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Student Life Today

must/have to, had to, will have to

must/ have to ... is used to denote obligation, advice or recommendation

must can be used in the present tense only; for past and future have to is required

e.g. You must give a presentation this week. You must look before you cross the road. He had to go to the doctor yesterday.

Exercise 11.

Explain what the modal verbs denote in thefollowing sentences:

1.Coventry University can trace its roots back as far as 1843.

2.In Lviv students can gain qualifications in almost any field of human activity.

3.Ukrainian students have to achieve high marks at entrance examinations in order to be admitted to the University.

4.Students and staff can enjoy the benefits of regular exercise.

5.If they show sufficient ability, graduates may be admitted to postgraduate study.

6.I had to work hard to get my bachelor’s degree in engineering.

7.My neighbours had an all night party and I couldn’t sleep.

8.I can’t believe that you were that hopeless.

9.The doctor says you must drink lots of water.

10.You can say that again!

Exercise 12.

Rearrange thefollowing jumbled words and phrases toform sentences:

1.in Ukraine/is/Lviv State Polytechnic University/of higher technological educa­ tion/one of the largest and oldest institutions

2.in engineering/І/ had to work/to get/hard/my bachelor’s degree

3.a master’s course/in six years/is completed/at Lviv Polytechnic University

4.in a foreign language/advanced students/may/their diploma projects/defend

5.from the whole of Ukraine/students/the diversity/at Lviv Polytechnic University/ attracts/of learning opportunities

6.being close to/you can/the benefits of/means/the central location of the cam­ pus/the main bus and railway stations/enjoy/shops/ banks

7.the forerunner/the Lviv Technical Academy/of Lviv State University/was

8.from all subject areas/the University/a friendly/offer/to users/helpful/Libraries/and modem service

9.in Europe/the first institution of its kind/the Technical Academy of Vienna/in 1815/ founded/was




Student Life Today


ers of foreign languages. The university itself is one of the oldest univer­


sities in Ukraine. It was founded in 1664. Ivan Franko studied and later

Young man:

delivered lectures there, and that’s why the university was named after him.

I wouldn’t like to be an English teacher, but I’d like to be able to speak


foreign languages fluently and to be able to communicate easily 'in them.

Well, in that case you could apply to Lviv Polytechnic University. It is a


university which specialises in the major branches of technology, in­


cluding electrical power engineering. At the same time you would have

Young man:

a splendid opportunity to study foreign languages there.

Actually, I like the idea of going to Lviv Polytechnic University. I’ve


heard a lot about this university from my friends.

It would be a good choice. Lviv State Polytechnic University is one of


the largest and oldest institutions of higher technological education in


Ukraine. It was founded back in 1844. The University enjoys an excel­

Young man:

lent reputation abroad as well as in Ukraine.

Do you happen to know where I can get information on how to apply to


this university?


Yes, you can enquire at the Admissions Office. It’s in the main building

Young man:

of the University at 12, S. Bandera Street.

How can I get there from the main railway station?


It’s actually very close. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to get there. You


need to take tram no. 1 and get off at the third stop.The Main Building

Young man:

of the University is directly opposite the tram stop.

Thank you very much for your advice.


Don’t mention it. Good luck!

Young man:

Good bye!



Good bye!








apply (to a university)

- подавати документи для вступу в університет

at the same time

в той же час



- вибір

Do you happen to know...?

- Чи ви випадково не знаете..?

Don’t mention it

- Немає за що



- легко



- питати

get off


- виходити

Good luck!


- Нехай вам щастить!

I’d like


- Я б хотів

I’m keen on learning

- Я дуже хочу вивчати

I’ve been away

- Мене не було

in particular

- зокрема


Unit З


A lecturer from England is observing a class in English at Lviv Polytechnic University. During the break, the Ukrainian students ask her about her home town and the university where she works.

Student A: Could you tell us something about the city you come from?

Lecturer: Yes, of course. I live and work in Coventry, which is in the geographical centre of England, known as the Midlands.

Student B: Is it far from London?

Lecturer: Oh, no. London is only about 90 miles away. Birmingham, the second larg­ est city in Britain, is just 20 miles away, and Stratford-on-Avon, with its Shakespeare Theatre, is also nearby.

Student C: Is Coventry a large city?

Lecturer. It has a population of around 300,000. It’s a historic city, like Lviv. The written records date back to the 11th century, but it is generally thought that there was some kind of settlement there many years before that.

Student B: What is your city famous for?

Lecturer: Well, when Coventry is mentioned, most people think of the legend of Lady Godiva.

Student A: That sounds interesting. Can you tell us about it?

