer?

a) He was the first person to introduce using computer to operate factory ma­chinery

b) He was responsible for the first computer in the world to run a program for business rather than science

c) He developed the idea of using computer to replace people

9. Grace Hopper was a pioneer of developing computer language, but which term is he often credited for creating?

a) Computer glitch

b) Computer error

c) Computer bug

10. What did John Atanasoff realize, whilst investigation for ways to make si­multaneous equations more efficient?

a) A calculator was in fact a computer

b) The difference between analogues and digital

c) That computers should be used in everyday lives in all households and not just for science or business?

2. Check your answers (Answers: 1b, 2a, 3a, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7a, 8b, 9 c, 10c) and find out who is a computer genius and who needs an upgrade.