Lecturer: According to the legend, Lady Godiva rode naked on horseback through the streets of the city as a protest against the plans of her husband, Earl Leofric, to increase taxes. To spare her blushes, the good citizens of Cov­ entry turned away as she passed - all except “Peeping Tom”, whose pun­ ishment for spying on the good lady was to be struck blind.

Student A: What an interesting tale!

Student B: Where is the University situated?

Lecturer: It’s right opposite the famous Coventry Cathedral, which was bombed in the Second World War. Only the ruins remain, but a new cathedral has been built next to it. The University campus, adjacent to the Cathedral, is in the city centre, close to the main shopping area. There are cinemas and a sports centre with a swimming pool here too. By the way, I’ve brought some information brochures about the city and the University, so you can find out more, if you’re interested.

Student C: Thank you very much. We’d like to have a look at them.


Student Life Today


by the way

- між іншим



- оголена





- покарання

spy (on)


- стежити

to be struck blind


бути осліпленим

to ride


їхати верхи

to spare somebody’s blushes - аби не знітити




Would you be so kind as to give me some information about your ori­


entation course. I’m actually enquiring on behalf of a friend of mine


who would like to take it.



Well, this course takes place each year in the second half of Septem­


ber. It is designed to help people to adjust to living and studying in a


new cultural environment.

Yes, you see my friend is afraid his English won’t be good enough to


study here.

I see, but our course is in fact intended to help international students to


use their English in an academic environment. This is the first compo­


nent of our programme. The second one is the social aspect of the


course - helping people to find their way around the area and to meet


other new students.

And what’s the fee for the course?


The fee will be notified after your friend accepts the offer of a place at


the University. Then he would have to send a course application form


to the International Office.

And what about the medical service here? Is any medical examination


needed before you can start your course?

Oh, no. You don’t need any medical. If you wish to register with a


doctor at the University medical service, you are welcome to do so.


But if your course lasts for less than six months, you are not eligible


for free medical treatment, so you’ll need medical insurance.

Thank you very much.


If you want to find out more about the facilities for international stu­


dents at our university, please take a copy of the “International Stu­


dent’s Guide”.

Thank you very much for your advice. Good bye.


Unit З






- мати право

fees (pi.)


- платня

find out


- довідатися


- медичний огляд

medical insurance -

медичне страхування






- лікування


Marina: Ah, so there you are! Why are you here all by yourself? Michael: Well, sometimes it gets a bit noisy in the halls.

Marina: I know exactly what you mean. So you’ve come here to get some peace and quiet?

Michael: Yes, and simply to enjoy the evening and watch the stars. You know that I’m basically a quiet person.

Marina: But you give everyone the impression of being a self-confident chap. Michael: Do I? That was the problem I had at school and university. You see, I’m not

especially gifted. I had to work hard to get my bachelor’s degree in engi­ neering. I was hopeless at school and I used to study until the early hours of the morning to finish my homework. I always got good results and the other kids thought I was a genius.

Marina: I can’t believe that you were that hopeless, Michael.

Michael: But it’s true. I wanted to be the best so as to impress the other kids, but it just made me more unpopular.

Marina: But that’s in the past. Things have changed. You’re different now.



all by yourself

- сам


- хлопець (розм.)


- обдарований


- дитина (розм.)

quiet (n)

- тиша

quiet (adj.)



- самовпевнений

so here you are - ось де ти є

that hopeless

- настільки безнадійний


Student Life Today

Dialogues. SO HAVE I

Nick is studying at the Ivan Franko State University and Maria and Chri$t.in,e. are students at Lviv Polytechnic University. The girls are in Ivan Franko Park, just across the roadfrom the University.


Is anyone sitting here?


No, make yourself comfortable. I’m going in a minute, anyway. I’m just


waiting for a friend.


Well, in that case I’ll sit here and eat my sandwiches. It’s such a fantastic


day. It’s a pity to sit inside, in the lecture theatre.

Christine: Are you studying at the Ivan Franko University?


No, actually I’m studying at Lviv Polytechnic University.

Christine: Are you? So am I. What are you studying?


Management. What about you?

Christine: I’m studying electric power engineering.


I bet that’s a difficult subject. Do you enjoy it?

Christine: Yes, I do. It’s hard work, but I meet lots of interesting people. In fact, I


met my boy friend there.


So did I,... and so did most of the girls inmy faculty. Is your boy friend a



Christine: Yes, but he’s studying at the Ivan Franko University. I met him when he was visiting a friend.

Maria: So did 1.1 mean... I met my boy friend when he came to see someone at the University. Isn’t that funny? Actually, I haven’t known my boy friend long.

Christine: Neither have I. Just a few days.

Maria: Well, what a coincidence! Is he from the Faculty of Foreign Languages? Christine: No, he’s from the Faculty of International Relations.

Maria: Really! So is mine! Christine: Oh, what’s his name?

Maria: Nick.

Christine: You’re kidding! What does he look like? Maria: See for yourself. Here he comes.

Nick: Hi there, Maria! Maria: Hello, Nick.

Nick: Christine! What are you doing here?

Christine: I’m glad to see you, Nick. I’ve got a few questions to ask you. Maria: And so have I.


Unit З


What a coincidence!

- Який збіг обставин!


- О, Боже!

I bet

- присягаюся

It’s a pity

- як шкода

to mean

- мати на увазі

You’re kidding!

-Т и жартуєш


Three students meet in the coffee bar after a lecture.

Peter. Thank goodness that’s over. If Professor Smith’s lectures get any more boring it’ll do my head in!

David: You can say that again! I’m going to get a coffee from the machine. Do you want one?

Peter. Yes-thanks! David: Money...?

Peter: (pretending to look in his pockets). I don’t seem to have any. Stand me one and


I’ll pay you back later.


David: I seem to have heard that somewhere before...

Don’t forget there’s interest to


come on all this!



(He goes to fetch the coffee. Enter Ted)

Peter: What’s happened to you? You look like death warmed up.


Thanks. I must say I feel a bit like something the cat’s brought in. My neigh­


bours had an all-night party - right next door -

and I couldn’t sleep. The worst


part was that I wasn’t even invited!


At least you missed the lecture - that was a real bore.


I need a coffee. Have you got any change?


Peter: Sorry, I don’t have enough for myself.



(They see David approaching with the coffees)


Ah, here’s Dave with two coffees. Just what the doctor ordered! (takes one)

Peter: (indignantly) Don ’t mind me!!!



Come on Pete, you can’t expect to attend the lecture and get a cup of coffee,


can you?


What’s come over you all of a sudden? - 1 thought you were on the way out!


I feel much better! It must be your coffee - it’s really good - 1 can recommend


it! Ah, that’s Jill over there, I’d better go and see her about tonight. See you!


Thanks for the coffee!



(ironically) It’s our pleasure.



- He звертай на мене уваги! - Що на тебе найшло?
- раптом

Student Life Today


It’ll do my head in

- Це зведе мене з розуму

You can say that again!


Я погоджуюся

Stand me...


Заплати за мене...

You look like death warmed up

- Ти жахливо виглядаєш

I feel a bit like something the cat’s - Я кепсько себе почуваю brought in

Don’t mind me! What’s come over you? all of a sudden

Exercise 2,

Discuss the following, giving your arguments for or against:

1.You believe that a little learning is a dangerous thing. Your friend disagrees, saying that even half educated is better than uneducated. He also adds that nowadays, with all the scientific progress that has been made, you can’t expect a person to know much more than a little about everything.

2.You believe that students should rent a place of their own. Living at home with your parents makes you soft and leaves you unprepared for the difficulties of life in the real world. Your friend argues that students living at home have more time for their studies.

3.Your friend is against examinations. He argues that they only make students nervous. You believe that while the exam system may not be perfect, it’s the best, surest and quickest way to test a person’s knowledge.

You can use thefollowing phrases to express:

strong agreement

There’s no denying it

I totally agree Exactly! That’s true

I quite agree

weak or reluctant

strong disagreement weak or hesitant



I tend to agree I suppose so Yes, in a way

I agree to some ex­ tent

Maybe that’s true, but...

To a certain extent that’s true, but...

Nonsense! Far from it

It’s out of the ques­ tion

Of course not On the contrary,


It’s nothing of the kind

I hardly think so It’s most unlikely

I don’t really think so I’m not certain about that

Well, I wonder if that’s really true...


Unit 3

Exercise З.

Give a five-minute talk on one of the following topics:

a)the history of your university;

b)your favourite subject;

c)academic facilities at Lviv Polytechnic University;

d)extra-curricular activities (sport, social and cultural events).

Your talk should consist of 3 sections:

1.Introduction: attracting listeners’ attention, welcoming the audience, introducing yourself.

2.Giving information and opinions: listing advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, positive and negative points, acknowledging different points of view, as­ serting an opinion supported by evidence/ examples.

3.Conclusion: summing up, offering to answer questions, thanking people for lis­ tening.

Exercise 4.

Prepare a short presentation about:

1.Lviv State Polytechnic University.

2.Coventry University.

3.Students’ life today.


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